Cultural and Historical Heritage of National Minorities as a Part of Tourism Potential of the Region (original) (raw)

Tourist valorization of cultural heritage in Bac

Универзитет у Новом Саду -Природно-математички факултет Извод: У Бачу се на географски малом простору од свега неколико квадратних километара налазе три споменика културе (Тврђава, Фрањевачки самостан и Турски хамам), који су вредно сведочанство времена у коjeм су настали, и који се адекватним поступком валоризoвања могу искористити као ресурси у развоју културног туризма на овом простору, и тиме појачати позиције Војводине у туристичкој понуди Србије. Из тог разлога је неопходно указивање на могућности валоризације наведених локалитета у зависности од њихове атрактивности, уметничких и других вредности. Стављање Бача на листу УНЕСКО-а у значајној мери ће допринети квалитетнијој промоцији његовог културног и природног наслеђа на регионалном, европском и светском нивоу.

Naumov, N. (2015) Tourism and Cultural Heritage – Development perspectives and potential issues in the island of St Anastacia [in Bulgarian]

Cultural heritage has widely been regarded as one of the key tourism products of both developing and developed countries. The spectacular growth of heritage tourism in the last few decades and the growing popularity of intangible heritage reveal the crucial importance of heritage and cultural assets in terms of economic, socio-cultural and political dimensions. This paper analyses the importance of cultural heritage as a tourism resource in the context of St Anastasia – a small island close to the city of Burgas (Bulgaria) successfully developed as a tourism attraction. Based on participant observation and content analysis of published advertising materials, this paper critically analyses the perspectives of heritage development and further examines some potential issues that may negatively affect its level of conservation and authenticity. The research findings reveal a number of controversial strategies for heritage development and management. Although the is-land has a huge potential for development, an emphasis has been put on the economic value of heritage, thus neglecting its cultural importance. Moreover, the initial opening of the island and the proposed strategy for tourism development do not adhere to the principles of sustainable tourism and fail to represent a long-term perspective about how heritage resources should be conserved, preserved and managed.

The influence of cultural and historical heritage on the attractiveness of a tourist destination

Bastina, 2020

The subject of this paper is the influence of cultural heritage on the attractiveness of a tourist destination. Countries, as bearers of the brand, have become aware that it is no longer enough to invest only in the development of individual tourist destinations, such as those related to maritime tourism, metropolises, ski resorts or spas. T o modern tourists, the whole country must be presented as a tourist destination, and cultural-historical tourism is imposed as the best option. This was influenced by the fact that with the development of society, there have been major changes in the habits, desires, but also the needs of tourists, who today want different types of vacation. The aim of this paper is to present the marketing potentials of the cultural and historical heritage of Serbia.

Sami ethnocultural artifacts in regional tourism and cultural activities (on the basis of the Murmansk region)

Transactions of the Kоla Science Centre. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities

The role and functions of material objects of the culture of the Kola Saami are revealed in the paper. Namely elements of national costume and the full set of Sami folk costume, ethnic souvenirs, ethnographic exhibits, traditional handicrafts, etc. that are relevant to sign/symbol are investigated. These objects, in addition, are regularly used in regional tourism and cultural activities. The main functions of the Sami ethnocultural artifacts are analyzed. Depending on the specifics of use, some groups of ethnocultural artifacts and their functions in the Sami holidays are identified.

Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourist Resource

Market Infrastructure, 2021

Despite a complex and often tragic history, the Ukrainian people have inherited from previous generations a powerful array of cultural heritage sites, much of which has survived to the present day. Represented by a tangible and intangible component, cultural heritage in society fulfills the ambitious tasks of forming civic consciousness, a sense of national dignity, patriotism and pride in the glorious historical past. In addition, it is able to successfully implement such tasks as the formation of the tourist image of the territories, by attracting the attention of tourists to increase the demand for recreation in the region and thus solve a number of socio-economic problems of the latter. Unlike tangible cultural heritage, the objects of which are mostly known to the general public, elements of intangible cultural heritage are often unknown not only to foreign tourists but also to citizens of the state. In this regard, given the uniqueness of many elements of the intangible cultur...

Development of New Solutions in the Field of Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage in The North+ Region

The accelerated development of interdisciplinary and digital technologies has prompted the need for continuous new research in all areas, including the preservation and presentation of cultural and historical heritage. This report examines and presents the activities of the project "Digital cultural treasure North +" with participation of Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, for improving access and dissemination of cultural heritage. Some of the technological solutions developed in connection with the digital conversion of materials created in the digital center, the platform and the North+ network have been studied.

The Problem of Usage of Elements of Natural Reserve and Museum Heritage in Tourism (On the Example of Ivano-Frankivsk Region)


In terms of pandemics, tourism gained a huge loss. However, the background for a qualitatively new restoration of the branch has appeared. One of the actual scientific and practical problems is an estimation of the condition of usage of elements of natural and historical-cultural heritage in tourism in terms of probable growth of domestic tourism during quarantine. In the article was analyzed the potential of natural heritage and museums as elements of the historical-cultural heritage of the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the context of their usage in tourism and dynamics of tourism visits of these objects which testify about the existence of the number of barriers of growth. As of 26.01.2020 region`s natural reserve fund counts of 482 territories and objects of the total area of 218,9 thousand hectares which is 15.7% of the total region`s area. It can be stated that the Ivano-Frankivsk region is a popular tourist destination due to the tourist visits of the territories of the national p...

Природный и историкокультурный потенциал региона как основа формирования туристского образа территории

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма, 2008

The authors look into the notion of "tourism image" and compare it with other types of notions proving the basic role of estimating the natural and historic and cultural potential of territories for creating this image. On the examples of Vologda and Kaluga regions the researchers distinguish various approaches to estimating the potential, and point out to the ways of implementing the results achieved.

Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Resource for Development of Sustainable Cultural Tourism

Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization

Thе article examines the Intangible Cultural Heritage as a valuable tourism resource not only for the national authorities but to local communities as well. It examines and analyzes the latest trends and developments in the field to sustainable cultural tourism and the normative documents of the leading international organizations in the field. Synergies between intangible cultural heritage and sustainable cultural tourism are traced and brought to the fore.