A potential for generalized Kähler geometry (original) (raw)

Linearizing generalized Kähler geometry

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007

The geometry of the target space of an N = (2, 2) supersymmetry sigma-model carries a generalized Kähler structure. There always exists a real function, the generalized Kähler potential K, that encodes all the relevant local differential geometry data: the metric, the B-field, etc. Generically this data is given by nonlinear functions of the second derivatives of K. We show that, at least locally, the nonlinearity on any generalized Kähler manifold can be explained as arising from a quotient of a space without this nonlinearity.

Generalized Kähler Geometry

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2014

Generalized Kähler geometry is the natural analogue of Kähler geometry, in the context of generalized complex geometry. Just as we may require a complex structure to be compatible with a Riemannian metric in a way which gives rise to a symplectic form, we may require a generalized complex structure to be compatible with a metric so that it defines a second generalized complex structure. We explore the fundamental aspects of this geometry, including its equivalence with the bi-Hermitian geometry on the target of a 2-dimensional sigma model with (2, 2) supersymmetry, as well as the relation to holomorphic Dirac geometry and the resulting derived deformation theory. We also explore the analogy between pre-quantum line bundles and gerbes in the context of generalized Kähler geometry.

Pseudo-Hyperkähler Geometry and Generalized Kähler Geometry

Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2011

We discuss the conditions for extra supersymmetry in N = (2, 2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models described by one left and one right semi-chiral superfield and carrying a pair of non-commuting complex structures. Focus is on linear non-manifest transformations of these fields that have an algebra that closes off-shell. We solve the conditions for invariance of the action and show that a class of these solutions correspond to a bihermitian metric of signature (2, 2) and a pseudo-hyperkähler geometry of the target space. This is in contrast to the usual sector of bi-hermitian geometry with commuting complex structures where extra supersymmetries lead to bi-hypercomplex target space geometry.

Generalized Kähler geometry in (2, 1) superspace

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012

Two-dimensional (2, 2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models can be described in (2, 2), (2, 1) or (1, 1) superspaces. Each description emphasizes different aspects of generalized Kähler geometry. We investigate the reduction from (2, 2) to (2, 1) superspace. This has some interesting nontrivial features arising from the elimination of nondynamical fields. We compare quantization in the different superspace formulations.

Special Kähler manifolds and generalized geometry

Differential Geometry and its Applications, 2013

Given a special Kähler manifold (M, ω, J , ∇) we construct a subbundle of the generalized tangent bundle of M endowed with a natural special Kähler structure. Precisely we consider E = T (M) ⊕ T * (M) and the subbundle L ω = graph(ω); we prove that L ω is invariant with respect to the calibrated complex structure J g = O −g −1 g O of E defined by the Riemannian metric g = −ω J on M and we define a special connection ∇ on E by using a natural contravariant connection on T * (M) defined by ω. We prove that (L ω , (,) |Lω , J g |Lω , ∇ |Lω) is special Kähler, where (,) is the canonical symplectic structure on E. Moreover, by using the identification of T (M) ⊕ T * (M) with T (T * (M)) defined by the symplectic connection ∇, we describe the corresponding special Kähler subbundle of T (T * (M)). Also we prove that the construction is invariant with respect to the class of connections {∇ θ } introduced in Alekseevsky et al. [1].

Generalized Kähler Manifolds and Off-shell Supersymmetry

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2006

We solve the long standing problem of finding an off-shell supersymmetric formulation for a general N = (2, 2) nonlinear two dimensional sigma model. Geometrically the problem is equivalent to proving the existence of special coordinates; these correspond to particular superfields that allow for a superspace description. We construct and explain the geometric significance of the generalized Kähler potential for any generalized Kähler manifold; this potential is the superspace Lagrangian.

Generalized Kähler Geometry from Supersymmetric Sigma Models

Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2006

We give a physical derivation of generalized Kähler geometry. Starting from a supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model, we rederive and explain the results of Gualtieri [10] regarding the equivalence between generalized Kähler geometry and the bi-hermitean geometry of Gates-Hull-Roček . When cast in the language of supersymmetric sigma models, this relation maps precisely to that between the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formalisms. We also discuss topological twist in this context.

Generalized Kahler geometry and manifest N=(2,2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models

Journal of High Energy Physics

Generalized complex geometry is a new mathematical framework that is useful for describing the target space of N = (2, 2) nonlinear sigma-models. The most direct relation is obtained at the N = (1, 1) level when the sigma model is formulated with an additional auxiliary spinorial field. We revive a formulation in terms of N = (2, 2) semi-(anti)chiral multiplets where such auxiliary fields are naturally present. The underlying generalized complex structures are shown to commute (unlike the corresponding ordinary complex structures) and describe a Generalized Kähler geometry. The metric, B-field and generalized complex structures are all determined in terms of a potential K.

On Quantum Special Kähler Geometry

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2010

We compute the effective black hole potential V BH of the most general N = 2,d = 4 (local ) special Kähler geometry with quantum perturbative corrections, consistent with axion-shift Peccei-Quinn symmetry and with cubic leading order behavior.

Generalized Kähler geometry and gerbes

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009

We introduce and study the notion of a biholomorphic gerbe with connection. The biholomorphic gerbe provides a natural geometrical framework for generalized Kähler geometry in a manner analogous to the way a holomorphic line bundle is related to Kähler geometry. The relation between the gerbe and the generalized Kähler potential is discussed.