Ekologi Perairan Pola Longitudinal Sungai Serayu (original) (raw)

Analisis Karakteristik Pola Sedimentasi dan Perubahan Morfologi Muara Sungai Serayu


Muara Sungai Serayu is located in the Cilacap district, precisely in the Adipala and Kesugihan districts. When the flow of water enters the estuary there will be a change or transition in the speed of the water flow. Slowing water flow causes sedimentation in the river mouth so that sedimentation occurs at the mouth of the river mouth. The mouth of the Serayu river estuary has undergone a morphological change due to the presence of a sand spit that covers the mouth of the river estuary so that it experiences a diversion to the area. From the results of the SED2D modeling there was a change in the base elevation in the mouth of the river mouth with the existing conditions of 11.79% - 30.20%. In the groundsill planning conditions an increase of 0.35%, resulting in a decrease in elevation of 11.56% - 30.55%. Changes in the base elevation in the jetty planning conditions decreased by 0.47% from the existing conditions, so there was a change in evelation for 1 year amounting to 0.06% - 2...

Hydrodynamic Modeling in Estuary of Banyuasin, South Sumatra (Pemodelan Pola Arus di Perairan Pesisir Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan)

A two-dimensional model to investigate the pattern of current in estuary of Banyuasin has been developed. The properties of tide, wind, and current were measured to understand the dynamics of estuarine environment. Based on the information, the model of current simulation were performed. The simulation of model shows that offshore flow during flood tide and inland flow during ebb tide. Maximum current speed was recorded during mean-sea-level towards high tide of 0.8716 m/s, while the minimum was 0.0661 m/s observed during ebb tide. The difference current speed between model and recorded is 0.04 m/s.

Kajian Tiga Rumus Angkutan Sedimen Melayang Sungai Serayu Dibandingkan Dengan Hasil Laboratorium

JMTS: Jurnal Mitra Teknik Sipil

Sungai Serayu adalah salah satu sungai terpanjang di pulau jawa dengan panjang sungai utama mencapai 180 km. Sungai Serayu mempunyai debit aliran yang cukup besar sehingga dapat membawa berbagai ragam partikel hasil dari erosi. Penelitian akan berfokus pada angkutan sedimen melayang (suspended load). Penelitian akan dilakukan di lLaboratorium dan akan dibandingkan dengan pendekatan rumus Einstein’s ; Lane dan Kalinske’s ; Chang, Simon dan Richardson’s. Penelitian Laboratorium dikakukan pada sirkular flum menggunakan sampel berupa lumpur yang diambil pada muara Sungai. Hasil percobaan Laboratorium menghasilkan kisaran debit angkutan sedimen melayang sebesar 0.0004 – 0.0014 kg/s/m dari debit air 0.0022 – 0.0031 m3/s. Dari ke-3 pendekatan rumus, yang paling mendekati dengan hasil Laboratorium adalah pendekatan Chang, Simon, and Richardson’s.

Bioprospektif Perairan Berdasarkan Produktivitas : Studi Kasus Estuari Sungai Serayu Cilacap, Indonesia

Biosfera, 2017

The high changes of Serayu River land use is resulting the high of load particle sedimentation into the body of water. Turbidity will accumulate in the downstream or estuaries which would have an impact on biota, especially plankton as primary productivity and secondary productivity. This research is conducted with a survey method and purposive sampling technique. Estuary Serayu River is divided into 5 stations, starts from the nearest to the sea (1) with 26 ‰ salinity and the furthest stations from the sea (5) with 8 ‰ salinity. Samples of water and plankton are taken at the time of high tide and low tide every month, for 4 months (August, September, October, and November 2016). The obtained data is analyzed by PCA to study the environmental factors towards primary productivity and secondary productivity. Based on the research result environmental factors has relation waters estuary productivity of Serayu river on the highest and lowest tide those are lightness, level TSS and pH.

Perifiton Danau Maninjau

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2014 pada 5 lokasi stasiun yang mewakili kondisi lingkungan perairan Danau Maninjau, yaitu Muko-muko, Bayur, Sigiran, DM4 dan DM7. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi perifiton yang terdapat di perairan Danau Maninjau. Perifiton diambil dengan mengerik permukaan batu atau kayu yang terendam dengan luas permukaan 12 cm 2 diulang 3 (tiga) kali dikomposit. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh 71 jenis perifiton yang terdiri dari divisi Bacilariophyta 54 % (38 jenis), kelas Chlorophyta 24 % (17 jenis), Cyanophyta 18 % (13 Jenis), Dynophyta 1 % (1 jenis) dan Xanthophyta 3 % (2 jenis).Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman 3,116 (sedang), sedangkan rata-rata indeks keseragaman 0,865 (tinggi) dan rata-rata indeks dominansinya 0,061 (kecil). ABSTRACT INFLUENCE OF WATER QUALITY ON THE PERIPHYITON COMPOTITIONS IN MANINJAU LAKE. This research was conducted in October 2014 at 5 sampling sites, representing the environmental conditions of Lake Maninjau waters, which were : Muko-Muko, Bayur, Sigiran, DM4 and DM7. The research objective was to determine the composition of periphyton existed in the waters of Lake Maninjau. Perifiton was taken by scraping the surface of submerged stone or wood composited of 3 x 12 cm 2 sampling area. There were 71 species of perifiton identified, consisted of Bacilariophyta 54% (38 species), Chlorophyta 24% (17 species), Cyanophyta 18% (13species), Dynophyta 1% (1 species) and Xanthophyta 3% (2 species). The calculations shows that the average diversity index value was 3.116 (medium), while the average index of uniformity was 0.865 (high) and the average index of dominance was 0.061 (small).