Trust: Models and Architecture in Cloud Computing (original) (raw)

Investigation in Cloud Computing Services on Trust Models


In Cloud services, trust establishment has become an integral and a critical trademark feature. Therefore, Cloud users should be endowed with a systematic approach that helps users of these services to find an unequivocal trust model that best suite organization trust policy at all levels. Hence, this study reports the analysis of existing trust models in cloud services in a Cloudsim environment Simulation results obtained with several experimental scenarios depict their respective performances and the most secured trust model in cloud services. Consequently, cloud computing organizations and end-users can without difficulty select tools that best suited and adopt it to meeting their respective organizations incidents response vis-à-vis services.

Secured Trust Model in Cloud Computing-A Review

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2018

Nowadays number of people who outsource their data to the cloud has been increased dramatically. Cloud computing offers cost-effective dynamic, scalable and shared services for enterprises from remote data centre. However, the problem of trusting cloud computing is a highest concern for most enterprises in such a way that trust is extensively in esteem as one of the highest barrier for the acceptance and expansion of cloud computing. So there is a need of trust model which help cloud consumers to find the provider that best satisfies their trust concerns in cloud computing by measuring the trustworthiness of cloud service providers.

A Survey on Trust Models in Cloud Computing

Indian journal of science and technology, 2016

Objectives: Objective of this work is to explore the available solutions for cloud trust and thereby to facilitate a rigid solution to address the issue in future. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Cloud Computing caters dynamic resources and on-demand services without the overhead of license, purchase and other traditional IT administration activities. Cloud is not only a buzz word in the industry but, also a most happening technological trend. While the services provided by the Cloud Computing is surplus, concern over the promising aspects are of no doubt. The barricades to cloud implementation in the reality are abundance. Findings: Amongst the barricade to cloud implementation, security and trust are considered to be the foremost issues. Trust is always a worry for the new technologies and also for distributed computing paradigm. Prospective users to Cloud Computing shall be tapped in only if the issue is precisely addressed. Minimizing the investment cost is one of the key features promised by the cloud vendors. Any security compromise towards minimizing the cost is highly intolerable. A trust solution for the Cloud Computing should balance the users worry towards trust as well as the service provision aspect. There are several promising solution to cloud trust problem exists. Application/Improvements: This work weighs some of the solutions to cloud trust and thereby highlights the potential gap between the actual requirement and the real solutions.

Trust Model for Cloud Based on Cloud Characteristics

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2013

The wider adoption of cloud computing due to its inherent advantages also brings concerns of trust and security. Trust is a fundmental subject in human life. Although, several trust models exists in different areas including cloud, none of the trust models to-date are comprehensive enough to accommodate the characteristics of the cloud environment. This paper defines a trust model based on the essential cloud characteristics as the dimensions of the trust model together with several features relevant to the dimension to build the context. The proposed trust model is supported with an opinion model that considers uncertainty for building context specific trust and credibility complimented with early filtering to reduce the impact of malicous feedback providers. The proposed model is evaluated for its robustness against malicious feedback providers.

A Trust Model Based on Quality of Service in Cloud Computing Environment

In recent years, the popularity of cloud computing technology is widely grown and most organizations want to use this technology in their business processes. But on the other hand, the use of this technology is not easy and many organizations are concerned about storing their sensitive data in their data centers instead of storing them in the cloud storage centers. In the cloud computing environment, trust, as a solution to enhance the security, has attracted the attention of researchers. Trust is one of the most important ways to improve the reliability of cloud computing resources provided in the cloud environment and has an important role in the business environments. Trusting the user to select the appropriate source helps in heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we present the trust model based on standards of appropriate service quality and speed of implementation for cloud resources. Simulation results show that the proposed model compared with similar models, in addition to taking into account measures of the quality of service, selects the most reliable source in a cloud environment by taking into account the speed of things.

Trust Management Model for Cloud Computing Environment

ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing, 2013

Software as a service or (SaaS) is a new software development and deployment paradigm over the cloud and offers Information Technology services dynamically as "on-demand" basis over the internet. Trust is one of the fundamental security concepts on storing and delivering such services. In general, trust factors are integrated into such existent security frameworks in order to add a security level to entities collaborations through the trust relationship. However, deploying trust factor in the secured cloud environment are more complex engineering task due to the existence of heterogeneous types of service providers and consumers. In this paper, a formal trust management model has been introduced to manage the trust and its properties for SaaS in cloud computing environment. The model is capable to represent the direct trust, recommended trust, reputation etc. formally. For the analysis of the trust properties in the cloud environment, the proposed approach estimates the trust value and uncertainty of each peer by computing decay function, number of positive interactions, reputation factor and satisfaction level for the collected information.

A trust model of cloud computing based on Quality of Service

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A Survey on Trust in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing has become the burning research topic in the present as it seems to fulfill the current business needs by making the resources of hardware, software, platform and infrastructure available to the consumers as per their requirement and demands whenever and wherever they want. This leads to a lot of implementation challenges that come across, of which the most eminent are trust and security. This paper tries to find out the trust elements which could promote the use of cloud computing among users at large. An attempt is being made to find out the existing trust models and their drawbacks so as to lead to new trust models in the near future to bring more confidence in the use of cloud computing. KEYWORDSTrust, Trust Issues, Trust Models, User Behavior Based Trust Models.

Analyzing and Surveying Trust In Cloud Computing Environment

Cloud computing is the most discussed research area now-a-days which helps to provide elasticity and flexibility in using the computing resources and services to fulfill the requirement of current businesses. Besides many advantages offered by cloud computing, it deals with many obstacles in the path of its growth, that are security issues, data privacy issues and distrust on cloud service providers (CSP). Trust is found to be an essential element for achieving security and confidence in the use of distributed computing. Various issues like data control, ownership, data integrity and security can be considered as important parameters of trust. This paper addresses the existing trust models for trust establishment in cloud services and also tries to find out the shortcomings of these models.

A Survey on Web Services and Trust in Cloud Computing Environment

Cloud Computing is a new emerging computational model. Cloud features like rapid elasticity, pay per use, location independence, on demand infrastructure providing capability and everywhere network access are attracting both Cloud consumers and providers. But there are several concerns relating to security, privacy and trust that hinders the adoption of cloud in spite of several bene ficial features. This paper is a brief survey of Cloud Computing paradigm, its issues related to trust and security. We also discuss how Cloud Computing services are commonly exposed as Web services and how those services can be used for trust management.