A Trust Model Based on Quality of Service in Cloud Computing Environment (original) (raw)
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In recent years, cloud computing technology has been increasingly embraced by people and most organizations tend to use this technology in their business processes. On the other hand, the use of this technology is not so easy and many organizations are concerned about the storage of their sensitive data in their data centers instead of storing them in the cloud storage centers. Today, one of the most important factors for the success of cloud computing is to create trust and security. Cloud computing will face a lot of challenges when the key element trust is absent. Trust is one of the most important ways to improve the reliability of cloud computing resources provided in the cloud environment and plays an important role in business carried out in the cloud business environments. User trust contributes to selection of appropriate sources in heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we present the trust model based on standards of appropriate service quality and speed of implementation for choose the best source. The proposed approach, in addition to taking into account criteria of quality of service such as cost, response time, bandwidth, and processor speed.Simulation results show that the proposed approach compared with similar approaches, in addition to taking into account measures of the quality of service, selects the most reliable source in a cloud environment by taking into account the speed of things.
A trust model of cloud computing based on Quality of Service
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Trust Model for Cloud Based on Cloud Characteristics
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2013
The wider adoption of cloud computing due to its inherent advantages also brings concerns of trust and security. Trust is a fundmental subject in human life. Although, several trust models exists in different areas including cloud, none of the trust models to-date are comprehensive enough to accommodate the characteristics of the cloud environment. This paper defines a trust model based on the essential cloud characteristics as the dimensions of the trust model together with several features relevant to the dimension to build the context. The proposed trust model is supported with an opinion model that considers uncertainty for building context specific trust and credibility complimented with early filtering to reduce the impact of malicous feedback providers. The proposed model is evaluated for its robustness against malicious feedback providers.
Trust Evaluation Models For Cloud Computing
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
There is a big race for processing technology and storage and resource sharing capacity on interconnected servers around the world. This race defines what we call ―Cloud Computing‖. In recent years, cloud computing has developed rapidly in the context of the rise of the global Internet, and more and more services and products based on cloud computing have become more and more. As an emerging information service model, cloud computing has brought about tremendous and profound changes for computing services in the Internet era. However, due to the dynamic and complex nature of the cloud environment, users are faced with various data security and personal privacy risks when using cloud services. These problems have become an important factor hindering the development of cloud computing. In this context, Trust plays a crucial role in cloud environment to offer reliable services to the cloud customers. It is the main reason for the popularity of services among the cloud consumers. To ach...
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Enhanced QoS-Based Model for Trust Assessment in Cloud Computing Environment
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Trust: Models and Architecture in Cloud Computing
Abstract - In today era, Cloud Computing has become an emerging technology. Various service providers are available in market with different configurations. It becomes very difficult for users to choose between various cloud service providers. Trust plays a vital role in field of cloud computing services such that it enables users to choose particular cloud service provider from available service on basis of how this technology behaves in past. This paper discusses various parameters and trust model framework. Different trust models for single web service and various parameters used by them for calculating trust are reviewed. Keywords: cloud computing, trust model architecture, security. https://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis/
Preferences Based Customized Trust Model for Assessment of Cloud Services
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2018
In cloud environment, many functionally similar cloud services are available. But, the services differ in Quality of Service (QoS) levels, offered by them. There is a diversity in user requirements about the expected qualities of cloud services. Trust is a measure to understand whether a cloud service can adequately meet the user requirements. Consequently, trust assessment plays a significant role in selecting the suitable cloud service. This paper proposes preferences based customized trust model (PBCTM) for trust assessment of cloud services. PBCTM takes into account user requirements about the expected quality of services in the form of preferences. Accordingly, it performs customized trust assessment based on the evidences of various attributes of cloud service. PBCTM enables elastic trust computation, which is responsive to dynamically changing user preferences with time. The model facilitates dynamic trust based periodic selection of cloud services according to varying user preferences. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed preferences based customized trust model outperforms the other model in respect of accuracy and degree of satisfaction. 1. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing has entered mainstream and received wider acceptance. It is increasingly adopted by individuals , small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) and government organizations to run their critical applications. The reason for this acceptance is the characteristics of cloud like scalability, on demand service, anytime-anywhere access, economic benefits of pay-per-use, delegation of maintenance and administration, performance and disaster recovery. Cloud services have proliferated to include software as a service, database as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service, security as a service and storage as a service [1]. Cloud environment still remains challenging to rely on because of factors like loss of control over applications and data, increased threats of security [2], performance issues related to virtualization [3], enterprise grade availability requirements [4, 5, 6] and adequately meeting Quality of Service (QoS) expectations of users [7]. Cloud computing has compelling advantages yet challenges too. For an enterprise to adopt cloud, it is important that enterprise has a certain belief that advantages of cloud can be realized. Trust is a measure of this belief [8]. Conventionally, people rely on reputation [4, 8], service level agreement (SLA) [6, 9], self-assessment [8, 9] and cloud auditing [8, 9] for trust assessment in cloud environment. However, trust assessment in cloud environment poses further important issues, which are revealed as part of the following discussion. Reputation based traditional trust assessment technique relies on the opinions of cloud users. The opinions taken in the form of ratings or feedbacks may be subjective in nature [8]. Therefore, reputation cannot be an exact reflection of realistic capabilities of the cloud service. A service level agreement (SLA) established between a cloud service consumer and a provider consists of functional and QoS facets of the offered service [10]. Levels of SLA are not consistent among the cloud service providers offering analogous services. Moreover, for a service provider,
A Survey on Trust Models in Cloud Computing
Indian journal of science and technology, 2016
Objectives: Objective of this work is to explore the available solutions for cloud trust and thereby to facilitate a rigid solution to address the issue in future. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Cloud Computing caters dynamic resources and on-demand services without the overhead of license, purchase and other traditional IT administration activities. Cloud is not only a buzz word in the industry but, also a most happening technological trend. While the services provided by the Cloud Computing is surplus, concern over the promising aspects are of no doubt. The barricades to cloud implementation in the reality are abundance. Findings: Amongst the barricade to cloud implementation, security and trust are considered to be the foremost issues. Trust is always a worry for the new technologies and also for distributed computing paradigm. Prospective users to Cloud Computing shall be tapped in only if the issue is precisely addressed. Minimizing the investment cost is one of the key features promised by the cloud vendors. Any security compromise towards minimizing the cost is highly intolerable. A trust solution for the Cloud Computing should balance the users worry towards trust as well as the service provision aspect. There are several promising solution to cloud trust problem exists. Application/Improvements: This work weighs some of the solutions to cloud trust and thereby highlights the potential gap between the actual requirement and the real solutions.