The large extent of dark matter haloes probed by the formation of tidal dwarf galaxies (original) (raw)

The Structure of Dark Matter Halos in Dwarf Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 1995

Recent observations indicate that dark matter haloes have at central density pro les. Cosmological simulations with non-baryonic dark matter predict however self-similar haloes with central density cusps. This contradiction has lead to the conclusion that dark matter must be baryonic. Here it is shown that the dark matter haloes of dwarf spiral galaxies represent a one-parameter family with self-similar density pro les. The observed global halo parameters are coupled with each other through simple scaling relations which can be explained by the standard cold dark matter model if one assumes that all the haloes formed from density uctuations with the same primordial amplitude. We nd that the nite central halo densities correlate with the other global parameters. This result rules out scenarios where the at halo cores formed subsequently through violent dynamical processes in the baryonic component.

Simulations of Isolated Dwarf Galaxies Formed in Dark Matter Halos with Different Mass Assembly Histories

The Astrophysical Journal, 2014

We present zoom-in N-body/hydrodynamics resimulations of dwarf galaxies formed in isolated cold dark matter (CDM) halos with the same virial mass (M v ≈ 2.5 × 10 10 M ⊙) at redshift z = 0. Our goals are to (1) study the mass assembly histories (MAHs) of the halo, stellar, and gaseous components; and (2) explore the effects of the halo MAHs on the stellar/baryonic assembly of simulated dwarfs. Overall, the dwarfs are roughly consistent with observations. More specific results include: (1) the stellar-to-halo mass ratio remains roughly constant since z ∼ 1, i.e., the stellar MAHs closely follow halo MAHs. (2) The evolution of the galaxy gas fractions, f g , are episodic, showing that the supernova-driven outflows play an important role in regulating f g and hence, the star formation rate, SFR; however, in most cases, a large fraction of the gas is ejected from the halo. (3) The star formation histories are episodic with changes in the SFRs, measured every 100 Myr, of factors 2-10 on average. (4) Although the dwarfs formed in late assembled halos show more extended SF histories, their z = 0 specific SFRs are still below observations. (5) The inclusion of baryons most of time reduces the virial mass by 10%-20% with respect to pure N-body simulations. Our results suggest that rather than increasing the strength of the supernova-driven outflows, processes that reduce the star formation efficiency could help to solve the potential issues faced by CDM-based simulations of dwarfs, such as low values of the specific SFR and high stellar masses.

The structure and dynamical evolution of dark matter haloes

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1997

We use N -body simulations to investigate the structure and dynamical evolution of dark matter halos in clusters of galaxies. Our sample consists of nine massive halos from an Einstein-De Sitter universe with scale free power spectrum and spectral index n = −1. Halos are resolved by 20000 particles each, on average, and have a dynamical resolution of 20-25 kpc, as shown by extensive tests. Large scale tidal fields are included up to a scale L = 150 Mpc using background particles. We find that the halo formation process can be characterized by the alternation of two dynamical configurations: a merging phase and a relaxation phase, defined by their signature on the evolution of the total mass and root mean square (rms) velocity. Halos spend on average one third of their evolution in the merging phase and two thirds in the relaxation phase. Using this definition, we study the density profiles and show how they change during the halo dynamical history. In particular, we find that the average density profiles of our halos are fitted by the Navarro, Frenk & White (1995) analytical model with an rms residual of 17% between the virial radius R v and 0.01R v . The Hernquist (1990) analytical density profiles fits the same halos with an rms residual of 26%. The trend with mass of the scale radius of these fits is marginally consistent with that found by : compared to their results our halos are more centrally concentrated, and the relation between scale radius and halo mass is slightly steeper. We find a moderately large scatter in this relation, due both to dynamical evolution within halos and to fluctuations in the halo population. We analyze the dynamical equilibrium of our halos using the Jeans' equation, and find that on average they are approximately in equilibrium within their virial radius. Finally, we find that the projected mass profiles of our simulated halos are in very good agreement with the profiles of three rich galaxy clusters derived from strong and weak gravitational lensing observations.

A top-down scenario for the formation of massive Tidal Dwarf Galaxies

Among those objects formed out of collisional debris during galaxy mergers, the prominent gaseous accumulations observed near the tip of some long tidal tails are the most likely to survive long enough to form genuine recycled galaxies. Using simple numerical models, Bournaud et al. (2003) claimed that tidal objects as massive as 10 9 M could only form, in these simulations, within extended dark matter (DM) haloes. We present here a new set of simulations of galaxy collisions to further investigate the structure of tidal tails. First of all, we checked that massive objects are still produced in full N-body codes that include feedback and a large number of particles. Using a simpler N-body code with rigid haloes, we noticed that dissipation and self-gravity in the tails, although important, are not the key factors. Exploiting toy models, we found that, for truncated DM haloes, material is stretched along the tail, while, within extended haloes, the tidal field can efficiently carry away from the disk a large fraction of the gas, while maintaining its surface density to a high value. This creates a density enhancement near the tip of the tail. Only later-on, self-gravity takes over; the gas clouds collapse and start forming stars. Thus, such objects were fundamentally formed following a kinematical process, according to a top-down scenario, contrary to the less massive Super Star Clusters that are also present around mergers. This conclusion leads us to introduce a restrictive definition for Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (TDGs) and their progenitors, considering only the most massive ones, initially mostly made of gas, that were able to pile up in the tidal tails. More simulations will be necessary to precisely determine the fate of these proto–TDGs and estimate their number.

Baryonic Collapse within Dark Matter Halos and the Formation of Gaseous Galactic Disks

The Astrophysical Journal, 2006

This paper constructs an analytic framework for calculating the assembly of galactic disks from the collapse of gas within dark matter halos, with the goal of determining the resulting surface density profiles. In this formulation of the problem, gas parcels (baryons) fall through the potentials of dark matter halos on nearly ballistic, zero energy orbits and collect in a rotating disk. The dark matter halos have a nearly universal form, as determined previously through numerical simulations. The simplest scenario starts with a gaseous sphere in slow uniform rotation, follows its subsequent collapse, and determines the surface density of the disk. This calculation is carried out for pre-collapse mass distributions of the form M(r) ∼ r p with 1 ≤ p ≤ 3 and for polytropic spheres in hydrostatic equilibrium with the halo potential. The resulting disk surface density profiles have nearly power-law forms σ ∼ ̟ −q (where ̟ is the radial coordinate in the disk), with well-defined edges determined by the centrifugal barrier R C -the radius to which gas with the highest specific angular momentum falls during the collapse. This idealized scenario is generalized to include non-spherical starting states, alternate rotation profiles, and multiple accretion events (e.g., due to gas being added to the halo via merger events). This latter complication is explored in some detail and considers a log-normal distribution for the angular momenta of the pre-collapse states of the individual components. In the limit where this distribution is wide, the composite surface density approaches a universal form σ T ∼ ̟ −2 , independent of the shape of the constituent profiles. When the angular momentum distribution has an intermediate width, however, the composite surface density attains a nearly exponential form, roughly consistent with profiles of observed galaxies.

Dark matter haloes within clusters

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1998

We examine the properties of dark matter halos within a rich galaxy cluster using a high resolution simulation that captures the cosmological context of a cold dark matter universe. The mass and force resolution permit the resolution of 150 halos with circular velocities larger than 80 km s −1 within the cluster's virial radius of 2 Mpc. This enables an unprecedented study of the statistical properties of a large sample of dark matter halos evolving in a dense environment. The cumulative fraction of mass attached to these halos varies from 0% at 200 kpc, to 13% at the virial radius. Even at this resolution the overmerging problem persists; halos that pass within 200 kpc of the cluster center are tidally disrupted. Additional substructure is lost at earlier epochs within the massive progenitor halos. The median ratio of apocentric to pericentric radii is 6:1; the orbital distribution is close to isotropic, circular orbits are rare, radial orbits are common. The orbits of halos are unbiased with respect to both position within the cluster and with the orbits of the smooth dark matter background and no velocity bias is detected. The tidal radii of surviving halos are generally well-fit using the simple analytic prediction applied to their orbital pericenters. Halos within clusters have higher concentrations than those in the field. Within the cluster, halo density profiles can be modified by tidal forces and individual encounters with other halos that cause significant mass loss -"galaxy harassment". Mergers between halos do not occur inside the clusters virial radius.

Dark Matter Substructure within Galactic Halos

The Astrophysical Journal, 1999

We use numerical simulations to examine the substructure within galactic and cluster mass halos that form within a hierarchical universe. Clusters are easily reproduced with a steep mass spectrum of thousands of substructure clumps that closely matches observations. However, the survival of dark matter substructure also occurs on galactic scales, leading to the remarkable result that galaxy halos appear as scaled versions of galaxy clusters. The model predicts that the virialised extent of the Milky Way's halo should contain about 500 satellites with circular velocities larger than Draco and Ursa-Minor i.e. bound masses ∼ > 10 8 M ⊙ and tidally limited sizes ∼ > kpc. The substructure clumps are on orbits that take a large fraction of them through the stellar disk leading to significant resonant and impulsive heating. Their abundance and singular density profiles has important implications for the existence of old thin disks, cold stellar streams, gravitational lensing and indirect/direct detection experiments.

Simulations of Galaxies Formed in Warm Dark Matter Halos of Masses at the Filtering Scale

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

We present zoom-in N-body + Hydrodynamic simulations of dwarf central galaxies formed in Warm Dark Matter (WDM) halos with masses at present-day of 2 − 4 × 10 10 M ⊙. Two different cases are considered, the first one when halo masses are close to the corresponding half-mode filtering scale, M f (m WDM =1.2 keV) and the second when they are 20 to 30 times the corresponding M f (m WDM = 3.0 keV). The WDM simulations are compared with the respective Cold Dark Matter (CDM) simulations. The dwarfs formed in halos of masses (20 − 30)M f have roughly similar properties and evolution than their CDM counterparts; on the contrary, those formed in halos of masses around M f , are systematically different from their CDM counterparts. As compared to the CDM dwarfs, they assemble the dark and stellar masses later, having mass-weighted stellar ages 1.4-4.8 Gyr younger; their circular velocity profiles are shallower, with maximal velocities 20-60% lower; their stellar distributions are much less centrally concentrated and with larger effective radii, by factors 1.3-3. The WDM dwarfs at the filtering scale (m WDM =1.2 keV) have disk-like structures, and end in most cases with higher gas fractions and lower stellar-to-total mass ratios than their CDM counterparts. The late halo assembly, low halo concentrations, and the absence of satellites of the former with respect to the latter, are at the basis of the differences.

The role of galaxy formation in the structure and dynamics of dark matter halos


The structure and dynamics of dark matter halos, as predicted by the hierarchical clustering scenario, are at odds with the properties inferred from the observations at galactic scales. My Thesis addresses this problem by taking an evolutionary approach. I analysed in detail the many and different observational evidences of a discrepancy the predicted halo equilibrium state and the one inferred from the measurable properties of disk galaxies, as well as of the scaling relations existing between the angular momentum, geometry and mass distribution of the luminous and dark components, and realized that they all seem to point towards the same conclusion: the baryons hosted inside the halo, by collapsing and assembling to form the galaxy, perturb the halo equilibrium structure and made it evolve into new configurations. From the theoretical point of view, the behaviour of dark matter halos as collisionless systems of particles makes their equilibrium structure and mass distribution extremely sensitive to perturbations of their inner dynamics. The galaxy formation occurring inside the halos is a tremendous event, and the dynamical coupling between the baryons and the dark matter during the protogalaxy collapse represents a perturbation of the halo dynamical structure large enough to trigger a halo evolution, according to the relative mass and angular momentum of the two components. My conclusion is that the structure and dynamics of dark matter halos, as well as the origin of the connection between the halo and galaxy properties, are to be understood in in terms of a joint evolution of the baryonic and dark components, originating at the epoch of the collapse and formation of the galaxy.

The early evolution of tidal dwarf galaxies

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007

Context. Dwarf galaxies can arise from self-gravitating structures emerging from tidal tails. What fraction of the known dwarf galaxies in the Local Universe can have this origin is still a matter of debate. Aims. In our effort to understand the origin and evolution of tidal dwarf galaxies and their correspondence with local objects, the first step is to understand how these galaxies (which are supposed to have a limited amount of dark matter) react to the feedback of the ongoing star formation. Methods. We make use of 2-D chemodynamical calculations in order to study the early evolution of isolated, dark matter-free dwarf galaxies. We present models in which feedback parameters are varied. We also compare the results with dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxy models. Results. All the considered models show that the star formation proceeds for more than 300 Myr, therefore dwarf galaxies without large dark matter halos are not necessarily quickly destroyed. The chemical evolution of these objects is consistent with the main chemical properties of the dSphs of the Local Group. Models with large dark matter halos show results consistent with models free of dark matter, indicating that the distribution of gas is more important than the depth of the potential well in determining the global behaviour of dSph-sized dwarf galaxies.