The early evolution of tidal dwarf galaxies (original) (raw)
Related papers
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015
In a series of papers, we present detailed chemodynamical simulations of tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs). After the first paper, where we focused on the very early evolution, we present in this work simulations on the long-term evolution of TDGs, ranging from their formation to an age of 3 Gyr. Dark-matter-free TDGs may constitute a significant component of the dwarf galaxy population. However it remains to be demonstrated that TDGs can survive their formation phase given stellar feedback processes, the time variable tidal field of the post-encounter host galaxy, and its dark matter halo and ram pressure wind from the gaseous halo of the host. For robust results the maximally damaging feedback by a fully populated invariant stellar initial mass function in each star cluster is assumed, such that fractions of massive stars contribute during phases of low star formation rates (SFRs). The model galaxies are studied in terms of their star formation history, chemical enrichment, and rotational curves. All models evolve into a self-regulated long-term equilibrium star formation phase lasting for the full simulation time, whereby the TDGs become significantly more compact and sustain significantly higher SFRs through compressive tides than the isolated model. None of the models is disrupted despite the unphysical extreme feedback, and none of the rotation curves achieves the high values observed in real TDGs, despite non-virial gas accretion phases.
Chemo-dynamical evolution of tidal dwarf galaxies. I. Method and IMF dependence
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014
We present high-resolution simulations of tidal dwarf galaxies (TDG) to investigate their early chemo-dynamical evolution and test their survivability. In this work the simulation setup is introduced and the response of TDGs to self-consistent star formation (SF) and an external tidal field is examined. Throughout the simulation star cluster particles with variable masses down to 5 M ⊙ form, depending on the local gas reservoir. For low cluster masses M cl , the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is considered to be either filled or truncated at a maximal star mass m max to represent the observed m max − M cl relation (IGIMF theory). The evolution of TDGs with fullypopulated and truncated IMFs are compared to study the impact of stellar energy feedback on their survivability. Both TDGs experience an initial starburst but after a dynamical time they evolve into dwarf galaxies with self-regulated and continuous SF. At this stage the truncated-IMF model contains about 6 times more stellar mass than the invariant IMF models, but the final bound gas mass is comparable in both models. In spite of their significantly different SF histories, both TDG models are not disrupted within the first 500 Myr. We conclude that TDGs can survive an early starburst, independent of the underlying IMF description, even though they do not harbor a stabilizing dark matter halo.
The Metamorphosis of Tidally Stirred Dwarf Galaxies
The Astrophysical Journal, 2001
We present results from high-resolution N-Body/SPH simulations of rotationally supported dwarf irregular galaxies moving on bound orbits in the massive dark matter halo of the Milky Way. The dwarf models span a range in disk surface density and the masses and sizes of their dark halos are consistent with the predictions of cold dark matter cosmogonies. We show that the strong tidal field of the Milky Way determines severe mass loss in their halos and disks and induces bar and bending instabilities that transform low surface brightness dwarfs (LSBs) into dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) and high surface brightness dwarfs (HSBs) into dwarf ellipticals (dEs) in less than 10 Gyr. The final central velocity dispersions of the remnants are in the range 8 − 30 km/s and their final v/σ falls to values < 0.5, matching well the kinematics of early-type dwarfs. The transformation requires the orbital time of the dwarf to be < ∼ 3 − 4 Gyr, which implies a halo as massive and extended as predicted by hierarchical models of galaxy formation to explain the origin of even the farthest dSph satellites of the Milky Way, Leo I and Leo II. We show that only dwarfs with central dark matter densities as high as those of Draco and Ursa Minor can survive for 10 Gyr in the proximity of the Milky Way: this is naturally achieved within hierarchical models, where the densest objects should have small orbital times due to their early formation epochs. Part of the gas is stripped and part is funneled to the center due to the bar, generating one strong burst of star formation in HSBs and smaller, multiple bursts in LSBs. Therefore, the large variety of star formation histories observed in LG dSphs naturally arises because different types of dIrr progenitors respond differently to the external perturbation of the Milky Way. Our evolutionary model automatically explains the morphology-density relation observed in the LG and in other nearby loose groups. Extended low-surface brightness stellar and gaseous streams originate from LSBs and follow the orbit of the dwarfs for several Gyr. Due to their high velocities, unbound stars projected along the line of sight can lead to overestimate the mass-to-light ratio of the bound remnant by a factor < ∼ 2, but this does not eliminate the need of extremely high dark matter contents in some of the dSphs.
Chemodynamic Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies in Tidal Fields
The Astrophysical Journal, 2016
The mass-metallicity relation shows that the galaxies with the lowest mass have the lowest metallicities. As most dwarf galaxies are in group environments, interaction effects such as tides could contribute to this trend. We perform a series of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of dwarf galaxies in external tidal fields to examine the effects of tides on their metallicities and metallicity gradients. In our simulated galaxies, gravitational instabilities drive gas inwards and produce centralized star formation and a significant metallicity gradient. Strong tides can contribute to these instabilities, but their primary effect is to strip the outer low-metallicity gas, producing a truncated gas disk with a large metallicity. This suggests that the role of tides on the mass-metallicity relation is to move dwarf galaxies to higher metallicities.
The large extent of dark matter haloes probed by the formation of tidal dwarf galaxies
In several interacting systems, gas accumulations as massive as 10 9 M are observed near the tip of tidal tails, and are thought to be possible progenitors of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies. Using N-body simulations of galaxy interactions, we show that the existence of such features requires that dark matter haloes around spiral galaxies extend at least ten times further than the stellar disks. The massive gas clouds formed in our simulations have a kinematical origin and gravitationally collapse into dwarf galaxies that often survive for a few billion years.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
In the standard CDM (Lambda cold dark matter) paradigm, dwarf galaxies are expected to be dark matter-rich, as baryonic feedback is thought to quickly drive gas out of their shallow potential wells and quench star formation at early epochs. Recent observations of local dwarfs with extremely low dark matter content appear to contradict this picture, potentially bringing the validity of the standard model into question. We use NewHorizon , a high-resolution cosmological simulation, to demonstrate that sustained stripping of dark matter, in tidal interactions between a massive galaxy and a dwarf satellite, naturally produces dwarfs that are dark matter-deficient, even though their initial dark matter fractions are normal. The process of dark matter stripping is responsible for the large scatter in the halo-to-stellar mass relation in the dwarf re gime. The de gree of stripping is driven by the closeness of the orbit of the dwarf around its massive companion and, in extreme cases, produces dwarfs with halo-to-stellar mass ratios as low as unity, consistent with the findings of recent observational studies. ∼30 per cent of dwarfs sho w some de viation from normal dark matter fractions due to dark matter stripping, with 10 per cent showing high levels of dark matter deficiency (M halo / M < 10). Given their close orbits, a significant fraction of dark matter-deficient dwarfs merge with their massive companions (e.g. ∼70 per cent merge o v er timescales of ∼3.5 Gyr), with the dark matter-deficient population being constantly replenished by new interactions between dwarfs and massive companions. The creation of these galaxies is therefore a natural by-product of galaxy evolution and their existence is not in tension with the standard paradigm.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2014
We present zoom-in N-body/hydrodynamics resimulations of dwarf galaxies formed in isolated cold dark matter (CDM) halos with the same virial mass (M v ≈ 2.5 × 10 10 M ⊙) at redshift z = 0. Our goals are to (1) study the mass assembly histories (MAHs) of the halo, stellar, and gaseous components; and (2) explore the effects of the halo MAHs on the stellar/baryonic assembly of simulated dwarfs. Overall, the dwarfs are roughly consistent with observations. More specific results include: (1) the stellar-to-halo mass ratio remains roughly constant since z ∼ 1, i.e., the stellar MAHs closely follow halo MAHs. (2) The evolution of the galaxy gas fractions, f g , are episodic, showing that the supernova-driven outflows play an important role in regulating f g and hence, the star formation rate, SFR; however, in most cases, a large fraction of the gas is ejected from the halo. (3) The star formation histories are episodic with changes in the SFRs, measured every 100 Myr, of factors 2-10 on average. (4) Although the dwarfs formed in late assembled halos show more extended SF histories, their z = 0 specific SFRs are still below observations. (5) The inclusion of baryons most of time reduces the virial mass by 10%-20% with respect to pure N-body simulations. Our results suggest that rather than increasing the strength of the supernova-driven outflows, processes that reduce the star formation efficiency could help to solve the potential issues faced by CDM-based simulations of dwarfs, such as low values of the specific SFR and high stellar masses.
The Delayed Formation of Dwarf Galaxies
The Astrophysical Journal, 1997
One of the largest uncertainties in understanding the effect of a background UV field on galaxy formation is the intensity and evolution of the radiation field with redshift. This work attempts to shed light on this issue by computing the quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium states of gas in spherically symmetric dark matter halos (roughly corresponding to dwarf galaxies) as a function of the amplitude of the background UV field. We integrate the full equations of radiative transfer, heating, cooling and non-equilibrium chemistry for nine species: H, H + , H − ,H 2 , H + 2 , He, He + , He ++ , and e − . As the amplitude of the UV background is decreased the gas in the core of the dwarf goes through three stages characterized by the predominance of ionized (H + ), neutral (H) and molecular (H 2 ) hydrogen. Characterizing the gas state of a dwarf galaxy with the radiation field allows us to estimate its behavior for a variety of models of the background UV flux. Our results indicate that a typical radiation field can easily delay the collapse of gas in halos corresponding to 1-σ CDM perturbations with circular velocities less than 30 km s −1 .
A top-down scenario for the formation of massive Tidal Dwarf Galaxies
Among those objects formed out of collisional debris during galaxy mergers, the prominent gaseous accumulations observed near the tip of some long tidal tails are the most likely to survive long enough to form genuine recycled galaxies. Using simple numerical models, Bournaud et al. (2003) claimed that tidal objects as massive as 10 9 M could only form, in these simulations, within extended dark matter (DM) haloes. We present here a new set of simulations of galaxy collisions to further investigate the structure of tidal tails. First of all, we checked that massive objects are still produced in full N-body codes that include feedback and a large number of particles. Using a simpler N-body code with rigid haloes, we noticed that dissipation and self-gravity in the tails, although important, are not the key factors. Exploiting toy models, we found that, for truncated DM haloes, material is stretched along the tail, while, within extended haloes, the tidal field can efficiently carry away from the disk a large fraction of the gas, while maintaining its surface density to a high value. This creates a density enhancement near the tip of the tail. Only later-on, self-gravity takes over; the gas clouds collapse and start forming stars. Thus, such objects were fundamentally formed following a kinematical process, according to a top-down scenario, contrary to the less massive Super Star Clusters that are also present around mergers. This conclusion leads us to introduce a restrictive definition for Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (TDGs) and their progenitors, considering only the most massive ones, initially mostly made of gas, that were able to pile up in the tidal tails. More simulations will be necessary to precisely determine the fate of these proto–TDGs and estimate their number.
Chemodynamical Modeling of Dwarf Galaxy Evolution
We present our recently developed 3-dimensional chemodynamical code for galaxy evolution. It follows the evolution of all components of a galaxy such as dark matter, stars, molecular clouds and diffuse interstellar matter (ISM). Dark matter and stars are treated as collisionless N -body systems. The ISM is numerically described by a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for the diffuse (hot) gas and a sticky particle scheme for the (cool) molecular clouds. Additionally, the galactic components are coupled by several phase transitions like star formation, stellar death or condensation and evaporation processes within the ISM. As an example here we present the dynamical, chemical and photometric evolution of a star forming dwarf galaxy with a total baryonic mass of 2 × 10 9 M⊙.