Dielectric properties of PIN–PT ceramics under compressive stress (original) (raw)

Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Pb(Zr 1/2 Ti 1/2 )O 3 -Pb(Ni 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3 Ceramics Under Perpendicular Compressive Stress

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Effects of uniaxial stress on dielectric properties of 0.9PMN�0.1PT ceramics

Journal of Electroceramics, 2008

This study deals with the influence of uniaxial stress on the dielectric properties of electrostrictive PMN-PT ceramic. The dielectric properties of lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate prepared by a mixed-oxide method with composition ratio 9:1 were measured under uniaxial compressive stress up to 22 MPa. The experimental results revealed that the superimposed compression load significantly reduced both the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss tangent in every measuring frequency. The observations were interpreted in terms of clamping of domain walls and de-poling under the compressive loading. The change of the dielectric properties with stress was attributed to competing influences of the intrinsic contribution of nonpolar matrix and the extrinsic contribution of re-polarization and growth of micro-polar regions. In addition, the results reported here also suggested a significant influence of the experimental conditions on the uniaxial stress dependence of dielectric properties of the PMN-PT ceramic.

Effects of uniaxial stress on dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics

Current Applied Physics, 2006

The effects of uniaxial stress on the dielectric properties of ceramics in PMN-PZT system are investigated. Ceramics with the formula (x)Pb(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3)O 3-(1 À x)Pb(Zr 0.52 Ti 0.48)O 3 when x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.0 are prepared by a conventional mixed-oxides method. The sintered ceramics are perovskite materials with their physical properties proportionally depending on the PMN and PZT contents. The dielectric properties under the uniaxial stress of the unpoled and poled PMN-PZT ceramics are observed at stress levels up to 5 MPa. For the unpoled ceramics, the dielectric properties do not change significantly with the applied stress and the changes are independent of the ceramic compositions. For the poled ceramics, on the other hand, the dielectric constant of the PZT-rich compositions increases slightly, while that of the PMN-rich compositions decreases with increasing applied stress. In addition, changes in the dielectric loss tangent with stress are found to be composition independent. This study clearly shows the influences of the domain reorientation , domain wall motion, degradation and depoling mechanisms on the variation of the dielectric properties of PMN-PZT ceramics under the uniaxial stress.

Study of the structure and dielectric relaxation behavior of Pb(Ni 1/3Nb 2/3)–PbTiO 3 ferroelectric ceramics

Solid State Communications, 2002

Relaxor-type ferroelectric ceramics, (1 2 x )Pb(Ni 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3x PbTiO 3 ðx ¼ 0:28 -0:42Þ were synthesized by the columbite precursor method. The phase structure and dielectric properties were investigated. X-ray diffraction results demonstrate that a region with both pseudocubic and tetragonal phase in existence lies in the composition range x ¼ 0:34 -0:38; which is the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB). Examination of the dielectric behavior indicates that the ceramics exhibit abnormal high dielectric constant near the MPB composition. In addition, the transformation of (1 2 x )PNNx PT from relaxor to normal ferroelectric behavior with the PT content increasing is successive. q

Electric-Field Induced Strain and Dielectric Properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3Ceramics

Ferroelectrics, 2015

The (1-x)Pb(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3)O 3-xPbTiO 3 (PMN-PT) (0.10 x 0.35) ceramics were prepared by the columbite method. As the PT content increases, the ferroelectric state of PMN-PT system transforms gradually from the relaxor ferroelectric state to the normal ferroelectric state. The maximum electric-field induced strain reaches 0.25% at 32 kV/cm for the sample of x D 0.30 due to its piezoelectric character. The P-E loop, domain structure and dielectric property of (1-x)PMN-xPT clarify the contribution of domain to the large strain.

Dielectric and ferroelectric properties of fine grains Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3–PbTiO3 ceramics

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008

The dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (1 − x)Pb(In 1/2 Nb 1/2 )O 3 -xPbTiO 3 (when x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5) ceramics prepared by an oxide-mixing method via a vibro-milling technique were investigated. Fine grains ceramics were achieved with average grain size of 1-2 m, indicating advantage of the vibro-milling technique used. While PIN ceramic exhibited relaxor behavior, the dielectric properties of PIN-PT ceramics showed a mixed relaxor and normal ferroelectric behavior, with more normal ferroelectric behavior observed with increasing PT content. In addition, the ferroelectric properties of the ceramics in PIN-PT system changed from the relaxor ferroelectric behavior in PIN ceramic to the normal ferroelectric behavior in PIN-PT ceramics. These results clearly show the significance of the added PT in reducing the relaxor ferroelectric behavior in PIN ceramic. Finally, the existence of the MPB composition between x = 0.3 and 0.4 has been confirmed from the XRD analysis, and dielectric and ferroelectric properties measurements.

Effect of external stress on dielectric properties of PbTiO3 single crystal

Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2003

The influence of axial pressure (0-1500 bars) on dielectric properties of PbTiO 3 single crystal was studied. It is found that material is strongly sensitive to external stress. This is connected with: (i) the shift of the cubic-tetragonal phase transition temperature, decrease of permittivity and diffuseness of its profile and reduction of thermal hysteresis. Values of the thermodynamic parameters of the phase transition were also determined.

Dielectric properties of ceramics in lead zirconate titanate-lead magnesium niobate system

Songklanakarin J Sci Tech, 2004

Yimnirun, R., Ananta, S. and Laoratakul, P. Dielectric properties of ceramics in lead zirconate titanate -lead magnesium niobate system Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2004, 26(4) : 529-536 In this study, the xPb(Zr 0.52 Ti 0.48 )O 3 -(1-x)Pb(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3 (when x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.0) ceramic composites are prepared from PZT and PMN powders by a conventional mixed-oxide method. The dielectric properties of the ceramics are measured as functions of both temperature (-150 -400ºC) and frequency (100 Hz -1 MHz). The results indicate that the dielectric properties of the pure phase PZT and PMN are of normal and relaxor ferroelectric behaviors, respectively. The dielectric behaviors of the 0.9PZT -0.1PMN and 0.7PZT -0.3PMN ceramics are more of normal ferroelectrics, while the other compositions are obviously of relaxor ferroelectrics. In addition, the transition temperature decreases and the maximum dielectric constant increases with increasing PMN content in the system. These results clearly show the significance of PMN in controlling the dielectric behavior of the PZT-PMN system.

High frequency dielectric relaxation in lanthanum modified PbTiO3 ferroelectric ceramics

Materials Research, 2004

Dielectric measurements of lanthanum modified lead titanate ceramics were carried out in a frequency and temperature range of 70 × 10 6 Hz-2 × 10 9 Hz and 300 K-420 K, respectively. Dielectric relaxation appears around 7 × 10 8 Hz at room temperature, and the maximum of the dielectric relaxation was around 393 K, the transition temperature (T c). The relaxation frequency passes through a minimum at T c and the dielectric relaxation exists in both paraelectric and ferroelectric phases. A fitting of the experimental data with the Debye relations gives some keys for understanding the dielectric behavior of such materials.