Long Josepshon Junction in a Resonant Cavity (original) (raw)

2005, Aps Meeting Abstracts

We present a model for an underdamped long Josephson junction coupled to a single-mode electromagnetic cavity, and carry out numerical calculations using this model in various regimes. The coupling may occur through either the electric or the magnetic field of the cavity mode. When a current is injected into the junction, we find that the time-averaged voltage exhibits self-induced resonant steps due to coupling between the current in the junction and the electric field of the cavity mode. These steps are similar to those observed and calculated in small Josephson junctions. When a soliton is present in the junction (corresponding to a quantum of magnetic flux parallel to the junction plates), the SIRS's disappear if the electric field in the cavity is spatially uniform. If the cavity mode has a spatially varying electric field, there is a strong coupling between the soliton and the cavity mode. This coupling causes the soliton to become phase-locked to the cavity mode, and produces step-like anomalies on the soliton branch of the IV characteristics. If the coupling is strong enough, the frequency of the cavity mode is greatly red-shifted from its uncoupled value. We present simple geometrical arguments and a simple analytical model which account for this behavior. This work was supported by NSF grant DMR04-13395.

Breathing modes of long Josephson junctions with phase-shifts


We consider a spatially inhomogeneous sine-Gordon equation with a time-periodic drive, modeling a microwave driven long Josephson junction with phase-shifts. Under appropriate conditions, Josephson junctions with phase-shifts can have a spatially nonuniform ground state. In recent reports, it is experimentally shown that a microwave drive can be used to measure the eigenfrequency of a junction's ground state. Such a microwave spectroscopy is based on the observation that when the frequency of the applied microwave is in the vicinity of the natural frequency of the ground state, the junction can switch to a resistive state, characterized by a non-zero junction voltage. It was conjectured that the process is analogous to the resonant phenomenon in a simple pendulum motion driven by a time periodic external force. In the case of long junctions with phase-shifts, it would be a resonance between the internal breathing mode of the ground state and the microwave field. Nonetheless, it was also reported that the microwave power needed to switch the junction into a resistive state depends on the magnitude of the eigenfrequency to be measured. Using multiple scale expansions, we show here that an infinitely long Josephson junction with phase-shifts cannot be switched to a resistive state by microwave field with frequency close to the system's eigenfrequency, provided that the applied microwave amplitude is small enough, which confirms the experimental observations. It is because higher harmonics with frequencies in the continuous spectrum are excited, in the form of continuous wave radiation. The presence of applied microwaves balances the nonlinear damping, creating a stable breather mode oscillation. We confirm our analytical results numerically.


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