Absolute cross section measurements for H and D elastic recoil using 1 to 2.5 MeV 4He ions, and for the 12C(d,p)13C and 16O(d,p1)17O nuclear reactions (original) (raw)

Determination of H recoil cross-sections for He ions incident at 2.5–4.5 MeV and recoil angles from 30° to 60°

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2001

Proton dierential recoil cross-sections were measured for impact of He ions in the energy range from 2.5 to 4.5 MeV and for recoil angles from 30°to 60°. For the ®rst time, H recoil cross-sections at angles from 45°to 60°are reported. All the measured cross-sections, except those for 60°, deviate from the Rutherford cross-sections. Thin melamine foils ($50 lgacm 2 ) evaporated on $50 lgacm 2 thick Cu were prepared as targets. Two surface barrier detectors positioned at forward angles were used to detect the recoiled and scattered atoms. One detector was kept all the time at 40°and was used to measure the loss of H due to irradiation. The experimental results were compared with the other available experimental data for lower recoil angles and a good agreement is found. A comparison is also made with the theoretical calculations obtained by ®tting the phase shifts of the kinematic inverse reaction using the principle of detailed balance. Again an agreement is found for low recoil angles, but for 55°and 60°the experimental cross-sections are signi®cantly smaller than the theoretical values. Ó

H recoil cross-sections for 7Li ions at 30° and 45° in the energy interval from 2.28 to 5.70 MeV

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, 2005

Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) using a He ion beam and a detector with a stopper foil is a common technique for the analysis of hydrogen and its isotopes. A good alternative to He ERDA, for laboratories not equipped with a He ion source, is the use of Li ions. These may be beneficial because of an increased depth resolution due to the larger stopping power and higher cross-section for hydrogen recoils. Deviations from the Rutherford cross-section at 30°can be expected for energies above 2.9 MeV. However, as far as the authors know, ERDA cross-sections for H with Li ions at energies above this critical energy are not available in the literature. Therefore, differential proton recoil cross-sections for incident 7 Li ions were measured in this work in an energy range between 2.28 and 5.70 MeV at recoil angles of 30°and 45°. Thin melamine foils ($50 lg/cm 2 ) evaporated on thin Al ($50 lg/cm 2 ) backings were used for the measurements. Special care was taken to monitor hydrogen loss during the measurement.

Average recoil ranges of 6 4 C ~ and lg6Au produced by protons of 20-85 MeV energy in 65Cu and lg7Au'

Thick-target recoil experiments were performed to study (p,pn) reactions induced in 6 5 C~ and 9 7 A~ in the energy range of 2&85 MeV and the average ranges projected in the forward, backward, a n d perpendicular directions were determined. Recoil parameters have been calculated t o show approximately the amount of energy transfer and their energy dependence. The average range results have been compared with statistical theory, cascade-evaporation (85 MeV only), and inelastic scattering model calculations. The statistical calculations show reasonable agreement up to 3 0 4 0 MeV. However, the calculated projected range values, based o n the cascade-evaporation and the inelastic scattering models, are consistently lower than the measured values. The analyses of the projected range values support the prevalent view that at low energies (-3&35 MeV), the compound nucleus mechanism is predominant and at higher energies, the direct interaction mechanism makes a major contribution.

Cross section systematics of (d,p) reactions at 8.5 MeV

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014

h i g h l i g h t s • We develop the empirical and semi-empirical formulae for (d,p) nuclear reaction cross sections. • We calculate the (d,p) nuclear reaction cross sections at 8.5 MeV projectile energy. • We researched of the pairing effects for the cross sections of the (d,p) nuclear reactions. • The obtained results have been compared with other cross section values.

Differential cross sections for the production of highly charged recoil ions in 10 MeV F8+to Ne collisions

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 1994

Cross sections differential in both angle and energy were obtained by flight-time spectrometry for secondary protons above 20 MeV from 158-MeV protons on Be, C, H 2 0, Al, Co, and Bi targets. Enough angles were studied to present rough angular distributions from aluminum and cobalt. All secondary charged particles were assumed to be protons, for which the energy resolution varied from 25 to 50%. The observed differential cross sections change smoothly with angle and target mass, and show no peak corresponding to quasifree scattering near the energy corresponding to free nucleon-nucleon scattering. The measurements are compared with others available at the same incident energy and with estimates based on intranuclearcascade-plus-evaporation calculations. The observed cross sections are larger than the estimated ones at angles of 90° and 120°, and at low energies for angles more forward than 45°. At 60°, the observed cross sections are in accord with the Monte Carlo estimates.

Cross section data for the D( 3 He,p) 4 He nuclear reaction from 0.25 to 6 MeV

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2016

The differential cross sections for the nuclear reaction D(3 He, p) 4 He were determined at reaction angles of 135°, 144.5° and 175° for 3 He energies in the laboratory frame between 0.25 and 5.6 MeV. The uncertainty of the determined cross sections is between 4.1% and 5.9%. The results were compared with theoretical predictions for the cross sections [M. Nocente et al., Nuclear Fusion 50 (2010) 055001]. For energies below 1 MeV the theoretical values deviate significantly from the experimental data. For higher energies the theoretical predictions agree well with the experimental data.

Materials analysis using the (³He,p) and (α,p) nuclear reactions


1. INTRODUCTION 157 A.7 Cross section data for the '®0('He,p)'*F reaction for incident 'He beam energies between 2 and 4 MeV at an reaction angle of 90° 158 A.8 Cross section data for the '^0('He,p)''F reaction for incident 'He beam energies between 2 and 4 MeV at an reaction angle of 135° 159 A.9 Cross section data for the ^'F(a,p)^e reaction for incident ''He beam energies between 2 and 4 MeV at an reaction angle of 90° 160 10 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS-Continued 2.6 Measured laboratory differential cross sections for the indicated proton groups from the (^e,p) reaction on the isotopes of boron at a laboratory angle of 83 2.7 Measured laboratory differential cross sections for the indicated proton groups from the (^e,p) reaction on the isotopes of boron at a laboratory angle of 135° 83 2.8 Comparison of ^''B(po) cross sections at a laboratory angle of 90° to that of Schiffer, et. al. [Sch 56] 2.9 Comparison of '"BCpi) cross sections at a laboratory angle of 90° to that of Schiffer, et. al. [Sch 56] 2.10 Partial energy spectrum of reaction products at a laboratory angle of 90° from 3000 keV incident ions on TaSiN target on a Si backing 2. II Measured differential laboratory cross sections for the indicated proton groups from the (^e,p) reaction on nitrogen at a laboratory angle of 90° 2.12 Measured differential laboratory cross sections for the indicated proton groups from the (^He,p) reaction on nitrogen at a laboratory angle of 135° 2.13 Comparison of ^^(pua) cross sections at a laboratory angle of 90° to those of Terwagne, et. al. [Ter 94] 2.14 Comparison of '^(p3^) cross sections at a laboratory angle of 90° to those of Terwagne, et. al. [Ter 94] 102 2.15 Comparison of ^^(pi-2) cross sections at a laboratory angle of 135° to those of Terwagne, et. al. [Ter 94] 103 2.16 Comparison of ^^(p3^) cross sections at a laboratory angle of 13 5° to those of Terwagne, et. al. [Ter 94] 103 2.17 Partial energy spectrum of reaction products at a laboratory angle of 90° from 3000 keV incident ^He" ions on a carbon target on a Ta backing. The '^C(pi) peak overlaps the ^®0(po) peak and could not be resolved 112 2.18 Measured differential laboratory cross sections for the indicated proton groups from the (^He,p) nuclear reaction on carbon at a laboratory angle of 90°. The ^^C(pi) peak was overlapped by the '®0(po) peak and could not be resolved 113 2.19 Measured differential laboratory cross sections for the indicated proton groups from the (^He,p) nuclear reaction on carbon at a laboratory angle of 135°. The '^C(pi) peak was overlapped by the '''OCpo) peak and could not be resolved 114

Determination and theoretical analysis of the differential cross sections of the 2H(d,p) reaction at energies and detection angles suitable for NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis)


The accurate determination of deuteron depth profile presents a strong analytical challenge for all the principal IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) techniques. As far as NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis) is concerned, the 2 H(d,p) reaction, seems to be a promising candidate, especially in the case of complex matrices, or for the study of deep-implanted deuteron layers. In the present work differential cross-section values for the 2 H(d,p) reaction have been determined at 140 o , 160 o and 170 o , for E d,lab =900-1600 keV, with an energy step of 50 keV, using a well-characterized, thin C:D target deposited on a polished Si wafer. The experimental results were analyzed using the R-matrix calculations code AZURE.

The differential cross section for proton-proton elastic scattering at 90° c.m. between 300 and 500 MeV

Nuclear Physics A, 1984

The absolute differential cross section for proton-proton elastic scattering has been measured at 90" cm. for 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 MeV. The statistical uncertainty of the measurements is 0.5% with an additional systematic normalization uncertainty of 1.8%. The results are compared to phase-shift analyses. E NUCLEAR REACTION 'H(p, p), E = 300,350,400,450,500 MeV; measured u(0 = 90"). Comparison with phase-shift analyses.