Host Diversity of The Parasitic Genus Cuscuta in Northern Part of West Bengal, India


Host diversity of the parasitic genus Cuscuta is very wide. To evaluate the host diversity of the plant in the Northern part of the Indian state West Bengal, gradual surveys were conducted. Host plants were identified and characterized on the basis of their habits. In the present investigation 73 host species representing 30 families were recorded as the host plant.


Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 2023

Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (Convolvulaceae) is a holoparasitic plant species with a wide host diversity. Surveys conducted in different habitats of Kamrup district of Assam, India, to have a list of host plants. Altogether 76 species representing 65 genera of 34 angiosperm families were recorded as host plants which, as per growth forms, are herbs (36), shrubs (23), climbers (9) and trees (8). These largely belong to Asteraceae, Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Lamiaceae, which constitute the Eudicots (Rosids and Asterids). Cuscuta reflexa is good in infesting the Dicot hosts over the Monocots.

Host Range of Cuscuta gronovii in Raigad and Thane Districts in Konkan Region of Maharashtra, India

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(4): 1293-1301, 2019

Present survey was conducted on dodder (Cuscuta gronovii) which are occupies in different locations of Raigad and Thane districts of Konkan region of Maharashtra. Dodder (Cuscuta gronovii) is complete stem parasite. Pulses are cultivated in Konkan region during Rabi season after harvest of Kharif rice. Cuscuta causes a serious problem in pulses. The surveys were conducted for host range of Cuscuta gronovii in different locations of Raigad and Thane districts of Konkan region during 2015-2016. It was observed that 37 angiospermic host plants belonging to 14 families were parasitized by C. gronovii and grouped into weed hosts (30 spp.), cultivated pulses (4 spp.), other plants (2 spp.) and ornamental plant (1 spp.). The infection of C. gronovii was mostly on weed host and some cultivated pulses. C. gronovii was mostly parasitizing different families like Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Amaranthaceae and Verbenaceae. In present investigation this was a new and first report of Cuscuta gronovii parasitizing to weed host of family Eriocaulaceae and also first report of all weed hosts parasitized by C. gronovii in Konkan region. The present study also revealed that the shape and mode of development of haustoria was variable. Haustoria structure of pulses host was highly developed rod or tube like, dome shaped structure and well established within the host tissue by penetrating epidermis and cortical tissue towards the vascular bundle of pulse host.

Host range, anatomy, biochemistry and impacts of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.: A case study from the Betla National Park, Jharkhand, India

Tropical Plant Research, 2017

The Cuscuta reflexa is a leaf less parasitic angiosperm belonging to the family Convolvulaceae and it is directly attaches to the host plants through the haustoria. During this investigation we find that the plant is a hemiand holoparasite, living on wood yielding, fruit yield in great medicinally important plants species. In present study, systematic survey and identification of the different host plants was undertaken. Surveys were conducted to find out the host plants of Cuscuta reflexa from different localities of Betla National Park areas of Jharkhand, India. In a survey 33 species, representing 30 genera belong to 23 families were recognized as host plants for it. Host plants were also examined for anatomical and biochemical studies. Haustorium penetration in host stem and size of the haustorium was found specific to the host. Each transverse section of host stem showed haustorium reached up to the secondary xylem. Poly-phenol oxidase activity and protein content were also studied in healthy and infected stem of Ziziphus mauritiana, Cajanus cajan and Ficus glomerata by Cuscuta reflexa. It was interesting to note that the protein content is markedly stimulated in all infected host plants. The maximum stimulation was recorded in Ziziphus mauritiana while minimum in Artocarpus integrifolia. The impact of Cuscuta reflexa on host growth, allometry and reproduction was also studied and found that it was major factor, which lead to changes in competitive balances between host and non-host species and therefore affect community structure, vegetation and population dynamics. Impacts on hosts may further affect herbivores, pollinators and seed vectors, and behaviour & diversity of these is often closely linked to the presence and abundance of parasitic plants.

Karyotypic studies of the genus Cuscuta L. (Convolvulaceae) in Saudi Arabia and their taxonomic significance

Taeckholmia, 2014

Chromosome numbers and karyotype criteria of nine species of the genus Cuscuta L. (Convolvulaceae) in Saudi Arabia were investigated. Chromosomes counts were recorded in four species for the first time in this study. Chromosome number, based on x=7 has been found in the majority of the studied Cuscuta species. A diploid number (2n=14) was recorded in five species, while tetraploid number (2n=28) was recorded in two species whereas 2n=56 was recorded in C. campestris. However, 2n=30 based on x=6 was recorded in C. monogyna. The chromosomes in the studied species of Cuscuta are generally small with a mean size ranging between 0.74 and 1.10 μm. Short chromosomes were particularly found in C. planiflora (MCL=0.74 μm) and C. chinesis (MCL=0.79), whereas longer chromosomes were scored in C. campestris (MCL=1.10). The karyotype in the studied species is mostly comprised of metacentric to submetacentric chromosomes as indicated by their mean arm ratio that ranges between 1.31 in C. monogyna and 1.83 in C. planiflora. The degree of karyotype asymmetry is indicated by high values of TF% ranges between 28.33 in C. planiflora and 40.54 in C. campestris. The A1 value ranged between 0.22 in C. planiflora and 0.43 in C. palaestina. Among the examined species, karyotype features were used to assess the Sherif M. Sharawy 66 classification of the Cuscuta species in Saudi Arabia in the light of the current systems of classification.


Present survey is conducted on two species of which are distributed in different parts of Nadia district especially in Kalyani Township. 30 angiospermic host plants have been identified out by C. reflexa and only 5 plants has been attacked by distributed in 28 genera and 20 families. 2 plants has been identified as pseudo parasite and 2 plants belonging to pteridophytic group are also attacked by development of haustoria have been studied on 8 angiospermic plants. identified as primary host plant of dependent on some factors. Keywords: Host variability, haustorial development, PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH AND BIO PAPER-QR CODE 72-95 CUSCUTA (CUSCUTACEAE) IN NADIA DISTRICT PLANTS DEY, SOBHAN KR. MUKHERJEE Kalyani- 741235, West Bengal, India 03/08/2013; Published Date: 27/08/2013 Cuscuta (C. chinensis of which 25 angispermic plants are infected C. chinensis. All angiospermic plants are teridophytic Cuscuta. Detailed structure and Cuscuta. Structure of haustorium is variable which is Cuscuta, Cuscutaceae

A new species of Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae) from Michoacán, Mexico

Brittonia, 2008

A new species, Cuscuta cotijana, is described and illustrated from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in northwestern Michoacán, Mexico. The species is most closely related to Cuscuta jalapensis, C. mitriformis, C. rugosiceps and C. lindsayi, from which it differs by the large spur-like projections on the outer calyx lobes and the ovoid to conical capsule with a small intrastylar aperture.

Research on the spreading of cuscuta l. (convolvulaceae) in the county of sibiu, romania: With 2 figures and 2 tables

Feddes Repertorium, 2001

Research on the spreading of Cuscuta L. (Convolvulaceae) in the county of Sibiu, Romania With 2 Figures and 2 Tables S u m m a r y Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g The occurrence of Cuscufa L. species in the Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung von C u s c u t~~ county of Sibiu has been studied during the Years L. (Convolvulaceae) in der Provinz Sibiu, 1995-1999. For the seven CUSCUIU species found in RumYnien the area 64 new host plants have been identified. Das Vorkommen von Arten der Gattung Cusciira L. in der Provinz Sibiu wurde in den Jahren 1995-1 999 untersucht. Fur die sieben nachgewiesenen Arten wurden 64 neue Wirtspflanzen bestimmt.

Molecular and micro-morphological evidences of the genus Cuscuta in Iran


Cuscuta is the only parasitic genus in Convolvulaceae family. This genus is globally distributed, with most species in the tropics, subtropics, and some in the temperate regions. In this study, the micro-morphological features and molecular evidencesof 12 populations from three species of Cuscuta (C. australis, C. campestris,and C. chinensis) have been considered. In total, seven quantitative and two qualitative characters of pollen were selected and measured. The most important characters include: shape, ornamentation of tectum, exine thickness and colpus length of the pollen. Based on this study, the seed shape and surface support at least for separation of C. australis from other two species. Using nuclear (nrDNA ITS) marker, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships within three species of Cuscuta. This data set was analyzed by phylogenetic methods including Bayesian, Maximum likelihood, and Maximum parsimony. In phylogenetic analyses, all members of three species formed a wel...