Gravity Redefined -- ( MOND ) --Atomic Genetics and Origin of the Universe- Volume-4 -- Part -2 (original) (raw)
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Gravity force and its interactions are still obscure. The reason being, one is not equipped with basic knowledge of structure of the matter, and atomic genetics as taught by a new science called participatory science. If nature breaks the matter, one would get its last and smallest particles called basic building blocks (B.B.Bs.) of which all secondary fermions (energized gravitons ) and secondary bosons (photons, gluons, vector bosons and higgs bosons ) are composed. From these secondary fermions and secondary bosons all the matter (lepto-quark, protons and neutrons, atoms and molecules ) of the universe is formed including human cell. These basic units are divine in the sense that they talk with each other by phenomenon called atomic transcription and translation. These are fundamental particles and atomic transcription and translation are fundamental working of the nature. These B.B.Bs. have power to transmutate to form bigger units of the universe like particles, atoms, molecules, cells, individuals, earth, solar system, galaxies etc. So, all effects of the universe are triggered by atomic transcription and translation or thought expressions. The gravitons have not been incorporated in standard model chart. It is because they are still hypothetical particle. No experiment has yet detected existence of these particles. Gravity could only be studied by participatory science. Scientists have succeeded in measuring the speed of gravity for the first time. Sergei Kopeiken of the University of Missouri-Columbia and Ed Fomalont of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the US used a rare cosmic alignment to check that gravity and light travel at the same speed. As light is mediated by photons , similarly gravity is mediated by energized gravitons. As photon is emitted by atoms as energy quanta similarly energized gravitons are emitted by decay of nucleons of the atoms. As luminosity ( intensity ) of light decreases with distance similarly density of energized gravitons decreases with distance. There is difference in gravitational acceleration ( g ) and acceleration of objects other than gravity ( a) . Einstein has wrongly made principle of equivalence i.e. . There is no way for an observer in a closed laboratory to distinguish between the effects produced by a gravitational field and those produced by an acceleration of the laboratory . The observation that propounds that this principle of equivalence is TRUTH is super unification phenomenon which is not proven yet . It does mean that constituents i.e. basic building blocks of energized gravitons are different than Basic building blocks of photons. This is the basis of two particle hypothesis postulated by me. Same is true for energy matter equivalence. It is also a myth as super unification is not proven yet. Energized Gravitons are the tiniest batteries of the universe. The functional energy of energized gravitons is slowly being utilizing at all level during interaction and thus structure and function of all systems (Atoms, Solar system. Galaxies and visible universe) are maintained by it . The electrical charge or magnetic property of stars, planets , atoms and particles are maintained by energized gravitons.
About the True Identity of Gravitationthe Key to the Grand Unification Theory
Archives of Physics Research, 2020
Gravitation (the attractive force existing between any two objects present in the universe that have mass) refers to one of the four fundamental forces in physics that are responsible for the attraction between masses. The other three fundamental forces are strong nuclear power, weak nuclear power and electromagnetism. In comparison to these other three forces, gravitation is certainly the "odd" one. While there is one single theory called the "Grand Unified Theory" that describes the other three forces, gravitation is explained solely by Einstein's general theory of relativity. According to that general theory of relativity, masses cause a distortion of the space-time structure around them. Any other mass that comes closer will experience the warping of space-time, and this appears to us as an attractive force between two masses. We will reason that this view is the wrong side of the coin. By turning over that same coin, another possibility appears that ha...
It is our ultimate task to discover a new quantum theory which breaks the wall of Planck scale and creates a new frontier. I found another wall, the Ferent wall beyond the Planck wall. I replaced Max Planck equation E = h × f with the Ferent equation for the energy of a photon: E = h × f + a × f I discovered the impulse of the graviton: p = a / λ I replaced Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Δp × Δx ≥ h / 4π with Ferent Uncertainty Principle: Δp × Δx ≥ a I discovered a new electromagnetic theory. The graviton has negative impulse, negative mass and negative energy. I am the first who understood and explained that the gravitons with the speed of light are too slow to keep the constellations and the galaxy together. I explained the gravitation with the speed of the gravitons bigger than the speed of light. I discovered the Ferent gravitational force function. The mass of a body, of a system M = m1 + im2 where m1 is the real mass and m2 is the imaginary mass, it is the rest mass of the gravitons. I calculated the volume of the universe at Planck wall and the volume of the universe at Ferent wall. My quantum gravity theory shows that the gravitons are too small to be detected by today’s technology.
The Graviton in an Equilibrium Universe, the Holographic Principle (New Thoughts)
Why would a Graviton be necessary? The most important quality that we should be looking for in the Graviton is that it is capable of, and actively responds to communicating location in context for every particle and wave in the Universe. This implies that its reach should go until the edges of the Universe, and its interaction must be effective. In physics, as the energy increases, the size of the particle decreases, yet on the macro conglomerate-mass level .... from atoms, molecules, and upwards... planets, stars, galaxies etc., as the total energy increases the total size increases. This enigmatic result is answered in the Graviton. This paper is a collection of ideas that the author considers part of the overall context of the Graviton, an idealized and unproven particle that warrants consideration for quantum -gravitational unity.
What Are the Truths of Gravity and General Relativity
It is proposed that graviton is composed of Wu's Pairs, a Yangton and Yington circulating particle pairs with build-in attractive Force of Creation (Building Blocks of the universe). Gravitational force is generated by string force between two gravitons and the propagation of gravitational force is caused by graviton radiation and contact interaction. In addition, the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with the local gravitational field due to the bombardment of gravitons in accordance to graviton radiation and contact interaction, also aging of the universe in compliance with CMB radiation. Because of the fixed intrinsic structures, the amount of unit quantity in a corresponding identical objects or events should remain unchanged no matter of gravitational field and aging of the universe. Furthermore, Principle of Equilibrium, Principle of Parallelism and Principle of Correspondence are used to explain the correlations between the quantities of the same properties of different objects and events. Einstein's Spacetime and Field Equation were compared to Wu's Spacetime and Wu's Spacetime Field Equation. In fact, Einstein's Spacetime is nothing but the property of an object or event likes acceleration which can reflect the local gravitational field and aging of the universe. Finally, Wu's Spacetime Graviton Concentration Field Equation is derived which can serve as the Backbone of Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity Theory and Unified Field Theory.
Deep Thought, Matter and Gravity (A chapter in the book " Nature of Human Thought "
We have conjectured in earlier chapters that deep thought is geometric in nature. So is gravity and hence it is possible that they may be related. Thus deep thought may bend the spacetime continuum similar to that done by gravitational mass 33 . This interaction might take place in higher dimensional space. Also as mass could be produced and annihilated via a thought-engine during transformation of spaces, it is possible that deep thought and gravity maybe related at a deeper level.
PREFACE Gravitation (the attractive force existing between any two objects present in the universe that have mass) refers to one of the four fundamental forces in physics that are responsible for the attraction between masses. The other three fundamental forces are strong nuclear power, weak nuclear power and electromagnetism. In comparison to these other three forces, gravitation is certainly the "odd" one. While there is one single theory called the "Grand Unified Theory" that describes the other three forces, gravitation is explained solely by Einstein's general theory of relativity. According to that general theory of relativity, masses cause a distortion of the space-time structure around them. Any other mass that comes closer will experience the warping of space-time, and this appears to us as an attractive force between two masses. We will reason that this view is the wrong side of the coin. By turning over that same coin, another possibility appears that has a much stronger argument and brings out the true nature of gravitation. In that search, a number of fixed assumptions were reviewed and there, too, surprising new insights emerged. The phenomenon of the "spin" of elementary particles finally gets a plausible explanation, the reason for the expansion of the universe and the consequences involved showing a different reality, and the key in the lock of the Grand Unification theory has been turned, opening up a new dimension in physics. Let us take a first step : " … Einstein himself believed that the theory of general relativity could not properly function without a medium … " so the big question is where to look for that nebulous concept and determine what its energetic signature is?
Atomic Genetics and Origin of the Universe- Volume-4 ( Part -2)
International Journal of Sciences Basic and Applied Research, 2014
In participatory science the investigating tool or measuring instrument that probes in the nature is consciousness or our common sense. Without this tool one cannot be participator in the event. Gravity is the force that could only be studied by Participatory science. If three other natural forces are mediated by three different particles , then the gravity force must be mediated by fourth particle called gravitons. If no experiment could detect these particles , it does not mean they are not there.. Having known about graviton about its structure that it is made up of two B.B.Bs , (Yang + Yin) , we shift our investigation to know its function in the universe. It is to be noted that it is the mind of M2 that decides orbital path of the M2 and how much energy is to be taken from energized gravitons to give the energy effect (whether it is acceleration due to gravity effect (g) or orbital
Current Concepts of Gravity: The M-String Theory of Witten, Holographic Mass Model of Haramein, Compton Particle Theory of Mayer and the Entropic Gravity Theory of Verlinde as Compared to The Twin-Bipolaron Gravity Concept, 2023
This comparison of recent Gravity concepts, relates to the recent papers of Haramein et al., on "The Holographic Origin of Mass and Gravity", the article of Mayr on the "Compton particles and Quantum Forces", the earlier "M-String theory of Witten" as well as the" Entropic Gravity Theory" of Verlinde, versus the Twin-Bipolaron Gravity concept of Meijer et al., that all attempt to extend the theoretical foundation of physics and quantum physics. Firstly, the Twin-Bipolaron concept, based on phonon-guided electron-proton pairs, describes an electromagnetic coupling as a Black Hole equivalent to the gravitational field. This introduces the property of Gravity as a 'natural monopolar' superconductive current flow. Secondly, this 'monopolar electricity' can then be described as a consequence of particular Planck-String couplings, preceding the birth of the thermodynamic and classically relativistic cosmogenesis, in a unified self-state of unbroken Super-Matter/ Anti-matter symmetry. The known five string classes are encompassed by the Twin Bipolaron model and the Bipolaron model so demystifies the nature of M-theory as the collection of the background dependent string classes. In 2019, Haramein et al., defined a spherical volume unit or voxel for space, which was called the oscillating Planck Spherical Unit (PSU), being seen as the most fundamental unit of energy, also representing a bit of information. The number of PSUs that can tile the surface of the spherical object under consideration represents a surface density which gives the information content of the surface in terms of PSU. With surface entropy η and volume entropy R. Haramein et al., define a non-dimensional ratio that expresses the surface-to-volume entropy and represents the information potential transfer or rate of information exchange between the volume and the surface of the spherical system. This holographic mass demonstrates that every proton is connected to every other proton in the universe, via the micro-wormhole network of multiply-connected space-time geometry. A closely related theory was proposed picturing electrons and protons as Compton particles. Like in the Holographic mass model, an inner structure of fermions is proposed consisting of packed elementary dipoles, similar to the Planck Spherical Units of Haramein, also having a connective role in the cosmos. Mayer demonstrates the crucial role of entropy and information in fractal cosmic architecture, in line with the Entropic Gravity conjecture of Verlinde. It is concluded that all of the theories highlight the proton as a fundamental modality for Gravity/Dark Energy creation in a holographic, scale-invariant, toroidal context. Yet, the Holographic Mass and Compton Parricle theories are devoted to the inner structure of the proton, build up from Planck units, whereas the Bipolaron concept sees the proton as "never alone", being paired with an electron as well as a cloud of informational guiding phonons, so forming the quasi-particle polaron. This informational aspect resembles the theory of Verlinde, that conceives gravity to be a compensatory reaction to the displacement of information. The present Bipoaron boson/fermion construct, with its implicit phonon guiding and informational "pilot wave" aspects, could therefore act as a 5 th gauge "Gravitone" of an adapted Standard Model. A Black Hole Horizon of holographic information at the very center of every atom/el. particle, implies a cosmic wormhole matrix structure that may continually bridge the physical to the metaphysical Universe.
A Review Article --We can unify quantum mechanics and gravity' only by ToE i.e. MIND
A Theory of Everything would unify all the fundamental interactions of nature: gravitation, strong interaction, weak interaction, and electromagnetism. Because the weak interaction can transform elementary particles from one kind into another, the ToE should also yield a deep understanding of the various different kinds of possible particles. The usual assumed path of theories is given in the following graph, where each unification step leads one level up: In Unification physics where four fundamental forces are tried to unify . It means Four natural forces which are mediated by four particles ( photon, vector boson , gluons and gravitons) are created from one particle . It is called super unification. GUT means three forces ( Photon, vector bosons, and GLUON ) could be unified as these are made up of one type of fundamental particle called energy basic building blocks . while gravitons are made up of two types of fundamental particles i.e energy basic building blocks and matter basic building blocks . Hence super unification cannot be proved. Had graviton is made up of one type of basic building blocks , the coupling constant could have merged at energy 10^16 GeV. But instead of that it is merging at energy 10^19GeV. Gravity is a force mediated by energised gravitons and it is a quantum phenomenon and comes under quantum physics like tunnel effect rather than classical physics . Both the effects are triggered by MIND , the Theory of Every Thing . Hence we can unify Quantum Mechanics and Gravity . Unification physics is different phenomenon and that is used for the search of God particles or fundamental particles and fundamental interaction i.e. MIND.