Поховання скіфських воїнів із сокирами з Любимівського могильника (за матеріалами Каховської експедиції) (Burials of Scythian warriors with battle axes from Liubymivka necropolis (on the materials of Kakhovka expedition)) (original) (raw)
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Barrow 6 of Vodoslavka burial ground. The grave of Scythian nobility This is the first publication of the barrow 6 of burial ground placed near Vodoslavka village in Novotroitskyi district of Kherson Oblast of Ukraine. Under the small mound of soil 1.4 meters height two wealthy persons were buried in the same catacomb with two entering pits. Due to stratigraphy observation, the funeral rate in this case had two phases. Firstly, the body of Scythian noble warrior was placed in the grave in his armour and with weapon. Near him on the West his horse was putted in separate small grave. Some time since, the woman`s corpse dressed in ceremonial gown with gold decoration was placed near man in his grave. Lately, the grave was robbed (probably not long time since funeral rates). But robbers used the second entering pit for their purpose. It is very uncommon, that after taking some of the grave goods and disturbing the upper part of bodies, thefts have leaved in the second entering pit the animal sacrifice (?) — horse corpse. The grave goods demonstrate the high social level of the two Scythians. The man was buried with representative set of weapon: set of ranged weapon, spears and javelins, scaled armour and antique greaves. On the woman`s skeleton the number of gold clothes decorations were recorded. Besides that, the set of silver table ware was found inside the catacomb, and the entrance to the grave was lock with wagon parts. The analysis of the gold appliqués and rings, armour, weapon and silver vessels shows the time of burial — second — third quarter of the 4th century BC. The area, where these noble Scythians found their last resting place, was strategically important at that time. This barrow was built on the way that leaded from the Bosporan Kingdom to the center of the Scythia in the Dnieper River area.
В статье впервые публикуются и анализируются материалы, полученные при исследовании детского захоронения № 10 в кургане № 16 группы «Водовод» у с. Глиное Слободзейского района на левобережье Нижнего Днестра. Погребение было совершено в третьей четверти IV в. до н. э., и содержало захоронение маленького ребенка. Западная часть ямы предназначалась для размещения жертвенной пищи и ножа, а восточная – для тела ребенка и инвентаря. Там было устроено «ложе» из смеси материковой глины и чернозема. В составе ожерелья погребенного находились две раковины Cypraea moneta, одна стеклянная бусина, а также железная модель меча. Последняя находка представляет собой уникальное изделие для скифских захоронений Северного Причерноморья. Она имитировала мечи типа Солоха (с когтевидными навершиями и ложно-треугольными перекрестиями), известные в скифских комплексах Северного Причерноморья с последней четверти V в. до н. э. до конца IV в. до н. э. Примечательно, что именно такой меч был найден в центральном захоронении того же кургана, куда было впущено детское захоронение. Нет сомнения, что модель меча в составе ожерелья являлась вотивным предметом. Возможно, она обозначала принадлежность ребенка к воинскому сословию. The paper for the first time publishes and analyzes the materials obtained in the study of the burial of the child no. 10 in the barrow 16 of the “Sluiceway” group near the Glinoe village, Slobodzeya district, on the left bank of the Lower Dniester. The grave dates back to the third quarter of the 4th century BC and contained the burial of a small child. The western part of the pit was intended to sacrificial food and a knife, and the eastern part was intended for the body of the child and grave goods, where a “bed” was made of a mixture of natural clay and humus. Two Cypraea moneta shells, one glass bead, as well as an iron model of the sword were part of the necklace. The last find is a unique item in the Scythian burials of the North Black Sea region. It imitated swords of the Solokha type (with claw-shaped tops and false-triangular crosshairs), known in the Scythian burials of the Northern Black Sea Region from the last quarter of the 5th century BC until the end of the 4th century BC. It is noteworthy that it was such a sword that was found in the pair burial of the same barrow where the burial of the child was sunk. TВ статье впервые публикуются и here is no doubt that the model of the sword in the necklace of a child was a votive object. Perhaps it indicated the child's belonging to the estate of the warriors.
В работе впервые публикуются скифские погребения кургана 14 группы «Водовод», изученного в 2018 г. у с. Глиное Слободзейского района на левобережье Нижнего Днестра. Научные данные, полученные при исследовании этого кургана, позволяют обратить особое внимание на некоторые элементы погребального обряда-помещение предметов на перекрытие могилы и под тело погребённого. В захоронениях найдены орудия труда (нож, шило, иглы, пряслица точильный брусок), зеркало и два туалетных сосуда (чернолаковый и лепной), посуда (чернолаковые канфар и солонка, лепной горшок), многочисленные украшения (ожерелье из бусин, браслеты из бусин, бронзовый браслет, раковины моллюсков, бронзовые перстни, три цепочки из бронзовых колец), а также предметы культа (кусочки охры, зуб собаки, две гальки, каменная плита со следами сажи и большой набор астрагалов). На основании чернолаковых сосудов курган 14 группы «Водовод» датируется второй четвертью IV в. до н.э. The paper publishes for the first time the Scythian graves from barrow 14 of the “Sluiceway” (“Vodovod”) group, which was studied near the Glinoe village, Slobodzeya district, on the left bank of the Lower Dniester in 2018. The scientific data obtained during the study of this mound allow us to pay special attention to some elements of the funerary rite such as placing objects on the grave covering and under the body of the buried. The graves contained tools (a knife, an awl, needles, a whorl, a whetstone), a mirror and two toilet vessels (blackglazed and handmade), vessels (blackglazed kantharos and a saltcellar, a handmade pot), numerous adornments (necklace of beads, bracelets of beads, a bronze bracelet, mollusk shells, bronze finger rings, three chains of bronze rings), as well as cult objects (pieces of ocher, a dog's tooth, two pebbles, a stone slab with traces of soot and a large set of astragali). Barrow 14 of the "Sluiceway" group dates to the second quarter of the 4th c. BC on the basis of blackglazed vessels.
Археологія і давня історія України, 2015
В 1975 г на окраине г. Светловодск Кировоградской обл. был открыт скифский грунтовой могильник IV в. до н. э. На современном этапе на могильнике исследо-вано более 150 погребений скифского времени. захоронение 155 привлекает внимание особенностя-ми погребального обряда. Могила является катакомбой с двумя погребальными камерами. входная яма подквад-ратной формы, размерами — 1,65 × 1,90 м, глубиной — 1,70 м, ориентирована по оси северо-запад—юго-восток. в центре входной ямы, ближе к ее западной стенке, была установлена вертикальная гранитная плита. У подно-жия символической стелы находились остатки жертвен-ной пищи — кости крупного рогатого скота. взаполнении входной ямы на глубине 0,7 м найден бронзовый трехло-пастный наконечник стрелы. в нижней части наконеч-ника между лопастями нанесены три рельефных знака в виде символа «Х». подобные стрелы широко известны на скифских памятниках степного и лесостепного регионов. Две камеры, с мужским и женским погребениями, расположены параллельно юго-западной и северо-восточной стенкам входной ямы. по классификации В.С. Ольховского сооружение относится к катаком-бам типа I, варианта 3А, которые существовали в поз-нескифский период. Особенности погребального обряда и набор инвентаря, в том числе наконечники стрел и украшения, позволяют датировать захоронение 155 Светловодского могильника IV в. до н. э.
Археологія, 2014
R.M. Reida, A.V. Heiko, S.V. Sapiehin BURIAL WITH « CHARON’S OBOL» FROM SHYSHAKY CEMETERY OF CHERNYAKHIVSKA CULTUREPublished is the burial 39 from Shyshaky burial ground of Chernyakhivska culture (Poltava Oblast). Buried was a 25—30-year-old woman put in a grave along the east-west line, extended and with her head to the west. Western part of the grave is destroyed by a trench for the pipe leading to sewage treatment structures.The buried was accompanied by a glass transparent cup with profiled bottom and grinded ovals on the body (two rows of big ovals placed vertically on the cup and two rows of small ovals placed horizontally). The direct analogy for the cup is an example from Setvedt burial ground on the territory of Norway. This example is dated by E. Straume back to the stage D 2 according to Scandinavian chronology. I.O. Gavritukhin refers their usage to the 5 th c. On the authors’ opinion, the date of the cup from the burial 39 can be narrowed to the first half of the 5 th c. A coin was situated under the bottom of the cup. It was a denarius of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius to which a small cloth was adhered preserved owing to oxidizing process on the coin. The coin and the cup were put into the right hand of the buried. The authors consider such location to be not occasional and apparently corresponding to the notions about the journey to the world of the dead. A coin put into the hand can be preliminary interpreted as a Charon’s obol and the glass cup as a sign marking the participation of the dead in the feast in the other world.Both coins, and glass cups are found in the Late Roman burials at both Barbarian and Ancient Greek sites, though direct analogies of the recorded element of the burial rite in the grave 39 of Shyshaky burial ground is not known yet. Such combination in one burial is unique for Chernyakhivska culture to which Shyshaky burial ground belonged, and this fact complicates interpretation.Uniqueness of the burial 39, as well as the late as for Chernyakhivska culture date of the 5 th c. Setvedt series (Luhy type) glass cup usage enlarges the number of Chernyakhivska culture sites on the territory of the Dnipro River left bank forest-steppe area which belong to the period after the Huns arrival. Discovering the new sites can indicate that invasion of the Huns could have no catastrophic consequences for forest-steppe population on the left bank of the Dnipro River represented by Chernyakhivska culture, which existed after this event for a certain time.
The long-term archaeological research of the Gnezdovo necropolis resulted in uncovering no less than 116 burials containing weapons, which formed the most representative collection of weaponry on the territory of Old Rus’ ranging from arrowheads to mail and helmets. The earliest burials are dated to the first half of the 10th c. They comprise male cremations, generally, containing swords. A specific ritual treatment of the weapons (damaging or plunging them in the ground) suggests a Scandinavian background of the deceased. A significant size of the barrows and lavish burial goods in turn are evidence that the buried were members of the Gnezdovo elite. The second half of the 10th c. in Gnezdovo still dominated by cremations sees the spread of inhumations in chamber graves. It can be argued that this was due to the establishment of the princely Kievan rule in the second half of the 960s while the former elite was exterminated. The migration of populace from Middle Dnieper brought along a proliferation of weaponry common among nomadic cultures: a helmet, sabers, axes (?), spearpykes, bludgeons, composite bows, etc.The latest form of burials containing weapons in Gnezdovo are inhumations in simple pit graves prevalent in the late-10th c. The weapons include single finds of axes. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Gnezdovo weaponry collection allows to compare the site with Kiev and Chernigov – undeniable Old Russian centers which urban nature is beyond doubt. Thus, it provides further ground for the identification of Gnezdovo as the initial Smolensk.
В статье публикуются и анализируются материалы, полученные при исследовании скифского кургана 6 группы «Водовод» e с. Глиное Слободзейского р-на на левобережье Нижнего Днестра. Курган был сооружен на рубеже IV–III вв. до н. э. и содержал четыре захоронения в ямах. Основное погребение 2 было полностью ограблено в древности. Два впускных захоронения, судя по размерам ям, являлись кенотафами. Яма сохранившегося впускного погребения 1 имела деревянное перекрытие, на котором находились жертвенная пища, абразивный инструмент и кресальный кремень. В самой яме обнаружены железный нож среди костей животных от еще одной порции жертвенной пищи и бронзовый наконечник стрелы. Показательно, что под насыпью находились только детские захоронения, что является в настоящее время вторым, достоверно зафиксированным случаем в Северо-Западном Причерноморье. Сооружение кургана было обусловлено высокой детской смертностью у скифского населения второй половины IV–II вв. до н. э. в Нижнем Поднестровье, что подтверждается большим количеством детских погребений в курганах групп «Водовод» и «Сад». The paper presents and analyzes materials from Scythian barrow No. 6 of the “Sluiceway” group, situated near the village of Glinoe (Slobodzeya district) on the left bank of the Lower Dniester. The barrow was erected at the turn of the IV–III cc. BC and contained four burials in pits. The main burial (No. 2) was completely ransacked by ancient grave robbers. Two inlet burials, judging by their size, were cenotaphs. The pit of well preserved inlet burial No. 1 had wood covering, placed on which were abrasive tools, sacrificial food and a fire-making flint. The pit itself contained an iron knife, accompanied by animal bones from another portion of sacrificial food, and a bronze arrowhead. Remarkably, only children’s burials were under the mound, which for the time being is just the second such case documented in the Northwestern Black Sea region. The building of the barrow was caused by the high child mortality among the Scythians of the second half of the IV–II cc. BC in the Lower Dniester region, as is confirmed by numerous children’s burials in the barrows of the “Sluiceway” and “Garden” groups.
Представлены результаты морфометрического и технологического ис-следования костяного инвентаря из погребений льяловской культуры могиль-ника Сахтыш IIа, хранящегося в археологическом музее ИвГУ. При обработке кости применялись такие технические приемы, как скобление, прорезание, пропиливание и заточка. Ключевые слова: неолит, могильник Сахтыш IIа, льяловская культура, погребальный инвентарь, обработка кости. The article presents the results of technological and morphometric research of bone inventory of burials Lyalovo culture cemetery Sahtysh IIa stored in the Archaeological Museum of ISU. In the treatment of bone such techniques as scraping, grooving, sawing and grinding were used.
The paper explores a set of weapons from grave 33 of the Kichmalka II cemetery located in the Zolsky District of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, the Russian Federation. The set consisted of a long sword and a short sword of the Mediterranean origin that had ferrules extended on to the shafts (Fig. 1). The X-ray examination has shown that the ferrules were made when the blades with broken shafts were repaired (Fig. 2). Stylistically similar items have been so far found only among the artifacts of the Tsebelda culture (Fig. 3). The authors assume that such weapons were exported from the Tsebelda area and reached the North Caucasus population in the 5th – early 6th centuries. A component of the sword-belt (a large amber pendant bead with a plaque made in the cloisonné style) and parts of the short sword scabbard also find stylistic parallels among the weapons associated with Mediterranean or Early Byzantine military traditions that absorbed Late Roman, Sasanid and nomadic elements.