Utilizarea resurselor tehnice şi de comunicare în Universitatea din Bucureşti (original) (raw)
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Resursele umane şi competenţele
Medic.ro, 2018
One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely.
Sistemul informaţional modernizat creat de bibliotecarii USARB [Articol]
Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB, 2017
On-line catalog, databases and networks are now common tools work for librarian Institution (SL USARB), specifically designed for document storage and dissemination of information. The high degree of interaction between the Library and users (teachers, students, researchers, etc.) is due to the policy of diversification of electronic services.
Lucrările universitarilor bălţeni: Anuar 2009 : Bibliogr. sel
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Codreanu-Bîrsanu, Aurelia. Unele aprecieri asupra nominaţiilor aproximative determinate de locutor / Aurelia Codreanu-Bîrsanu // Strategii actuale în lingvistică, glotodidactică şi ştiinţa literară : Colocviul şt. intern. organizat cu ocazia a 55-a aniversare a Fac. de Limbi şi Lit. Străine, ed. a 2-a,
Dezvoltarea preșcolarilor în era socializării digitale
Psihologia. Revista științifico-practică = Psychology. Scientific-practical journal, 2021
The article highlights the development trends of preschool children, associated with the characteristics of modern socialization. Today, the process of including the child in culture has a number of specifi c features. An adult ceases to be a unique carrier of culture for the child, the eff ectiveness of traditional parenting and teaching practices becomes ambiguous, decreases the intensity of communication between a child with adults and other children. One of the reasons for these changes is the rapid introduction of digital technologies into the child’s daily life: the Internet, the computer, the tablet, the phone and other gadgets that a preschooler often masters better than his parents. Gadgets become not only a toy, but also a means of socializing. To defi ne and describe the new facet of the child’s socialization, the term „digital socialization” is used, which is characterized by the following: children’s use of an arsenal of high-tech digital technology, the duration of a c...
Provocările limbajului în Codul administrativ
Recently entered into force, the administrative code was adopted with the stated purpose of unifying the regulations in the field of public administration, in order to create a normative framework, coming to the aid of individuals, public administration, but also of practitioners. In this respect, a significant part of the provisions were taken identically from the normative acts that were repealed, while there are also new provisions, some of them leaving, unfortunately, the impression of a code adopted in haste. Without claiming a thorough analysis of the entire regulation, the present study aims to address some of the challenges brought by the language used in OUG: 57/2019. Between the two extremes among which the legislator oscillates (either an incomplete or ambiguous language, or an over-regulation), the most relevant problem, in terms of the consequences that it can produce, probably consists in using already legally established notions, with a totally different meaning (such...
Analiza Asigurării Cu Resurse Umane Ca Potențial Economic Al Entității
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
In the context of current technological, social and economic changes, entities face several challenges aimed at further developing the key role of supplier of high quality products and services. These include the need to meet future consumer demands and develop production processes that increase labor productivity and reduce costs. Adequate and qualified human resources are essential to ensure quality production and implement more efficient production processes based on new technologies. As a result, the analysis of human resources is essential to achieve the economic-financial objectives of the entity and to enable the entities to face current and future challenges. The present paper provides an analysis of human resource provision through the lens of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes made within the entity. At the same time, the method of analyzing the stability of human resources through indicators of labor force fluctuation and circulation was exposed.
Evaluarea Formativă – Deziderat În Învăţământul Universitar
In ultimul timp au luat amploare cercetările cu referire la evaluarea formativă. Prezenţa constantă a evaluării formative in invăţământul universitar explică, fără indoială, locul central al acesteia in procesul instructiv-educativ. Evaluarea formativă apare ca o strategie nouă in educaţia postmodernă, care permite studenţilor să-si dezvolte competenţe pentru a deveni autonomi in invăţare. Evaluarea formativă prezintă valoare in invăţământul universitar, reiesind din caracterul ei de diagnoză, remediere si corecţie a procesului de predare–invăţare. Fiind axată pe invăţare, evaluarea formativă este importantă in invăţământul universitar datorită feedback-ului realizat intre profesori si studenţi; in rezultat, evaluarea formativă reprezintă, pe de o parte, remedierea procesului didactic pentru atenuarea dificultăţilor intâmpinate de către studenţi si, pe de altă parte, reglarea procesului de predare–invăţare. Evaluarea formativă in invăţământul universitar cuprinde in centrul său de ...