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Floods represent the part of environmental problems of physical on the surface of earth resulting loss and can be interpreted an situation where irrigate river abundance, suffusing area of around him until certain deepness till generate loss. This research is conducted in DAS Bengawan Solo, where floods phenomenon that happened in this area still predominated by high rainfall and overflowing irrigate river coming from Bengawan Solo. Target of this research is to develop SIG base on web which is implementation to know floods danger susceptance in the case of giving information about wide of, inclination of bevel, use of farm, land;ground type, and house amount which must be evacuated in the event of floods in Region DAS Bengawan Solo, so that expected can give theoretical knowledge and aplikatif concerning SIG role in floods disaster mitigasi. Research methodologies cover: system development, source of data, analysis, groove used software and overlay in research. Result of this research is Geographical Information system application is Regional Susceptance Danger Floods of DAS Bengawan Solo in the form of Geographical Information System software base on web, where this application desain to give information about danger crisis the happening of floods in DAS Bengawan Solo region.
Abstrak Pangkalpinang City is one of the municipalities in Indonesia which are part of Bangka Belitung as well as a provincial capital. Formerly Pangkalpinang only have 5 sub-district and 36 village, after the expansion, the region now Pangkalpinang has 7 districts and 42 villages. To complete various public administration purposes are required to come directly to the District or the Village to attend to correspondence or to deal with other community purposes. But unfortunately, since Pangkalpinang conduct regional divisions, many people do not know where the location of the District and their new village. Therefore, this information system is expected to help people to find the location of an existing sub-district and urban village in Pangkalpinang. Method for making system used in this study is the waterfall method models. In this study, the software used to build this application is MySQL as the database server, Macromedia Dreamwiever as a supporter. Geographic Information System (GIS) for determining the location of the District and the Village is expected to help the community to take care of their various purposes, such as taking care, Land Letter, Certificate of Disadvantaged and various other purposes under the authority of the District and Village in its staff.
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah, 2018
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to work with spatially-referenced data or geographic coordinates. According to data owned by Traffic Directorate of West Sumatra Police, the number of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra is 48 points. This leads to the need for a Geographic Information System of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra based on the web to describe the map of vulnerable area locations along with the information needed. Geographic Information System Application of Web-Based Accident Complex, with programming languages (JavaScript and PHP), MySQL as database and Google Maps API. The result of this research is the creation of a web-based GIS application that can present information about the location of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra in detail and can be accessed easily be used people.
Pada masa sekarang ini tidak jarang masyarakat merantau ke daerah lain untuk mencari nafkah atau menimbah ilmu dan menetap didaerah lain tersebut. Oleh sebab itu saya membuat sistem informasi geografis letak kos-kosan khususnya daerah Kedawung, Cirebon yang mana didaerah tersebut terdapat kampus Stikom Poltek yang sebagian besar mahasiswanya berasal dari luar kota Cirebon sehingga nantinya sistem informasi geografis ini dapat membantu mahasiswa dan masyarakat yang membutuhkan kos-kosan. Banyak sekali tempat kos yang dapat menjadi pilihan untuk tempat tinggal sementara, dimana tempat-tempat kos tersebut berada dalam lokasi atau daerah yang berbeda-beda. Daerah-daerah tempat kos tersebut berbeda tingkat kestrategisannya, sehingga setiap orang yang mencari tempat kos akan menjadi kesulitan karena tidak dapat melihat daerah-daerah mana yang strategis dan kurang strategis.
Tugas Akhir, 2016
Geographical Information System is technology to manage, analyze and dessiminate geographical information which has something to do with the location of service infrastructure and the related information. The increasing health service is very needed for every village in District of Arjasa in order that the local people can take advantage of it. The recent condition of Health Service location has not been equally and evenly distributed. Although there are some villages which have adequate Health Servive Places, The people are still not getting adequate information. The unknown location become the main factor of the percentage of people visit to ask for health service which is , for example, occuring in Kangean Area, District of Arjasa. There are actually many kinds of health services. Because of the unavailable information, people are forced to visit the location which is far away from their residences. Based on the available problem, the existence of geographical information system can be used as solution to solve the problem occuring in community. People can easily find the available nearest location of health service from their houses. So this condition is expected to overcome the recent proplems of patients' reference and the result of this evaluation will be the barometer if this system is running well or not. Abstrak-Sistem Informasi Geografis merupakan teknologi untuk mengelola, menganalisis dan menyebarkan informasi geografis yang berkaitan dengan letak posisi sarana pelayanan dan informasi-informasi yang terkait. Kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan perlu ditingkatkan di setiap desa se-kecamatan arjasa agar dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh masyarakat setempat. Kondisi saat ini lokasi pelayanan kesehatan belum merata sepenuhnya, walaupun ada disebagian desa yang sudah merata akan tetapi tidak semua masyarakat mengetahui letak lokasi pelayanan yang sebenarnya berada tidak terlalu jauh disekitar mereka. Faktor lokasi yang tak diketahui itulah menjadi komponen utama dalam persentase kunjungan atau pemanfaaatan pelayanan kesehatan. Seperti halnya didaerah Kepulauan Kangean Kecamatan Arjasa. Banyak pelayanan kesehatan yang tersedia akan tetapi karna faktor ketidak tahuan masyarakat, sehingga mereka harus mendatangi tempat pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih jauh dari posisi tempat mereka bermukim. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, Adanya sistem informasi goegrafis dapat dijadikan sebuah solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat. Masyarakat akan mudah menemukan di bagian mana saja terdapat tempat pelayanan pelayanan kesehatan yang terdekat terhadap tempat tinggalnya. Oleh karenanya diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah rujukan pasien yang selama ini terjadi, hasil pengujian ini akan menjadi tolak ukur apakah sistem ini berjalan dengan baik atau tidak.
ABSTRACT Availability of information about places of worship, especially the Protestant Christian Church in Bali or “Gereja Kristen Protestan di Bali (GKPB)” is still limited in the district of Badung and Denpasar. Information that has been provided is in the form of brochures or flyers that are internal in the church alone. Lack of available information media, the general public especially the tourists, both domestic tourists and foreign tourists difficulty to obtain information about the location of the church where they want to worship. This causes a problem for the church office or “Sinode GKPB”, namely how to provide a facility that can provide information about the church GKPB, particularly in the district of Badung and Denpasar. Solutions taken to solve this problem is to build a web-based geographic information system, which can process data into a church for the community useful information . Information that will be generated is about GKPB church in the district of Badung and Denpasar. The method used in the development of web-based geographic information systems, is to field observations and literature studies in order to analyze the data collected. So it will be obtained a more purposeful conclusion. This system is implemented by Macromedia Dreamwaver as a text editor, MySQL database as a data storage database, PHP programming language, Apache web server and the Google Maps API version 3 as a facility to display the geographical location of the church on the map. The resulting application is a Geographic Information System GKPB Church in the Regency of Badung and Denpasar Web-Based. This system can process spatial data and non-spatial data of churches, which will yield information on the location of the church is shown visually on the map, a brief profile GKPB church (church identity, church pastor, church news column and schedule of worship), showing the way to church service, the search radius based church, church groupings by area and displays graphs GKPB distribution and growth of the church in the district of Badung and Denpasar. Key word : GIS, GKPB district of Badung and Denpasar, Web, Sinode GKPB
Prosiding Temu Teknis Peran Strategis Pejabat Fungsional Teknisi Litkayasa Mendukung Pertanian Maju, Mandiri, Modern (3M), 2020
Pemanfaatan potensi lahan yang diusahakan harus dengan pengelolaan yang tepat dan sesuai kondisi wilayah. Data dan informasi khususnya yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan lahan, luas baku lahan sawah, produktivitas komoditas, sebaran alat mesin pertanian, dan iklim memainkan peran penting sebagai dasar dalam melakukan pengelolaan lahan. Teknologi sistem informasi geografis (SIG) berbasis web dapat digunakan sebagai sarana dalam penyajian informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi penyajian informasi sumber daya pertanian berbasis Web GIS. Metode penyusunan meliputi: (1) Inventarisasi data spasial dan tabular wilayah, (2) Input dan pengolahan basis data, dan (3) Penyusunan portal Web GIS. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Portal Web GIS iSuperSulteng (Informasi Sumber daya Pertanian Sulawesi Tengah) yang berisikan informasi sumber daya lahan, sumber daya manusia, dan informasi pertanian lainnya yang tersusun dalam format sistem geodatabase. Portal tersebut dapat diakses secara online sehingga memudahkan petani, pemerintah daerah/pusat, pengambil kebijakan, akademisi, pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat luas pada umumnya untuk mendapatkan informasi sumber daya pertanian wilayah secara cepat dan tepat tanpa kendala tempat dan waktu.
Abstrak – Design application of geographic information system for mapping and search for maternity clinic in Solok city with android based to give information location of maternity clinic to the people in Solok city and out of Solok city, and also to give information about maternity clinic in Solok city. Which is expected can access everytime and everywhere. Making of geographic information system android based was created using MapInfo Professional 10.5, Eclipse, Parse as database and Giscloud as server storage online maps. The application is expected to be used to obtain information about maternity clinic in Solok city, which is presented in the form of a map application.