The Influence of Reading Interest on Achievement Motivation of English Literature Students of Bina Darma University in Palembang


Reading interest becomes one of the most substantial issue in the latest research nowadays. This research aims to investigate the influence of reading interest on students’ achievement motivation of the undergraduate students of English Literature Study Program of Bina Darma University in Palembang. To achieve the aim, the questionnaires of reading interest and achievement motivation were administered to a group of 60 students who became the sample of the study. The questionnaires before had been piloted to other students out of the sample in order to check the validity and reliability. To analyze the data, path analysis was used and the result showed that there was a positive direct effect of reading interest on English literature students’ achievement motivation with the coefficient value 0.449. In addition, the magnitude of the direct effects of reading interest on students’ achievement motivation was 20.2%. Finally, the interpretation, implications and recommendation of the resu...

Challenges Encounter on Teachers' Practice of Using Literary Texts to Teach Reading Skills: Some Selected High Schools in Enbse Sar Mider Woreda


This study aimed to assess challenges encounter the teachers' practice of using literary texts to teach reading skills: in case of Abreha Woatsebeha, Alusha , Segno Gebya,and Debo Secondary school. For this, descriptive survey design and both quantitative and qualitative data analyses approaches were employed. The samples were 38 teachers selected using comprehensive sampling. Questionnaire and semi structured interview were data collection tools. Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) was used to analyze the quantitative data and thematic narration for qualitative. The findings of the study revealed teachers' practices of teaching reading skill through literary texts faced challenged by a number of factors. Of which teachers' and students' attitude toward literary texts, lack of experience and preparation, text authenticity, difficulty, length, and large class size, students' motivation, and perception, shortage of time, lack of literary texts in the school, lack of in-service training and supervision are found the major ones. Finally, to meet the needs and interest of the teachers' and students', English language curriculum, syllabus designers, should consider their cultural background, linguistic level, and communicative competences.

The Reading Motivation and Reading Strategies Used by Undergraduates in University Teknologi MARA Dungun, Terengganu

Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2011

There is a major concern among educators and parents about children who cannot read but more seriously about those who can read but do not have the motivation to read. The study investigated 245 undergraduates' level of reading motivation and their reading strategies use when they read academic texts. This study aims at finding the connection between reading motivation and reading strategy, to discover the differences between male and female students' reading motivation and reading strategy and the relationship between variables such as program of study and family's income. The results showed that the undergraduates' reading motivation was of moderate level and they mostly use the cognitive reading strategy instead of the metacognitive reading strategy. There seemed to be a connection between the undergraduates' reading motivation and the reading strategy used. The results indicated that the undergraduates' motivation to read had an influence on the use of the reading strategy. Though female students had higher reading motivation compared to male students, both groups only use the cognitive reading strategy. Therefore, the results showed that undergraduates having moderate reading motivation tend to use only cognitive reading strategy. Thus, reading motivation does influence the acquisition of reading skills and there is a possibility that the higher reading motivation, the higher the tendency to use high level reading skills such as metacognitive which is a necessity for students' effective reading. Instructors should motivate students to become active readers by improving students' intrinsic motivation and decreasing their extrinsic motivation. Other results revealed that there was a significant difference among the five Diploma programs and finally, the students' reading motivation had no significant relationship with their economic background.

Reading Strategies Used by Successful Readers of English Department Students of State Institute for Islamic Studies Padangsidimpuan

TAZKIR: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman, 2018

Artikel ini mengeksplorasi strategi-strategi membaca yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa sebagai pembaca yang sukses dan mencari tahu srategi membaca yang dominan digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif pada jenis studi kasus. Informan penelitian adalah 9 mahasiswa Program Studi Bahasa Inggris yang telah melewati dua mata kuliah Reading Comprehension. Untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini, pada peneliti melakukan dua jenis test yakni tes pilihan berganda dan essay untuk mengetahui Reading Comprehension mahasiswa dan pedoman wawancara untuk mengetahui strategi membaca yang digunakan. Dalam Analisa data, para peneliti melakukan reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan / verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cukup banyak strategi membaca yang digunakan oleh succesfull readers di IAIN Padangsidimpuan, yakni looking the kind of the text and reading the passage, reading first paragraph, focusing on first and last paragraph, focusing on the first paragraph and reading the passage, and others. Strategy yang paling sering digunakan adalah focusing on the first sentence, and focusing on the last paragraph. Dari hasil penelitian ini, para peneliti menyarankan agar para pembaca lebih menggunakan strategu yang bervariasi dalam membaca agar supaya semakin meningkatkan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa ataupun pembaca.

Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Understanding English Text (A Study at English Program IAIN Padangsidimpuan)

AL-Ta lim, 2014

This study deals with the ability of the students to understand English texts and types of their reading strategies. It is believed that reading strategies help students improve their reading comperehension. Based on this theory, then, the qualitative research was carried out to describe students’ reading ability and types of strategy they used. Data were collected through questionnaires that have been distributed to 34 students. They were also observed and tested. It was found that the students’ ability in understanding text was still low. They had many problems in understanding English texts because they did not apply appropriate reading strategies in their reading activities. Their low reading comprehension was due to their lack of reading strategies. Copyright © 2014 by Al-Ta'lim All right reserved

An Analysis of Factors Affecting the English Reading Comprehension of Mattayomsuksa 5 Students in Amphur Mueang, Lampang Province


This research analyses the factors affecting the English reading ability of 1,827 Mattayomsuksa 5 students attending both government and private schools in city and non-city areas of Amphur Mueang, Lampang province in the 2015 academic year. Purposive sampling of 78 students was utilized, and data were collected through a questionnaire, a reading comprehension test and interviews. Multiple factors affecting reading ability were determined and divided into the three internal factors of learning preferences, motivation, and attitude, and the three external factors of teaching techniques, texts and environment. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and the reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s alpha was also deployed. The results reveal that all respondents believed that the selection of the texts that they read was the most important factor affecting their English reading ability. Moreover, respondents scored ...

The Students’ motivation in reading and reading interest of the fifth semester students of IAIN Palangka Raya


There is a major concern among educators about students who can not read but more seriously about those who can read but do not have the motivation to read. In recent years, many researchers have tried to find out the reason behind the lack of motivation to read. In any academic or higher learning context, reading is perceived as the most prominent language skill. It is through reading that the students learn new information and become able to synthesize, evaluate, and interpret. As the better readers the students are, the better achievement they get in second language acquisition. There must be reasons what control the students’ behavior toward reading. This study was aimed at: (1) investigating the factors that motivate the fifth semester students in reading, and (2) knowing what types of reading materials interest the students. The study was descriptive study using qualitative approach with case study design. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interview which analyze...

The Relationship Between Students’ Reading Motivation and the Success to Comprehend the English Texts

Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues

Reading is one of the main skills that must be possessed by students in order to be successful in learning English as a foreign language. Meanwhile, motivation is very much needed in English learning because motivation is one of the determinant factors of student to succeed. The relationship of reading and motivation is two coin-sides that encourage anyone to read or not to read. The aim of making this study is to determine the relationship between students' reading motivation and reading comprehension. This study takes the setting of students who learn English as a foreign language at a state university in Palangka Raya--Indonesia during one month and half by selecting 36 college students with an age range between 19-21 years covered by 22 females and 14 males. This study used a correlational research design. The result shows that there is a positive correlation between students’ reading motivation and their reading comprehension which means the more motivated students in readi...

Teaching Reading for Young Students: A Case Study at Elementary Students in Ciputat, South Tangerang

Journal of Early Childhood Education (JECE), 2022

The objective of this study is to find that reading a story is more effective to develop student’s reading comprehension. This research was held in an English course at IC Multi Ciputat with 20 children’s participants. The sample was divided into experiment groups consist of 10 participants and a control class with 10 participants. The experimental study conducted as a research design. The data collected from the pre-test and post-test of the two groups showed the mean of student’s achievement in experiment class was 72.8 on pre-test and 92.9 on post-test. Meanwhile, the mean score of students score in the control class was 73.6 on the pre-test and 87.6 on the post-test. These data indicated a small impact for children to develop their reading comprehension through a storybook.