The Perception of Local Community Toward Tourist Accommodation Development, Case Study: Village of Seminyak, Bali

Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2016

The growth of tourism accommodation (villa) in the district of Kuta Utara, which is so rapid and uncontrolled, tends to have raised some concerns on the impact that may arise (socio-cultural, environmental and economic). The gap between benefit and cost of the phenomenon raises the question of how perception, response, changes the behavior of the culture and mindset of the local community towards the development of their area travel accommodation. To examine the case, this study combines the two forms of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies (multi-method). The qualitative methods done by observing a research site to see the behavior of local people in the village of Seminyak and informal talks (interview) that is guided by an interview guidelines related to the perception of the local community, the village headman, and the managers of accommodation (villa). While quantitative methods conducted by distributing questionnaires to local communities (90 respondents) were sele...

WILL TOURISM IN BALI SUSTAIN? WILL TOURISM IN BALI SUSTAIN? Research about Community Perception Regarding Tourism at Kuta and Nusa Dua

Berbagai riset di bidang pariwisata menunjukkan kepariwisataan yang berlangsung di suatu wilayah memberikan manfaat ekonomi kepada masyarakat lokal, meskipun terdapat kecendrungan adanya beberapa dampak negatif pada dimensi sosial-budaya dan lingkungan. Agar kepariwisataan di suatu wilayah berkelanjutan, ketiga dimensi keberlanjutan yang meliputi dimensi ekonomi, sosial-budaya, dan lingkungan memperoleh manfaat dari aktivitas pariwisata yang berlangsung. Riset ini ditujukan untuk memperoleh gambaran awal mengenai keberlanjutan pariwisata di kawasan Kuta dan Nusa Dua, dua pusat aktivitas kepariwisataan Bali. Melalui survei pada tokoh-tokoh masyarakat di kedua kawasan, hasil penelitian melalui penggunaan analisis faktor sebagai alat analisis mengkonfirmasi masing-masing dimensi memiliki manfaat dan dampak negatif sebagai wujud biaya yang ditanggung masyarakat kedua kawasan. Pada dimensi ekonomi, manfaat yang dominan dirasakan masyarakat adalah adanya peningkatan kesempatan kerja dan kesempatan berusaha bagi masyarakat lokal meskipun mereka menyadari adanya beban yang ditanggung meliputi meningkatnya harga tanah, harga properti, dan persaingan usaha. Pada dimensi sosial-budaya, masyarakat merasakan meningkatnya perlindungan terhadap tempat-tempat suci dan menguatnya penghargaan pada nilai-nilai tradisional dengan beban yang harus ditanggung meningkatnya kriminalitas serta ketidaknyamanan. Pada sisi lingkungan, hampir tidak ada manfaat yang dirasakan masyarakat dengan dampak negatif meliputi bertambahnya sampah dan limbah serta meningkatnya alih fungsi lahan pertanian.

WILL TOURISM IN BALI SUSTAIN? Research about Community Perception Regarding Tourism at Kuta and Nusa Dua

Various research in tourism shows that tourism takes place in one region provide economic benefits to local communities, although there is a tendency existence of some negative impact on the sociocultural dimension and the environment. In order to achieve sustainable tourism, three dimensions of sustainability i.e. economic, socio-cultural, and environmental must be benefited from tourism. This research is intended to obtain a preliminary picture of the sustainability of tourism in Kuta and Nusa Dua, Bali's two centers of tourism. Through survey of community leaders in both regions, using factor analysis we confirmed each dimension has positive and negative impacts to the people. In the economic dimension, the dominant benefits is an increase in employment and business opportunities for local people, even though they were aware of the burden i.e. increasing land and property prices, and competition. In the socio-cultural dimension, people are seeing increased protection of holy places and the strong appreciation in the traditional values as the main benefits with the negative impacts are rising crime and discomfort. On the environmental side, almost no perceived benefit with negative impacts include increased litter and waste, as well as the increasing transformation of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. Keywords: factor analysis, Kuta and Nusa Dua regions, tourism sustainability

Community-Based Analysis of Tourism Development in Bali

The case study of the Pelangi Bali Hotel (Pelangi hotel) development was focusing on the involvement of project stakeholders, including district governments, the private sector, village staff, and local people, specifically from the village of Seminyak, in the district of Badung, in Bali. This section also explores the role of the Seminyak Village inhabitants (including people and youth representatives, members of village councils, village staff and local community) and their part in the Pelangi hotel development process, particularly in decision making during the project proposal, designing and building construction, and other pre-operational management stages. Discussions will demonstrate the role of the Pelangi hotel owner and his successful use of a local and regional workforce including Balinese, Indonesian Chinese and Javanese in completing the hotel development. However, despite constraints contained in the agreed building permit, the Pelangi hotel was constructed over the le...

Community Based Tourism Management at Pinge Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali

European Center of Sustainable Development, 2017

The demand of something different has driven tourism destination to make new attractions to accommodate various needs of tourists. The idea of presenting authentic local attraction has given local people something to expect from tourism. Thus the idea of community based tourism emerges. This research was conducted at Pinge Village in Tabanan Regency; focusing on the management of the Pinge Village governing body, which consists of the local people themselves. The purpose of this research is to identify and illustrate the role of the governing body for the benefit of the local people. The data collection is done by observation, interview, and literature review. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative research. The result is that the governing body is responsible for managing the village's attraction, activities, and facilities, namely trekking, performing arts, farming activities, cooking class, and home stay. These attractions, activities and facilities are either owned personally by the villagers or owned by the village. The aim of the governing body is to make the people and village prosperous.

Residents' Attitude and Perception towards Tourism Development: The Case of Baduy Tribe, Banten


Cultural tourism is one of the strong point of Indonesia’s tourism industry in attracting both local and international tourists. One of the cultural tourism destination that gaining popularity is Baduy tribe in Banten. However, despite its popularity there is still a lack of study to show locals’ perspective as a host of tourism activity. Thus, this study was made to discover local people attitude towards tourism, local perception regarding economic, socio-cultural, and environment impact of tourism, as well as local involvement in tourism planning. The methodology used in conducting this research is through qualitative method of interview and observation, where total of 17 respondents’ data were gathered. The result of this result shown an overall attitude of the local people towards tourism. Furthermore, this study also unveil several impact felt by the local people raging from positive to negative impact as previous study suggest regarding tourism impact. Lastly, this study also discover the discrepancy of communication by the government to the local people. In conclusion, this study offered some practical application to the government, marketer, and local people. Furthermore, this research can also assist future research, which will be explained in theoretical implication as well as future research recommendations.

Implementation of the alternative tourism paradigm in Bali Aga Traditional Village

Journal of Applied Sciences in Travel and Hospitality, 2021

The paradigm of developing alternative tourism is a development option for Bali Aga village as a tourism village. This paper aims at investigating form of alternative tourism implementation in Bali Aga Village valued by its tourist activities. This research focuses on tourist aspects including the importance of culture, motives for traveling (what they do on holiday and how they feel and behave) such as participating with the local people making bamboo weaving, they felt like family members. Because of the interaction that makes tourists and local people very closely filled with a sense of kinship. The importance of this research is to determine how much the characteristics of alternative tourism have been implemented in Bali Aga village. This research is a qualitative research. Data were taken by administering purposive sampling technique. The results of the study are used as a basis for describing the application of alternative tourism concepts in two villages of Bali Aga, namely ...

Opportunities and challenges of housing traditional Bali as supporting elements of tourism Village in the traditional Village of Pengotan, Bangli


Traditional settlement patterns are often represented as places that still hold traditional and cultural values in everyday life that are related to beliefs or religions that are special or unique in a particular community rooted in a place outside of historical determination that supports tourist villages. . This research was conducted in Pengotan Village, which has a unique cultural dedication tourism village with traditional Balinese architectural settlements, culture and customs in Pengotan Traditional Village, Bangli. Pengotan Village is a Bali Aga village, one of which still maintains traditional mountain village values using the Tri Angga (Hulu-teben) settlement concept. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The purpose of this study is to analyze the opportunities for the development of Traditional Village Customary settlements which are supporting elements of a Traditional Village into a Tourism Village, as well as the challenges that occur in a T...

Residents Perception of Impacts toward Tourism Development: The Case of Bandung City, Indonesia

Journal of Tourism Management Research

This article examines residents" perceptions of the impacts of tourism development in Bandung City, Indonesia. The study aims to evaluate the 2009-2013 tourism policy and program"s outcomes. It uses primary data from the qualitative method of interviewing residents. Interviews were conducted in eight Bandung City districts during November 2014 and March 2016. The respondents were chosen based on the understanding that residents often do not represent a homogeneous population (Brunt and Courtney, 1999). Therefore, the respondents were divided into four types. The data analysis is modeled after Ritchie and Spencer (1994)"s framework method. The study found that the citizens" common perception of a socioeconomic impact are business opportunities. The perceived negative socio-cultural impacts was that the use of a local language, Sundanese, was declining due to tourism. The others included vandalism, and the increase of shopping places and culinary places affecting the citizens" lifestyle via consumerism. Concerning local art and culture, type two, three and four respondents confessed that Bandung City tourism lacked cultural attractions. In contrast, type one of respondent admitted that tourism has the effect of reviving local art and culture and that they had experienced acculturation in traditional music. It shows that the local government efforts of promoting cultural tourism does not affect other residents living in other areas. Contribution/Originality: This study is one of very few to investigate the four different types of residents", on their perception of tourism impacts in a city of a developing country. The study found that the understanding of socio-cultural effects is diverse among residents.

The Role of Local Government in Tourism Development to Improve Community Welfare at Muna Barat Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

International Journal of Social Science and Human Research

The purpose of this study is to describe the role of the government in tourism development at Muna Barat Regency, and the impact of tourism development on improving people's welfare at Muna Barat Regency. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Qualitative descriptive research is one type of qualitative research because the social and cultural environment at Muna Barat Regency, through the local government emphasizes that the existence of tourist objects can be used as a means for the local community to recognize the variety of cultures brought by domestic and foreign tourists. The results of this research showed that: (1) The government's role in tourism development at Muna Barat Regency is to organize and develop tourism objects to improve community welfare, empower tourism businesses and manage tourism data and promotion, and (2) The impact of tourism development on improving welfare at Muna Barat Regency through tourism development are: lack ...