Music and People With Developmental Disabilities: Music Therapy, Remedial Music Making and Musical Activities (original) (raw)

Significance of Music Therapy for School Children with Disabilities and Adult Learners

Music therapy can play a helpful role in helping both children and adults who are going through different forms of psychological issues. The present review discusses the significance of music therapy for school children and adult learners. The authors explored relevant information in Cochrane Library, PubMed and Google scholar. There were no exclusion or inclusion standards for searching literatures online. Keywords used in searching information for this review included: "music therapy," "music therapy for adults," "music therapy for school children," "relevance of music therapy" and "clinical usage of music therapy". Based on the literatures reviewed, a lot of studies demonstrated the clinical efficacy of music therapy in treating patients with depression, autism, dementia, mechanically ventilated intensive care patients, among others. It is recommended that music therapy should be incorporated in more hospitals and schools so as to help the teeming number of children and adults in need of the treatment.

Community music therapy projects between musicians living with severe disabilities and adolescent music students

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 2016

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Music Interventions for a Child with Developmental Disabilities


This capstone thesis project explores a musical intervention (Development Interaction Through Music, DITM) for a 9-year-old girl with neurodevelopmental disorders in a school setting. Although there was research on the application of music therapy in different populations, there are relatively few documentations on music therapy in the field of special education. Some case studies have found that music therapy has a positive effect on people with developmental disorders (Thompson & McFerran, 2015). Clinicians need to engage in more clinical practice and collect case data as strong evidence. Music therapists who work with children with severe disabilities are recommended to build a communication platform to learn from each other to promote the development of music therapy. The Intervention of DITM was designed to use a therapeutic relationship as a promoter in music therapy to support the development of children whose social, communicational, and visual abilities are impaired. There ...

The assessment of the quality of relationship by people with severe disabilities in a music educational setting The assessment of the quality of relationship by people with severe disabilities in a music educational setting

Proceedings of the 19thInternational seminar on Music ind Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine, 2012

The AQR-Instrument (Assessment of the Quality of Relationship)-an instrument to observe and assess the quality of relationship based on developmental-psychological knowledge-was developed for use in music therapy with children with profound developmental disorders (Schumacher/Calvet 2001, 2005, 2007). The AQR-Instrument consists of 4 scales that focus on differing phenomena of expression: instrumental expression, vocal pre-speech expression, physical-emotional expression, the therapists and his/her interventions. Within each scale, 7 modi are used to assess the quality of the inter-personal relationship indicate and give important indications for methodical approaches. The research presented here, the first to apply the AQR-Instrument in a music educational setting with adults with disabilities, assesses the ability of 3 group members to form relationships according to the handling of instruments. It aims to ascertain the ability of the participant to take part in group sessions as well as to examine the methods used by the teacher and whether these were appropriate for the participant and also gives important indications for further music educational approaches. Examples will be shown on DVD. 2 The paper includes information and DVD examples about the setting and the didactical considerations for the musical-educational work with this group of adults with severe disabilities and finishes with thoughts and implications for future work.

Psychodynamic group music therapy with profoundly learning disabled residents and their carers : developing a theory and practice for the realisation of therapeutic aims for residents and the acquirement of therapist's skills by carers


This thesis explores psychodynamic group music therapy with institutionalised, profoundly learning disabled residents, while introducing a novel way of including carers in the music therapy sessions. It is based on a detailed analysis of one case-study consisting of three residents, four carers and myself as the music therapist. Based upon theories from psychoanalysis, the dissertation frrstly explores the inner world of learning disabled people and how this is affected by a traumatic early environment and institutionalised care. It then discusses the musical and psychological concepts that delimit this work. The particular way in which the carers participated in the music therapy treatment is then analysed, drawing from the theories of attachment and object relations. The case-study that follows is a detailed analysis of sessions or extracts from sessions spanning a period of three-and-a-half years. The thesis studies the methodologies and techniques that facilitated the following development in the group: a) Though at the beginning the patients functioned within an autistic type of isolation, they evolved into individuals who expressed their needs for human intimacy, creative exploration and autonomy; b) The carers shifted from being emotionally unresponsive to functioning as auxiliary music therapists; c) The music therapy setting became the ground for the evolution of life attachment bonds between the patients and the carers of the group. This music therapy setting included a particular way of perceiving, understanding and responding to the patients' sounds, based on the principle that any sound or non-verbal signal is meaningful and forms part of a patient's unconscious association to the phenomena in the group.

Introduction to the theory and methods of musical education of children with developmental problems

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PANDEMICS New trends and prospects, 2021

The integrative processes that take place in society, art, science, including medicine and pedagogy, have led to the emergence of border branches of knowledge: integrative medicine, medical psychology, educational psychology, ethno-pedagogy, curative pedagogy, art pedagogy, rehabilitation pedagogy, etc. grow in the field of pedagogy and psychology, dissemination of pedagogical thinking, create new concepts of education, develop educational standards, develop educational standards, the theoretical bases and technologies for raising both children with normal development and children with disabilities are studied; the features of the educational process in the correctional education institutions of different types are investigated. The new paradigm of education focuses on a person of a new culture, the formation of a personality subculture, the reproduction and preservation in the educational space of both the values of culture and the values of the human subculture. Determining the place of the child in the cultural space, this is the main value and object of culture. The knowledge of the world by the child takes place along the entire path of his development in the process of education and growth in the cultural and educational space. Since the development of a child with disabilities will proceed differently than normal, he needs cultural forms specially created to achieve his cultural development.

Beyond Imitation, Without Limitations: A Student Music Therapist Supports the Participation and Development of Young People with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties in a School Setting

This exploratory study sought to uncover the methods and techniques a student music therapist employed to support the participation of young people with complex needs in a school setting. Individual music therapy sessions were carried out over nine months, and clinical documentation was generated throughout this period. Data sources included clinical notes, a reflective journal, and audiovisual recordings from music therapy sessions. Once a research question had been established, the existing data was reviewed retrospectively through a process of secondary analysis, and both inductive and deductive methods of analysis were employed to enable meaningful interpretations of the data to occur. A process of coding and thematically linking elements of music therapy practice allowed for a model of understanding to emerge, and findings suggest that the behaviours and strategies utilised by the student music therapist to support the young people’s participation in music therapy fell into thr...

A Preliminary Investigation of a Specialized Music Therapy Model for Children with Disabilities Delivered in a Classroom Setting

Autism research and treatment, 2016

Music therapy is gaining popularity as an intervention strategy for children with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study was a pilot investigation of a classroom-based music-based intervention, Voices Together®, for improving communication skills in children with ASD and children with intellectual disabilities. Four local public elementary school special education classrooms, serving 5 children with a classification of autistic disorder and 32 children with intellectual disability without autism, were randomly selected to receive one of two levels of exposure to Voices Together music therapy: "long-term" (15 weeks beginning in January 2015 (Time 1), n = 14) or "short-term" (7 weeks beginning 7 weeks later in February (Time 2), n = 17). Using observational ratings, investigators reliably scored participants live in terms of their level of verbal responsiveness to prompts during three songs featured each week of the program...