Mohamed Yimam, Wore Negari. A Memoir of an Ethiopian Youth in the Turbulent 70s [Review] (original) (raw)
From de urban project to the production of the space: urban morphology of the city of Pelotas, Brazil (1812-2000) The Thesis focus the production of the urban morphology in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. We bring in relation the urban project (the ideal city, thought and projected) and the spatial production (the built actual city). We analize the role of the actors of the urban space production in differents periods of its urban evolution. The periods had been delimited from the process of regional and local economic development. The patterns and characteristics of several plans (improvement and reform, sanitation, urban development) that had been drawn and applied in the city are compared with the theoretical trends and pratices of the urbanism. With these combined variables we intended to elaborate a model to understand the city’s urban development. The Thesis is divided in four parts: (i) the theoretical, methodological and historical bases of the study; (ii) the urban project and the preindustrial urban morphology; (iii) the transition from the urban project to the production of the space and the production of the urban shape in the industrial city and (iv) the industrial city and the sprawl of the urban shape. In the conclusion we have realized an interpretation of the city’s urban development dealing with the urban project, the production of the space, the social players in the production of the urban space and with the cycles of growth and expansion in the city’s building. We finish presenting a model to the production of the urban morphology of the city of Pelotas, Brazil.
A review on the impacts of livestock on the ground in natural pastures
The impact of grazing systems on soil physical properties, has been underestimated by technicians and producers. If there is a need for more information on the management and conservation of soils in pasture areas in Brazil. The objective of this review is to discuss the impact of livestock on the ground in grasslands and their consequences to the environment.
Recensione: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Causa ed effetto, 2006
Il breve testo in questione contiene un pezzo del Nachlass di Wittgenstein e una manciata di appunti dalle sue lezioni. I testi scelti trattano rispettivamente i concetti di causa e di libero arbitrio. Nella quarta di copertina si dice che i testi qui raccolti" sono un'occasione unica per vedere un filosofo come Wittgenstein al lavoro". E'falso. Ci sono e ci saranno-fortunatamente? purtroppo?-centinaia di altre occasioni del genere per vedere un filosofo come Wittgenstein al lavoro.