EEG-correlated fMRI of human alpha activity (original) (raw)

Correlating the alpha rhythm to BOLD using simultaneous EEG/fMRI: Inter-subject variability

Neuroimage, 2006

Simultaneous recording of electroencephalogram/functional magnetic resonance images (EEG/fMRI) was applied to identify blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) changes associated with spontaneous variations of the alpha rhythm, which is considered the hallmark of the brain resting state. The analysis was focused on inter-subject variability associated with the resting state. Data from 7 normal subjects are presented. Confirming earlier findings, three subjects showed a negative correlation between the BOLD signal and the average power time series within the alpha band (8 -12 Hz) in extensive areas of the occipital, parietal and frontal lobes. In small thalamic areas, the BOLD signal was positively correlated with the alpha power. For subjects 3 and 4, who displayed two different states during the data acquisition time, it was shown that the corresponding correlation patterns were different, thus demonstrating the state dependency of the results. In subject 5, the changes in BOLD were observed mainly in the frontal and temporal lobes. Subject 6 only showed positive correlations, thus contradicting the negative BOLD alpha power cortical correlations that were found in most subjects.

The contribution of different frequency bands of fMRI data to the correlation with EEG alpha rhythm

Brain Research, 2014

Alpha rhythm is a prominent EEG rhythm observed during resting state and is thought to be related to multiple cognitive processes. Previous simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG)/functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated that alpha rhythm is associated with blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals in several different functional networks. How these networks influence alpha rhythm respectively is unclear. The low-frequency oscillations (LFO) in spontaneous BOLD activity are thought to contribute to the local correlations in resting state. Recent studies suggested that either LFO or other components of fMRI can be further divided into sub-components on different frequency bands. We hypothesized that those BOLD sub-components characterized the contributions of different brain networks to alpha rhythm. To test this hypothesis, EEG and fMRI data were simultaneously recorded from 17 human subjects performing an eyes-close resting state experiment. EEG alpha rhythm was correlated with the filtered fMRI time courses at different frequency bands (0.01-0.08 Hz, 0.08-0.25 Hz, 0.01-0.027 Hz, 0.027-0.073 Hz, 0.073-0.198 Hz, and 0.198-0.25 Hz). The results demonstrated significant relations between alpha rhythm and the BOLD signals in the visual network and in the attention network at LFO band, especially at the very low frequency band (0.01-0.027 Hz).

Simultaneous EEG and fMRI of the alpha rhythm

NeuroReport, 2002

The alpha rhythm in the EEG is 8-12 Hz activity present when a subject is awake with eyes closed. In this study, we used simultaneous EEG and fMRI to make maps of regions whose MRI signal changed reliably with modulation in posterior alpha activity. We scanned 11 subjects as they rested with eyes closed. We found that increased alpha power was correlated with decreased MRI signal in multiple regions of occipital, superior temporal, inferior frontal, and cingulate cortex, and with increased signal in the thalamus and insula. These results are consistent with animal experiments and point to the alpha rhythm as an index of cortical inactivity that may be generated in part by the thalamus. These results also may have important implications for interpretation of resting baseline in fMRI studies.

Cortical and Subcortical Correlates of Electroencephalographic Alpha Rhythm Modulation

Journal of Neurophysiology, 2005

Neural correlates of electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha rhythm are poorly understood. Here, we related EEG alpha rhythm in awake humans to blood-oxygen-leveldependent (BOLD) signal change determined by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Topographical EEG was recorded simultaneously with fMRI during an open versus closed eyes and an auditory stimulation versus silence condition. EEG was separated into spatial components of maximal temporal independence using independent component analysis. Alpha component amplitudes and stimulus conditions served as general linear model regressors of the fMRI signal time course. In both paradigms, EEG alpha component amplitudes were associated with BOLD signal decreases in occipital areas, but not in thalamus, when a standard BOLD response curve (maximum effect at ϳ6 s) was assumed. The part of the alpha regressor independent of the protocol condition, however, revealed significant positive thalamic and mesencephalic correlations with a mean time delay of ϳ2.5 s between EEG and BOLD signals. The inverse relationship between EEG alpha amplitude and BOLD signals in primary and secondary visual areas suggests that widespread thalamocortical synchronization is associated with decreased brain metabolism. While the temporal relationship of this association is consistent with metabolic changes occurring simultaneously with changes in the alpha rhythm, sites in the medial thalamus and in the anterior midbrain were found to correlate with short time lag. Assuming a canonical hemodynamic response function, this finding is indicative of activity preceding the actual EEG change by some seconds.

Correlates of alpha rhythm in functional magnetic resonance imaging and near infrared spectroscopy

NeuroImage, 2003

We used simultaneous electroencephalogram-functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI) and EEG-near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to investigate whether changes of the posterior EEG alpha rhythm are correlated with changes in local cerebral blood oxygenation. Cross-correlation analysis of slowly fluctuating, spontaneous rhythms in the EEG and the fMRI signal revealed an inverse relationship between alpha activity and the fMRI-blood oxygen level dependent signal in the occipital cortex. The NIRS-EEG measurements demonstrated a positive cross-correlation in occipital cortex between alpha activity and concentration changes of deoxygenated hemoglobin, which peaked at a relative shift of about 8 s. Our data suggest that alpha activity in the occipital cortex is associated with metabolic deactivation. Mapping of spontaneously synchronizing distributed neuronal networks is thus shown to be feasible.

Simultaneous EEG/Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 4 Tesla: Correlates of Brain Activity to Spontaneous Alpha Rhythm During Relaxation

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2008

Simultaneous EEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging have been applied to the study of brain states associated with alpha waves using a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla and has been shown in recent years to be feasible up to 3 Tesla for other applications. This study demonstrates this technique's continued viability at a field strength of 4 Tesla, affording a proportionally greater sensitivity to changes in Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signal. In addition, for the study of alpha correlations, the authors used a larger number of subjects and scanning sessions than in the previous work. Random effects group regression analysis of 35 EEG/functional magnetic resonance imaging sessions against occipital alpha magnitude in a relaxed state detected bilateral widespread activation of dorsal thalamus and portions of the anterior cingulate and cerebellum. In the same group analysis, deactivations arose predominantly in the fusiform and adjacent visual association areas with a small activation cluster also detected in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This pattern is consistent with a correspondence between alpha magnitude variations and resting state network dynamics ascertained by recent studies of low frequency spontaneous BOLD fluctuations. The central role of the thalamus in resting state networks correlated with alpha activity is highlighted. Demonstrating the applicability of simultaneous EEG/functional magnetic resonance imaging up to 4 Tesla is particularly important for clinically relevant research involving challenging spontaneous EEG abnormalities, such as those of epilepsy.

Where the BOLD signal goes when alpha EEG leaves

NeuroImage, 2006

Previous studies using simultaneous EEG and fMRI recordings have yielded discrepant results regarding the topography of brain activity in relation to spontaneous power fluctuations in the alpha band of the EEG during eyes-closed rest. Here, we explore several possible explanations for this discrepancy by re-analyzing in detail our previously reported data. Using single subject analyses as a starting point, we found that alpha power decreases are associated with fMRI signal increases that mostly follow two distinct patterns: either F visual _ areas in the occipital lobe or F attentional _ areas in the frontal and parietal lobe. On examination of the EEG spectra corresponding to these two fMRI patterns, we found greater relative theta power in sessions yielding the F visual _ fMRI pattern during alpha desynchronization and greater relative beta power in sessions yielding the F attentional _ fMRI pattern. The few sessions that fell into neither pattern featured the overall lowest theta and highest beta power. We conclude that the pattern of brain activation observed during spontaneous power reduction in the alpha band depends on the general level of brain activity as indexed over a broader spectral range in the EEG. Finally, we relate these findings to the concepts of F resting state _ and F default mode _ and discuss how -as for sleep -EEG-based criteria might be used for staging brain activity during wakefulness. D

Never Resting Brain: Simultaneous Representation of Two Alpha Related Processes in Humans

PLoS ONE, 2008

Brain activity is continuously modulated, even at ''rest''. The alpha rhythm (8-12 Hz) has been known as the hallmark of the brain's idle-state. However, it is still debated if the alpha rhythm reflects synchronization in a distributed network or focal generator and whether it occurs spontaneously or is driven by a stimulus. This EEG/fMRI study aimed to explore the source of alpha modulations and their distribution in the resting brain. By serendipity, while computing the individually defined power modulations of the alpha-band, two simultaneously occurring components of these modulations were found. An 'induced alpha' that was correlated with the paradigm (eyes open/ eyes closed), and a 'spontaneous alpha' that was ongoing and unrelated to the paradigm. These alpha components when used as regressors for BOLD activation revealed two segregated activation maps: the 'induced map' included left lateral temporal cortical regions and the hippocampus; the 'spontaneous map' included prefrontal cortical regions and the thalamus. Our combined fMRI/EEG approach allowed to computationally untangle two parallel patterns of alpha modulations and underpin their anatomical basis in the human brain. These findings suggest that the human alpha rhythm represents at least two simultaneously occurring processes which characterize the 'resting brain'; one is related to expected change in sensory information, while the other is endogenous and independent of stimulus change.

Human alpha oscillations in wakefulness, drowsiness period, and REM sleep: different electroencephalographic phenomena within the alpha band

Neurophysiologie Clinique-clinical Neurophysiology, 2002

Cortical oscillations in the range of alpha activity (8-13 Hz) are one of the fundamental electrophysiological phenomena of the human electroencephalogram (EEG). Evidence from quantitative EEG data has shown that their electrophysiological features, cortical generation mechanisms, and therefore, their functional correlates vary along the sleep-wake continuum. Specifically, spectral microstructure and EEG coherence levels between anterior and posterior cortical regions permit to differentiate among alpha activity spontaneously appearing in relaxed wakefulness with eyes closed, drowsiness period, and REM sleep, by reflecting distinct properties of neural networks involved in its cortical generation as well as a different interplay between cortical generators, respectively. Besides, the dissimilar spatiotemporal features of brain electrical microstates within the alpha range reveals a different geometry of active neural structures underlying each alpha variant or, simply, changes in the stability level of neural networks during each brain state. Studies reviewed in this paper support the hypothesis that two different alpha variants occur during human REM sleep: 'background responsive alpha activity', blocked over occipital regions when rapid eye movements are present, and 'REM-alpha bursts', non modulated by the alternation of tonic and phasic periods. Altogether, evidence suggests that electrophysiological features of human cortical oscillations in the alpha frequency range vary across different behavioural states, as well as within state, reflecting different cerebral phenomena with probably dissimilar functional meaning. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS alpha rhythm / alpha activity / wakefulness / drowsiness / REM / quantitative EEG techniques / spectral analysis / coherence / brain microstates / humans Résumé -Oscillations alpha au cours de l'éveil, de la somnolence et du sommeil paradoxal : différents phénomènes EEG au sein de la bande alpha. Les oscillations corticales dans la bande alpha (8-13 Hz) sont un des phénomènes électrophysiologiques fondamentaux de l'electroencephalogramme humain (EEG). L'EEG quantifié a montré que les caractéristiques electrophysiologiques, les mécanismes de genèse corticale et les corrélats fonctionnels de cette activité varient le long du continuum veille-sommeil. En particulier, la microstructure spectrale et les FLA niveaux de cohérence entre régions corticales antérieures et postérieures permettent de différencier l'activité alpha qui apparaît au cours de la veille calme, yeux fermés, de celle observée en stade de somnolence ou en sommeil paradoxal (REM). Ceci reflète probablement les propriétés différentes des réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans leur genèse respective, ainsi que les rapports différents entre générateurs corticaux. En dehors de cela, les aspects spatio-temporels dissimilaires des micro-états EEG dans la bande alpha mettent en évidence, soit des géométries neurales différentes sous-jacentes à chaque variante de l'alpha, soit tout simplement des changements dans la stabilité des réseaux neuronaux dans chacun des niveaux révélées par la technique des 'micro-états'. Les études revues dans cet article étayent l'hypothèse de deux variantes différentes de l'alpha au cours du sommeil paradoxal (SP) : d'une part 'l'alpha réactif de base', bloqué sur les régions occipitales dès que les mouvements rapides des yeux sont présents, d'autre part les 'bouffées alpha du SP', indifférentes à l'alternance de périodes toniques ou phasiques. Au total, l'évidence accumulée suggère une variation de l'activité dans la bande alpha non seulement au cours de différents états comportementaux, mais également au sein de chaque état, reflétant différents phénomènes cérébraux de signification fonctionnelle dissimilaire. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS rythme alpha / activité alpha / veille / somnolence / sommeil / REM / sommeil paradoxal / EEG quantifié / analyse spectrale / coherence / micro-états cérébraux / homme