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Anu Books, 2022
Climate change has affected the mankind in numerous ways. Human induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread changes in nature and effecting lives of billions of people around the world. As the climate continues to change there are droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms, declining biodiversity and million of people around the world face challenges in terms of health, livelihood security, migration, cultural identity and other related risk. People are affected across the world even more irrespective of their contribution to the cause of global warming and climate change. Climate change is not just a scientific issue; it is just as much a social issue. To avoid mounting loss of life, biodiversity and infrastructure, urgent, ambitious, and accelerated action is required to adapt to climate change, at the same time as making rapid, deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. This paper briefly discusses the climate change and its effects on society.
ABSTRACT Climate change is one of the major uprising issues in the world and it's making the tension between the scientists, policy makers, and common people. Climate change also called global warming, refers to the increase in average surface temperatures on Earth. An overwhelming scientific consensus upholds that climate change is due primarily to the human use of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. The gases trap heat within the atmosphere, which can have a range of effects on ecosystems, including rising sea levels, severe weather events, and droughts that render landscapes more susceptible to wildfires. Their fear mainly on the impact of the climate change on the different species and its impact on future generations. Due to the variability in the climate nowadays temperature is increasing some regions of the globe more than average temperature, some regions having the heavy Rainfall and some regions having the heavy droughts. Its impact on human beings and animals are very high, and increasing the food insecurity across the world. The present study discusses mainly on the Various Factors contributions to the climate change; the consequence of climate change on human beings. Keywords: climate, global warming, temperature
Revista de Management și Inginerie Economică, 2020
In the past, many large, unpredictable and widespread climate changes have repeatedly taken place on Earth, which have had a major impact on our planet. Although climate changes can occur for several reasons, scientists say that the human impact on climate change increases the probability of major events on Earth. The occurrence of such an event will produce an economic and ecological impact with serious consequences on human society. In this context, decision-makers should consider expanding research on unexpected climate change, improving monitoring systems and taking measures to improve the adaptability and resilience of ecosystems and economies. The article briefly deals with a topic of great global interest, namely climate change and society's adjustment to its effects. It refers to the causes that led to the phenomenon of global warming, emphasizing the influence of the anthropogenic factor and the effects of global warming on the Earth. The authors further present the most important consequences of global warming, and the concern of specialists and politicians, at international and national level, regarding the adaptation of society, and the changes to be implemented against climate change, pointing out that this must be done considering the sustainable development priorities
Impacts of Climate Change on Human Development
Human Development Occasional Papers (1992-2007), 2007
Scientific research throughout the past decades has demonstrated how climatic changes have important impacts on the livelihoods of people around the world. For most of developing countries their level of structural and social vulnerability, are a dangerous combination and a formula for impacts of higher magnitude. Therefore, climatic phenomenon such as tropical storms, floods and droughts, more often become tragedies in these countries. This paper analyzes the impacts of such phenomenon in the human development of people across the world. Some of the climate change related issues analyzed in this paper are: droughts and water security, tropical cyclones and storms, rising tides, warming seas, coral bleaching, fish stocks, melting glaciers, heat waves and cold spells and the impact on human health. These shocks are discussed in this paper along with the differentiated impact on countries in various levels of human development. 1. DROUGHT AND WATER SECURITY Drought problems are projected for regions that depend heavily on glacial meltwater for their main dry season water supply (Barnett et al., 2005). Given that Approximately one-sixth of the Earth's population rely on glaciers and seasonal snow packs for their water supply and live within a low-reservoir storage domain, the consequences of projected changes for future water availability, predicted with high confidence and already diagnosed in some regions, will be adverse and severe (IPCC AR4, 2007). In the Andes, glacial meltwater supports river flow and water supply for tens of millions of people during the long dry season. Many small glaciers e.g. in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru (Coudrain et al., 2005) will disappear within a few decades, adversely affecting people and ecosystems with rare and endemic species. Drought ranks as the natural hazard with the greatest negative impact on human livelihood (Barlow et al, 2006). On the other hand, within the existing and increasing context of growing population and climate change, demands for water will not be met, much less the demands of a growing economy. It appears that some areas of the most populated regions on Earth such as Asia are likely to 'run out of water' during the dry season if the current warming and glacial melting trends continue for several more decades (Barnett et al 2005). 1.1 Droughts-an increasing trend Worldwide the annual average number of reported droughts has increased more than threefold since the 1970s. During that decade there were 57 droughts, which correspond to an average number of six droughts per year, of which 33 percent were in Africa, 37 percent in Asia and 2 percent in Europe. In the 1990s the percentage of droughts in Africa jumped to 40 percent with a total 49 droughts reported in different parts of the region, mainly in East Africa. The 2000-2006 period saw an increase to 119 droughts, 46 of those in Africa, 34 in Asia and 12 in Europe (EM-DAT, 2007).
What is the Global Climate Change? With the Perspective of the People Who Live
International Journal of Environmental Protection, 2016
Due to its serious impact upon the environment and on almost all aspects of life, climate change is internationally discussed among all vital sectors of life. In this study, global climate change is explained with the perspective of the people who have no prejudices, but live it. Therefore, it is possible to extract the answers of 5 questions that are frequently asked on global climate change that people are concerned with in their answers. For the goal, herein first, the previous research performed on "global climate change" has been abstracted and discussed briefly. Finally, in the light of the current literature, the study is concluded in 15 questions.
Effects of Climate Change on Human Behaviour: A People Perspective
Effects of Climate Change on Human Behaviour: A People Perspective, 2019
Aim: Climate change effects are not limited to a single sector of life but it has far reaching effects on behaviour and attitudes of a person or community in a holistic manner. With passing time, climate change is showing its unpleasant consequences in one form or another. Human behaviour has a significant importance in altering and modifying the atrocities of climate change. Methodology: In this research paper, Tehsil Gagra of District Buner Pakistan was selected to analyze the human behaviour as an independent variable and climate change effects on local people lives as a dependent variable. Out of 3 Union Councils (UC), 2 were randomly selected and from both the UCs 370 respondents were taken as a total sample size. Data was collected from the local respondents through interviews, & collected data was analyzed through medium of central dispersion, univariate and bivariate statistical techniques. Chi-Square test was used to find the association between the targeted dependent and independent variables. Findings: Findings of the data collected showed that there was found a significant relationship (P<0.05) between increased apprehensions and community practical measures towards climate change, rural people settlement has increased pressure on natural resources, increased agro-forestry and awareness among the locals with the climate change effects on human lives. Moreover, there was also found a high negative significant relationship (P>0.05) between government has taken sufficient actions to avert the climate change, and government has the proper system to cope with hazardous situation, with climate change effects on human lives. Conclusion: As regards to the findings, it is suggested that there is need of awareness among the local population about the climate change and a felt need of increase the coordination between the local and international community to give a framework to mitigate the losses in the aftermath of climate change by prioritizing the issue of climate change on urgent basis.
A Review of Studies on Climate Change and Social Variables from the Perspective of Social
Journal of Community Health Research, 2020
Introduction: Many studies have illustrated climate change effects on social variables and health. This study aimed to identify the SDH associated with climate change. Methods: The present study is a review study with a systematic search. The keywords related to climate change and social variables were searched in the Web of Science and PubMed databases until June 2018. In the initial search 12097 articles were obtained and after the elimination of duplicate and non-related articles, 5932 articles remained After studying the abstracts, 342 articles were excluded based on entry and exit criteria (studies that were not related to climate change and SDH) and 43 articles remained. In the next phase, the full text of the articles was evaluated by two evaluators individually and the consensus method was used. 23 papers were finally included in the study. Results: According to the review, social variables related to climate change were divided into 5 different categories of variables, incl...
This paper starts with the question of whether climate change will require a significant reduction of consumption among the richer people in the world, and ends with the most optimistic picture the author can conjure up, of the world in the year 2075. That hopeful picture is of a world in which inequalities -among and within nations -have been substantially reduced. The challenges and adjustments confronting humanity in the coming decades provide an opportunity that could be used to mitigate climate change in ways that can improve the circumstances of the poor. Ecological reasons to reduce throughput of energy and materials in economic systems urge the abandonment of highconsumption life-styles. The 21 st century will be an era of many losses, but it is conceivable that societies will successfully make the transition from goals of economic growth, as understood in the 20 th century, to goals of maintaining and increasing sustainable well-being.
International Sociology
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Climate change and its attendant issues has generated various debates especially in this century. Various arguments and positions have been put forward concerning the affects of climate change on the human race; much concern however has been placed on the role of human beings as agents in the continuous degradation of our climatic conditions. Activities necessitated by man's insatiable quest for the "good life" and of course, bettering his life has negatively impacted on our environment such that environmentalists, philosophers and even laymen have expressed concerns on the rapid and continuous degradation of our ecological-system. The task of this paper will center around the activities of human persons as agents of climate change with a view at examining the ethical implications of human's continuous exploitation of the eco-system for economic and social development thereby disturbing the balance of nature. The paper will also take into consideration certain ethical principles as they affect man's insatiable quest for development and how it affects and encourages climate change.