Investigation of leakage current and breakdown voltage in irradiated double-sided 3D silicon sensors (original) (raw)

We report on an experimental study aimed at gaining deeper insight into the leakage current and breakdown voltage of irradiated double-sided 3D silicon sensors from FBK, so as to improve both the design and the fabrication technology for use at future hadron colliders such as the High Luminosity LHC. Several 3D diode samples of different technologies and layout are considered, as well as several irradiations with different particle types. While the leakage current follows the expected linear trend with radiation fluence, the breakdown voltage is found to depend on both the bulk damage and the surface damage, and its values can vary significantly with sensor geometry and process details.

Characterization of the first double-sided 3D radiation sensors fabricated at FBK on 6-inch silicon wafers

Following 3D pixel sensor production for the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) fabrication facility has recently been upgraded to process 6-inch wafers. In 2014, a test batch was fabricated to check for possible issues relevant to this upgrade. While maintaining a double-sided fabrication technology, some process modifications have been investigated. We report here on the technology and the design of this batch, and present selected results from the electrical characterization of sensors and test structures. Notably, the breakdown voltage is shown to exceed 200 V before irradiation, much higher than in earlier productions, demonstrating robustness in terms of radiation hardness for forthcoming productions aimed at High Luminosity LHC upgrades.

Estimated modifications of the characteristics of silicon detectors due to their use at the LHC-accelerator and in AMS space conditions

The phenomenological model developed by the authors in previous papers is used to evaluate the degradation induced in high resistivity silicon detectors by pion and proton irradiation at the future accelerator facilities or by cosmic protons considering the continuous irradiation for ten years of work. The equations governing the degradation of the semiconductor lattice are explicitly considered. The damage is analysed at the microscopic level (defects production and their evolution toward equilibrium) and at the macroscopic level (the changes in the leakage current of the p -n junction). The rates of production of primary defects, as well as their evolution toward equilibrium are evaluated considering e xplicitly the irradiation filed characterising the specified applications, i.e. the type of the projectile particle and its energy. The influence of these defects on the leakage current density is compared with experimental data from the literature, and predictions for the LHC radia...


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Silicon detectors for the sLHC

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011