Linking wind and interannual upwelling variability in a regional model of the southern Benguela (original) (raw)
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We quantify the wind contribution to the development of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies along the shelf of southern Africa. We compare numerical simulations that differ only in the amount of variability kept in the ERS1/2-derived surface wind forcing. Surprisingly, most of the cold and warm episodes over the Agulhas Bank are strictly related to local fluctuations of the forcing, whereas the shelf of the west coast extending 400 km north of Cape Columbine is equally sensitive to open-sea wind fluctuations. We diagnose the respective role of mesoscale eddy activity and of low frequency and intra-monthly wind fluctuations in generating interannual SST variability. The fair degree of correlation obtained at a few locations between the model and concomitant observations confirms the interest of a regional numerical tool to study anomalous events in the Benguela system.
Linking wind and interannual upwelling variability in a regional model of the southern
We quantify the wind contribution to the development of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies along the shelf of southern Africa. We compare numerical simulations that differ only in the amount of variability kept in the ERS1/2-derived surface wind forcing. Surprisingly, most of the cold and warm episodes over the Agulhas Bank are strictly related to local fluctuations of the forcing, whereas the shelf of the west coast extending 400 km north of Cape Columbine is equally sensitive to open-sea wind fluctuations. We diagnose the respective role of mesoscale eddy activity and of low frequency and intra-monthly wind fluctuations in generating interannual SST variability. The fair degree of correlation obtained at a few locations between the model and concomitant observations confirms the interest of a regional numerical tool to study anomalous events in the Benguela system.
We investigate the respective roles of equatorial remote (Equatorial Kelvin Waves) and local atmospheric (wind, heat fluxes) forcing on coastal variability in the SouthEast Atlantic Ocean extending up to the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) over the 2000–2008 period. We carried out a set of six numerical experiments based on a regional ocean model, that differ only by the prescribed forcing (climatological or total) at surface and lateral boundaries. Results show that at subseasonal timescales (<100 days), the coastal oceanic variability (currents, thermocline, and sea level) is mainly driven by local forcing, while at interan-nual timescales it is dominated by remote equatorial forcing. At interannual timescales (13–20 months), remotely forced Coastal-Trapped Waves (CTW) propagate poleward along the African southwest coast up to the northern part of the BUS at 248S, with phase speeds ranging from 0.8 to 1.1 m.s 21. We show that two triggering mechanisms limit the southward propagation of CTW: interannual variability of the equatorward Benguela Current prescribed at the model's southern boundary (308S) and variability of local atmospheric forcing that modulates the magnitude of observed coastal interannual events. When local wind stress forcing is in (out) of phase, the magnitude of the interannual event increases (decreases). Finally, dynamical processes associated with CTW propagations are further investigated using heat budget for two intense interannual events in 2001 and 2003. Results show that significant temperature anomalies (628C), that are mostly found in the subsurface, are primarily driven by alongshore and vertical advection processes.
Ocean climate of the South East Atlantic observed from satellite data and wind models
Progress in Oceanography, 2003
The near-coastal South East Atlantic Ocean off Africa is a unique and highly dynamic environment, comprising the cool Benguela Current, warm Angola Current and warm Agulhas Current. Strong coastal upwelling and the Congo River strongly influence primary production. Much of the present knowledge of the South East Atlantic has been derived from ship-borne measurements and in situ sensors, which cannot generally provide extensive spatial and temporal coverage. Similarly, previous satellite studies of the region have often focused on small spatial areas and limited time periods. This paper provides an improved understanding of seasonal and interannual variability in ocean dynamics along the South East Atlantic coast of Africa using time series of satellite and model derived data products. Eighteen years of satellite sea surface temperature data are complimented by 7 years of sea level data. Three years of chlorophyll a data illustrate the seasonal biological response, but the time series is not of sufficient length for investigating interannual variability in chlorophyll biomass. Modelled wind fields are used to describe atmospheric forcing of the surface ocean. This is the first synoptic-scale description of the South East Atlantic from a suite of large spatial coverage, long time series products. Previous studies of seasonal and interannual variability in the region are reviewed and used to interpret key oceanographic features and processes identified in the satellite data. Key findings of this study are:
Variability in sea-surface temperature (SST) and winds in the Angola Benguela frontal zone (ABFZ) in the tropical south-east Atlantic Ocean has previously been shown to be important for regional fisheries and for seasonal rainfall anomalies over Angola/Namibia in austral summer and coastal West Africa in boreal summer. This study investigates intraseasonal variability in winds and SST over this region using QuikSCAT and tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) satellite data for 1999-2004. Wavelet analyses reveal periods of relatively strong power in the 20-30 or 30-64 day frequency bands throughout the record but that there is substantial interannual variability in the occurrence of these intraseasonal oscillations. The implications of this variability for seasonal rainfall anomalies during the main rainy seasons in southern Africa (austral summer) and coastal West Africa (boreal summer) are discussed.
Journal of Marine Research, 1995
The southern coastline of South Africa is approximately zonal, with a wide (up to 270 km) shelf region. Intense thermoclines are known to be established by insolation on the inner shelf region during summer, upwelling is generated by easterly-component winds, and occasionally Agulhas Current water can be advected close to the coast, particularly in the east. These processes induce daily and seasonal fluctuations of coastal sea-surface temperature (SST), but their influence over longer time scales (interannual) has not yet been tested. Here time series of SST ranging from 12 to 31 years are examined for inter-relationships with local and regional winds, and the southern oscillation index (SOI). The emphasis is on the summer period, and it is found that the correlation between SST and major axis wind anomalies can be improved substantially by considering the frequency of occurrence of winds above given thresholds. Moreover, winds and SSTs are also correlated with the SOI, such that fewer easterlycomponent winds are experienced at low phases (El NiAo) with consequent increases in coastal SST, and correspondingly more easterly-component winds at high phases (La Nina) result in decreased coastal SST; however, these relationships did not hold for a measuring site within a large open bay area. Long-term trends are also established, with substantial increases in SST (0.2SWdecade) in association with greater increases in air temperature (0.36"C/ decade).
Climatic determinants of Benguela SST variability
Continental Shelf Research, 1995
Climatic determinants of summer sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the Benguela upwelling zone of the SE Atlantic are studied through statistical associations with field variables of SST and surface winds in the ocean basins surrounding SW Africa. Shelf SST indices are formulated from COADS monthly ship data for the southern and central Benguela for February and October respectively, months of active upwelling. Linear correlation maps are produced at lags-4 and 0 months and provide some unexpected results, February, southern area SST trends are downward over the period 1950-1988. Correlations between the shelf SST index and SST in the rest of the Benguela zone are positive and suggest that interannual signals are widespread in the longshore direction, but out of phase with the central ocean basins, Correlations between SST and meridional winds at 0 lag are-0.4 in the south and-0.8 in the central Benguela. This confirms the expected relationship between southerly wind and upwelling. The lower correlation in the south indicates that SST variability is often advectively forced whereas, in the central Benguela, SST variability is driven by local upwelling. To assess the impact of an El Nifio on winds in the SE Atlantic, a general circulation model (GCM) simulation is performed. A fixed +2°C SST anomaly is imposed in the central Indian Ocean for a period of three years. Resultant surface layer winds in February are compared with climatology and inferences are made with regard to upwelling. Southerly wind stress is nearly doubled in the central Benguela. On the other hand, the Cape Town area obtains increased onshore flow from mid-latitude westerlies, and a reduction in upwelling is inferred. The GCM simulation is consistent with the observed pattern of an enhanced anticyclonic gyre in the SE Atlantic and cooler SST in the central Benguela. The GCM and statistical results demonstrate regional response patterns with respect to coastal upwelling, and offer deterministic inputs to environmental long-range forecasts.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2015
Tropical Atlantic sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) maximum intraseasonal variability (ISV) and their interaction with local surface winds are investigated, applying statistical analysis to observations and to a recent coupled reanalysis over the 2000-2009 decade. Five cores of strong ISV emerge, with standard deviation reaching about 1 • C in frontal areas of the three main upwelling systems: equatorial, Angola-Benguela and Senegal-Mauritania (the southern side of the Canary upwelling). West of 10 • W along the Equator, a 20-60-day peak caused by tropical instability waves is shown to generate surface wind anomalies through the adjustment of the horizontal surface pressure gradient in addition to the modification of near-surface atmospheric stratification. East of 10 • W along the Equator, an intense biweekly oscillation increases the ocean and atmosphere ISV. In the two coastal upwelling fronts, intraseasonal SST anomalies resemble each other. They are shown to be influenced by coastal Kelvin waves in addition to large-scale wind forcing. Over the Angola-Benguela upwelling, coastal wind bursts controlling the SST ISV are associated with anomalously strong pressure patterns related to the Madden-Julian Oscillation, the St Helena anticyclone and the Antarctic Oscillation. In the Senegal-Mauritania upwelling, the wind anomalies mainly linked to the Azores anticyclone in the southern front during November to May appear to be connected to the Saharan heat-low in the northern front from June to September. In all five regions and as expected for such upwelling regimes, vertical oceanic mixing represents the dominant term in the mixed-layer heat budget. In the equatorial band, as found in previous studies, horizontal advection is equally important, while it appears surprisingly weak in coastal fronts. Finally, a striking result is the general lack of surface wind signal related to the SST ISV in the coastal upwellings.
Multiple causes of interannual sea surface temperature variability in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Nature Geoscience, 2012
The eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean is subject to interannual fluctuations of sea surface temperatures, with climatic impacts on the surrounding continents 1-3 . The dynamic mechanism underlying Atlantic temperature variability is thought to be similar to that of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the equatorial Pacific 4,5 , where air-sea coupling leads to a positive feedback between surface winds in the western basin, sea surface temperature in the eastern basin, and equatorial oceanic heat content. Here we use a suite of observational data, climate reanalysis products, and general circulation model simulations to reassess the factors driving the interannual variability. We show that some of the warm events can not be explained by previously identified equatorial wind stress forcing and ENSO-like dynamics. Instead, these events are driven by a mechanism in which surface wind forcing just north of the equator induces warm ocean temperature anomalies that are subsequently advected toward the equator. We find the surface wind patterns are associated with longlived subtropical sea surface temperature anomalies and suggest they therefore reflect a link between equatorial and subtropical Atlantic variability.
Journal of Climate, 2015
Of all the major coastal upwelling systems in the world’s oceans, the Benguela, located off southwest Africa, is the one that climate models find hardest to simulate well. This paper investigates the sensitivity of upwelling processes, and of sea surface temperature (SST), in this region to resolution of the climate model and to the offshore wind structure. The Community Climate System Model (version 4) is used here, together with the Regional Ocean Modeling System. The main result is that a realistic wind stress curl at the eastern boundary, and a high-resolution ocean model, are required to well simulate the Benguela upwelling system. When the wind stress curl is too broad (as with a 1° atmosphere model or coarser), a Sverdrup balance prevails at the eastern boundary, implying southward ocean transport extending as far as 30°S and warm advection. Higher atmosphere resolution, up to 0.5°, does bring the atmospheric jet closer to the coast, but there can be too strong a wind stress ...