Intraseasonal variability of tropical Atlantic sea‐surface temperature: air–sea interaction over upwelling fronts (original) (raw)

A model study of the seasonality of sea surface temperature and circulation in the Atlantic North-eastern Tropical Upwelling System

Frontiers in Physics, 2015

The climatological seasonal cycle of the sea surface temperature (SST) in the northeastern tropical Atlantic (7-25 • N, 26-12 • W) is studied using a mixed layer heat budget in a regional ocean general circulation model. The region, which experiences one of the larger SST cycle in the tropics, forms the main part of the Guinea Gyre. It is characterized by a seasonally varying open ocean and coastal upwelling system, driven by the movements of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The model annual mean heat budget has two regimes schematically. South of roughly 12 • N, advection of equatorial waters, mostly warm, and warming by vertical mixing, is balanced by net air-sea flux. In the rest of the domain, a cooling by vertical mixing, reinforced by advection at the coast, is balanced by the air-sea fluxes. Regarding the seasonal cycle, within a narrow continental band, in zonal mean, the SST early decrease (from September, depending on latitude, until December) is driven by upwelling dynamics off Senegal and Mauritania (15-20 • N), and instead by air-sea fluxes north and south of these latitudes. Paradoxically, the later peaks of upwelling intensity (from March to July, with increasing latitude) essentially damp the warming phase, driven by air-sea fluxes. The open ocean cycle to the west, is entirely driven by the seasonal net air-sea fluxes. The oceanic processes significantly oppose it, but for winter north of ∼18 • N. Vertical mixing in summer-autumn tends to cool (warm) the surface north (south) of the ITCZ, and advective cooling or warming by the geostrophic Guinea Gyre currents and the Ekman drift. This analysis supports previous findings on the importance of air-sea fluxes offshore. It mainly offers quantitative elements on the modulation of the SST seasonal cycle by the ocean circulation, and particularly by the upwelling dynamics.

Interannual variability in the South-East Atlantic Ocean, focusing on the Benguela Upwelling System: Remote versus local forcing

We investigate the respective roles of equatorial remote (Equatorial Kelvin Waves) and local atmospheric (wind, heat fluxes) forcing on coastal variability in the SouthEast Atlantic Ocean extending up to the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) over the 2000–2008 period. We carried out a set of six numerical experiments based on a regional ocean model, that differ only by the prescribed forcing (climatological or total) at surface and lateral boundaries. Results show that at subseasonal timescales (<100 days), the coastal oceanic variability (currents, thermocline, and sea level) is mainly driven by local forcing, while at interan-nual timescales it is dominated by remote equatorial forcing. At interannual timescales (13–20 months), remotely forced Coastal-Trapped Waves (CTW) propagate poleward along the African southwest coast up to the northern part of the BUS at 248S, with phase speeds ranging from 0.8 to 1.1 m.s 21. We show that two triggering mechanisms limit the southward propagation of CTW: interannual variability of the equatorward Benguela Current prescribed at the model's southern boundary (308S) and variability of local atmospheric forcing that modulates the magnitude of observed coastal interannual events. When local wind stress forcing is in (out) of phase, the magnitude of the interannual event increases (decreases). Finally, dynamical processes associated with CTW propagations are further investigated using heat budget for two intense interannual events in 2001 and 2003. Results show that significant temperature anomalies (628C), that are mostly found in the subsurface, are primarily driven by alongshore and vertical advection processes.

Linking wind and interannual upwelling variability in a regional model of the southern


We quantify the wind contribution to the development of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies along the shelf of southern Africa. We compare numerical simulations that differ only in the amount of variability kept in the ERS1/2-derived surface wind forcing. Surprisingly, most of the cold and warm episodes over the Agulhas Bank are strictly related to local fluctuations of the forcing, whereas the shelf of the west coast extending 400 km north of Cape Columbine is equally sensitive to open-sea wind fluctuations. We diagnose the respective role of mesoscale eddy activity and of low frequency and intra-monthly wind fluctuations in generating interannual SST variability. The fair degree of correlation obtained at a few locations between the model and concomitant observations confirms the interest of a regional numerical tool to study anomalous events in the Benguela system.

Seasonal heat balance in the upper 100 m of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2011

The variability of sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial Atlantic is characterized by strong cooling in May-June and a secondary cooling in November-December. A numerical simulation of the tropical Atlantic is used to diagnose the different contributions to the temperature tendencies in the upper ocean. Right at the equator, the coolest temperatures are observed between 20°W and 10°W due to enhanced turbulent heat flux in the center of the basin. This results from a strong vertical shear at the upper bound of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC). Cooling through vertical mixing exhibits a semiannual cycle with two peaks of comparable intensity. During the first peak, in May-June, vertical mixing drives the SST while during the second peak, in November-December, the strong heating due to air-sea fluxes leads to much weaker effective cooling than during boreal summer. Seasonal cooling events are closely linked to the enhancement of the vertical shear just above the core of the EUC, which appears to be not driven directly by the strength of the EUC but by the strength and the direction of the surface current. The vertical shear is maximum when the northern branch of the South Equatorial Current is intense. The surface cooling in the eastern equatorial Atlantic is not as marked as in the center of the basin. Mean thermocline and EUC rise eastward, but a strong stratification, caused by the presence of warm and low-saline surface waters, limits the vertical mixing to the upper 20 m and disconnects the surface from subsurface dynamics.

Upper layer temperature structure of the western tropical Atlantic

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1994

Mean monthly topographies of the 20øC and 10øC isothermal surfaces are used to describe the vertical displacements of the upper and lower thermocline in the western tropical Atlantic. The isotherm topographies are generated from expendable bathythermograph data collected between 1966 and 1993. The topographies confirm, and extend closer to the coast, earlier findings that demonstrate large spatial and temporal variability in the region. For example, the ridge and trough systems observed previously in the interior are shown, and their extension to the western boundary is described. In particular, it is shown that the ridge associated with the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) extends from the interior northwestward along the western boundary, reaching farther north along the boundary in the upper thermocline than in the lower thermocline. South of the equator the northwestern corner of the countercurrent trough is apparent on the lower surface but not on the upper. The annual and semiannual harmonics of the vertical isotherm displacements account on the average for about 60% of total variance on both surfaces. The horizontal structure of the first harmonic amplitude is similar for both surfaces, showing maximum amplitude along the axis of the NECC ridge. Minimum amplitudes are observed to the north along the axis of the countercurrent trough. These distributions are similar to the pattern of the first-harmonic amplitude of the wind stress cuff, supporting earlier studies of curl forcing of near-surface current features. Introduction The upper layer temperature structure of the western and central tropical Atlantic Ocean has been characterized previously by large variability in both time and space. Away from the western boundary, Merle [1978] showed that seasonal upper layer temperature and dynamic topography distributions are dominated by a series of zona!!y oriented ridges and troughs. These features are shown schematically in Figure 1 superimposed on the upper layer current distribution. The equatorial trough is bounded on the north and south by countercurrent ridges, called equatorial ridges by Katz [1981]. These ridges are typically located 3 ø to 5 ø away from the equator. Poleward of the ridges in both hemispheres are the countercurrent troughs [Katz, 1981]. Katz [1981] found a significant reduction in the dynamic height differences between the ridges and the equatorial trough from late winter to summer. These differences appear as reductions in the meridional temperature gradients in the charts of Merle [1978]. Garzoli and Katz [1983], among others, show that the northern hemisphere countercurrent ridge and trough vary in phase with the local wind stress curl field in the interior but that the relation breaks down as the boundary is approached. Along the western boundary, eddies, retroflections, and undercurrents have been observed which add considerable structure to the temperature and dynamic height distributions. For instance, Cochrane et al. [1979] described an Amazon Anticyclone in dynamic topography surfaces, with This paper is not subject to U.S.

Physical processes in the upwelling regions of the tropical Atlantic

In this paper, we review observational and modelling results on the upwelling in the inner tropical Atlantic. We focus on the physical processes that drive the seasonal variability of surface cooling and upward nutrient flux required to explain the seasonality of primary productivity. We separately consider the equatorial upwelling system, the northern coastal upwelling system of the Gulf of Guinea and the tropical Angolan upwelling system. For the equatorial regime, we discuss the forcing of upwelling velocity and turbulent mixing as well as the underlying dynamics responsible for thermocline movements and current structure. The coastal upwelling system in the Gulf of Guinea is concentrated along northern boundary and is driven by both, local and remote forcing. The particular role of the Guinea Current, nonlinearity and the shape of the coastline are emphasized. For the tropical Angolan upwelling, we show that this system is not wind-driven, but instead results from the combined effect of coastally trapped waves, surface heat and freshwater fluxes, and turbulent mixing. Finally, we review recent changes in the upwelling systems associated with climate variability and global warming and address possible responses of upwelling systems in future scenarios. Short summary Tropical upwelling systems are among the most productive ecosystems globally. The tropical Atlantic upwelling undergoes a strong seasonal cycle that is forced by the seasonal cycle of the zonal wind along the equator and the near-coastal wind field off Africa. Besides the wind forcing that lead to an up-and downward movement of the nitracline, turbulent diffusion results in upward mixing of nutrients. Here, we review the different physical processes responsible for upward nutrient supply.

G (2002) Linking wind and interannual upwelling variability in a regional model of the southern Benguela


We quantify the wind contribution to the development of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies along the shelf of southern Africa. We compare numerical simulations that differ only in the amount of variability kept in the ERS1/2-derived surface wind forcing. Surprisingly, most of the cold and warm episodes over the Agulhas Bank are strictly related to local fluctuations of the forcing, whereas the shelf of the west coast extending 400 km north of Cape Columbine is equally sensitive to open-sea wind fluctuations. We diagnose the respective role of mesoscale eddy activity and of low frequency and intra-monthly wind fluctuations in generating interannual SST variability. The fair degree of correlation obtained at a few locations between the model and concomitant observations confirms the interest of a regional numerical tool to study anomalous events in the Benguela system.

The mean and annual cycle of upper layer temperature fields in relation to Sverdrup dynamics within the gyres of the Atlantic Ocean

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1998

Using 28 years of expendable bathythermograph data , we describe the mean and annual cycle of the upper ocean temperature fields in the Atlantic from 30øS to 50øN in the context of the basin-scale wind-driven gyres (Sverdrup stream function field), which provide a framework for describing the oceanographic measurements. We examine the circulation field implied by the temperature distributions, which are used as a proxy for the field of mass. Similarities between the temperature and stream function fields increase with depth. In the lower to subthermocline depths of the tropical and equatorial gyres the zonal currents form a closed circulation. A southeastward boundary current is suggested near and below 150 rn that provides closure for the tropical gyre, and the equatorial gyre axis is southward of that suggested by the stream function field. Higher in the water column, the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) may be a surface manifestation of the North Equatorial Undercurrent (NEUC), where the latter can be interpreted as the southern limb of the tropical gyre. Because there are large vertical shears in the tropics, the equatorial gyre is not clearly indicated in the vertically integrated temperature field but appears below about 200 m. Here, the South Equatorial Undercurrent (SEUC) can be interpreted as the eastward flowing northern limb of the equatorial gyre and is opposite in direction to the westward flowing South Equatorial Current above. Both the NEUC and SEUC are analagous to currents in the Pacific that are governed by non-Sverdrup dynamics. Despite the shortcomings of the data, the mean annual cycle appears to be relatively stable, and we have discounted the possibility that in regions where it represents a significant percentage of the total variance, it is changing slowly over the 28 years of record. The wind-forcing fields, which undergo large meridional movements (5ø-6 ø of latitude) during their annual cycle, with some exceptions, have essentially no counterpart in gyre movements between their seasonal extremes. Most of the variability associated with the annual cycle is confined to the upper 300 m. Greatest variability, where ranges exceed 6øC, occurs in the northwestern Atlantic in late winter and early spring. During this time of year south of the Gulf Stream and below about 100 m, water temperatures exhibit a systematic phase lag with depth. The next largest area of variability, where ranges can also exceed 6øC, resides in the tropical western basin between the equator and 10øN just below 100 m. In the eastern basin, ranges decrease and shoal. Additionally, the phase fields are consistent with the intensification and relaxation of the tropical ridge-trough system where the NECC disappears in March in the west, but the NECC/NEUC complex is strongest in September. Recently, Mayer and Weisberg [1993] (hereinafter referred to as MW) derived the wind-driven circulation gyres in terms of the Sverdrup transport stream function in the Atlantic Ocean from 30øS to 60øN. Their focus was on the latitude bands of the three central gyres that are: the large northern hemisphere subtropical anticyclonic (clockwise) gyre (13øN-49øN), the tropical cyclonic (anticlockwise) gyre (løN-15øN), just to the north of the equator, and the clockwise equatorial gyre (11øS-5øN), This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. Published in 1998 by the American Geophysical Union. Paper number 98JC01760. which straddles the equator. Gyre boundaries overlap because of the seasonally dependent meridional displacements of the wind-forcing fields (MW, .

Linking wind and interannual upwelling variability in a regional model of the southern Benguela

Geophysical Research Letters, 2002

1] We quantify the wind contribution to the development of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies along the shelf of southern Africa. We compare numerical simulations that differ only in the amount of variability kept in the ERS1/2-derived surface wind forcing. Surprisingly, most of the cold and warm episodes over the Agulhas Bank are strictly related to local fluctuations of the forcing, whereas the shelf of the west coast extending 400 km north of Cape Columbine is equally sensitive to open-sea wind fluctuations. We diagnose the respective role of mesoscale eddy activity and of low frequency and intra-monthly wind fluctuations in generating interannual SST variability. The fair degree of correlation obtained at a few locations between the model and concomitant observations confirms the interest of a regional numerical tool to study anomalous events in the Benguela system.

Cross-equatorial structure and temporal modulation of intraseasonal variability at the surface of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008

1] Intraseasonal variability (10-50 days) in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean is analyzed from multiyear (1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) satellite gridded products of sea-level anomalies (SLA) and sea-surface temperature (SST). Two regions with distinct intraseasonal variability have been identified. The first one, west of 10°W, is dominated by westward-propagating anomalies, with maximum values in SLA along 5°N and in SST along 2°N: They occur in boreal summer with periods of 25-50 days and are known to correspond to tropical instability waves (TIWs). We show that TIWs have also a signature, though weaker, south of the equator, especially along 5°S, in SLA. Northern and southern anomalies propagate together westward, being mostly out of phase, suggesting that equatorial wave dynamics is involved in TIWs variability. An SST signature of TIWs is also observed near 2°S, in quadrature with SST anomalies detected in the Northern Hemisphere. The interannual modulations of the TIW signature in SLA and SST are compared and discussed. The second dominant intraseasonal signal is only seen east of 10°W in SST and corresponds to an equatorially trapped variability, confined to the Gulf of Guinea with periods between 10 and 20 days. This signal is present in boreal summer when an intense SST front is observed just north of the equator. Intraseasonal variability with comparable periods is also observed in the meridional wind stress throughout the year. Comparison of SST and meridional wind stress anomalies suggests that the 10-to 20-day variability in SST is forced by the wind stress but seasonally modulated by the presence of the SST front.