Extensions for 3D Graphics Rendering Engine Used for Direct Tessellation of Spline Surfaces (original) (raw)

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New 3D Graphics Rendering Engine Architecture for Direct Tessellation of Spline Surfaces Cover Page

Intersecting rays with quadratic Bézier triangles: an analytical, non-iterative approach on the GPU


Most solutions proposed to render curved surfaces involve either subdividing the surface into a mesh of triangles and use traditional rendering techniques – rasterisation or ray tracing of triangles –, or use an iterative method such as Newton's to find a suitable approximation for the ray-surface intersection. This project aims at investigating the possibility of implementing, for real-time rendering, an alternate way to solve the problem, with an analytic solution that wouldn't theoretically rely on having to find the roots of the polynomials through a succession of iterations. This ray-patch intersection solution would have the advantage of avoiding approximation while being performed in a constant number of operations, thus suppressing the need to estimate the number of steps required to obtain a satisfactory result. The approach presented in this thesis performs an intersection between a ray and a quadratic Bézier triangle by solving a quartic equation through a system of second-order polynomials. The proposed implementation is done on the GPU, using OpenGL's fragment shader capabilities.

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Intersecting rays with quadratic Bézier triangles: an analytical, non-iterative approach on the GPU Cover Page

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Real-time tessellation of terrain on graphics hardware Cover Page

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An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models Cover Page

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State of the art report on real-time rendering with hardware tessellation Cover Page

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GPU-based trimming and tessellation of NURBS and T-Spline surfaces Cover Page

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Methods for Approximating Loop Subdivision Using Tessellation Enabled GPUs Cover Page

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A Survey of GLSL Examples Cover Page

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GPU-based Collision Detection for Deformable Parameterized Surfaces Cover Page

Dynamic deformation textures: GPU-accelerated simulation of deformable models in contact


We present an efficient algorithm for simulating contacts between deformable bodies with high-resolution surface geometry using dynamic deformation textures (D2Ts), which reformulate the 3D elastoplastic deformation and collision handling on a 2D parametric atlas to reduce the extremely high number of degrees of freedom arising from large contact regions and high-resolution geometry.

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Dynamic deformation textures: GPU-accelerated simulation of deformable models in contact Cover Page