Russia's role in this year's presidential election, explained by a media historian - Vox.pdf (original) (raw)

2016 United States of America'spresidential Election: Reasons Why Donald Trump Won

The 2016 United States Presidential Election came on the 8 th November and gone with Donald Trump haven been declared as 'President Elect " and has assumed office on the 20 th January 2017 as the 45 th President of the United States of America. Donald Trump's victory during the primary election of Republican Party and the U.S presidential election from nowhere continue to beat the imagination of people globally. This study was carried out using qualitative content analysis and relied heavily on the texts from social media network comments as well as on print/electronic media publications. These includes twitter, facebook, radio and television and cable news, documentary sources of available literatures which were used to provide answer to the surprising ongoing question of " how Donald Trump did became President-elect in the United States of America from nowhere? In the concluding remarks, the paper based on strong findings from the literature texts consulted, tenaciously holds that Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 United States Presidential election is reliably attributable to his stern promises to make America great again coupled with the overwhelming support he got from the white voters as well as his undeniable wide coverage of campaign and his selection by the United States Electoral College based on merit amongst other factors

How Social Media Stole an Election: An Examination of the Bilateral Assault on the Democratic System

Social media, the content published on it, and the access it provides to voter populations, can have the power to influence the outcome of an election. This paper will attempt to elucidate the manner in which the American democratic system came under assault. This assault came from two angles, both of which relied on social media: Russia and the Trump campaign. The paper will be divided into two parts. For part one, it is necessary to outline the concept of Russian Information Warfare, and contrast it with the Western conceptualization, in order to identify the security gap in Western thought and strategy, which left it vulnerable to interference. This will be followed by an examination of Russia’s use of social media to implement their Information Warfare strategy during the 2016 US Presidential election. The second part of this paper will take a closer look at the behavior of and methods employed by the Trump campaign during the election. It is necessary to consider Donald Trump’s role, complicit or otherwise, in propagating Russia’s ‘active measures’ (defined below) on social media. It is also imperative to scrutinize the campaign’s use of “election management” company, Cambridge Analytica, whose exploitation of social media enables political messaging to penetrate with unprecedented precision. It emerges that both Russia and the Trump campaign harnessed social media to influence or manipulate public opinion, and arguably steal an election.

The Indian Perception on the 45 th president of the United States - Donald Trump

This study aims to find out the Indian perception of the 45 th President of the United States-Donald J. Trump, through the survey method of research. Trump has built a friendly relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The United States is a beneficiary to the Indian IT sector, has a good trading relationship with India and is home to more than two million Indians. So any decision made with regard to immigration, defense, and trade by President Trump will affect them. Thus, there is a need to find out the opinion of the Indian public with regard to this new, unpredictable President, who constantly flip-flops on his policies, as any decision made will determine the future of Indians living in the United States and those in their home country. Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all the 56 participants for taking the time to fill the questionnaire, and helping me obtain the data I needed.

The Authoritarian Challenge: The Concordance of the Trump Presidency and Putin's Russia

, American citizens and citizens of the world have faced a startling new situation. On that day, the United States, the longest continuous representative democracy in the modern world, elected to a four-year term as president the authoritarian-minded Donald J. Trump. A man having little or no knowledge of, experience in, or appreciation for representative government and having no stated adherence to the system of alliances the United States forged to make it " the leader of the free world, " Trump promised to upend U.S. domestic and foreign policy and reshape the international order. He has done so. Put together with the decade-long rise and strengthening of dictatorial leadership and nationalist and chauvinist parties in a number of countries, Trump's election has brought about a broadly acknowledged crisis of world democracy. Given its position and role in the world, the United States is now center stage in that crisis. One of the most troublesome aspects of the election was that the rules of the U.S. Constitution awarded Trump victory based on the preference of a minority of voters using an antique and unique electoral college system that overrode a substantial national vote margin in favor of the election's loser. Notwithstanding Hillary Clinton's supposed unpopularity, the Democratic Party candidate won 2.85 million more votes in the national ballot, 48 percent to 46 percent, while Trump's electoral college victory was determined in three decisive states by a total of 77,000 votes (out of 13.4 million). Putting aside that the results were influenced by foreign intervention (see below), the election itself should be a cause of serious concern at the state of American democracy. For the second time in recent U.S. history, a national minority government has been imposed on the majority. No other democracy elects national leadership in such a manner. Yet, there is little discussion of addressing this structural weakness in the political system. 1 The more disturbing aspect is that the person who gained power according to these constitutional rules won the election through demagogy, propaganda, and populist appeals — what Alexander Hamilton called " low intrigue and the little arts of publicity. " Those appeals formed an entire authoritarian platform: mass detention and deportation of millions of unauthorized immigrants; building an impenetrable 2,000-mile border-wall; imposing a ban on Muslims entering the country; nationwide stop and frisk policing to impose " law and order " ; ordering the use of torture to combat foreign terrorism; imperialist seizure of oil resources of sovereign countries; and the imprisonment of Trump's election opponent upon victory; among many such election campaign promises.

Fake News and Information Warfare: An Examination of the Political and Psychological Processes from the Digital Sphere to the Real World

Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online, 2019

Fake news-false information passed off as factual-is an effective weapon in the information age. For instance, the Russian government perfected techniques used in its 2007 Estonian and 2008 Georgian cyber campaigns to support Donald Trump's successful candidacy in the 2016 United States presidential election. In this chapter, the authors examine fake news and Russia's cyberwarfare efforts across time as case studies of information warfare. The chapter identifies key terms and reviews extant political science and psychological research related to obtaining an understanding of psychological cyber warfare ("psywar") through the proliferation of fake news. Specifically, the authors suggest that there are social, contextual, and individual factors that contribute to the spread and influence of fake news and review these factors in this chapter.

the United States of America?; Two, is the United States of

United States of America, the most acclaimed strongest consolidated democratic country in the world had her Presidential election on the 8 th November, 2016. The Presidential election was declared in favour of Donald Trump after having met the constitutional requirements, especially the ―needed, a must win of a minimum vote of 270 out of the 538 Electoral College votes‖. Trump was sworn-in as the 45 th President of the United States of America on the 20 th January, 2017. However, immediately after Trump was declared President-elected by the electoral management board, there went up a flame arising from post presidential electoral violence. As a result, there has been a contending ongoing debate among academics, particularly political scientists as to whether or not America still retains her position as the strongest consolidated democratic state in the world. The present study, therefore using an explanatory research method and content analysis were necessary answers two basic questions which include one, what are the causes of the 2016 post presidential electoral violence in


With his fueled triumphant energy Preface The victorious election results of Trump perceived as a " surprise " on the basis of the mainstream media covering the news, debates, global wide protests, gestures of activists elaborated with hesitations and stimulated questions pertaining to his approaching policies and their expected and speculated throughputs on January 2017 onwards. Despite all after-shock screams and the news flash in such way. The World Leaders congratulate his victory by biting their tongues in the name of the respect to democracy. Obviously, the strategic management of the US energy portfolio through the orchestration of Trump's doctrines presumably will have worldwide economic, technologic, environmental, and foreign policy impacts. " The sophisticated energy landscape evolving over the next 4 (or 8) years with the President and with his strategies shall serve to live a safer, less polarized, more productive and more prosperous world by preserving the natural resources of our planet or not " , one of the major tactical and humanistic quarrelling issue in this regard. In order to highlight the envisioned subject, dash to the edges and pinpointing the visions, Paris Agreement, country / countries policies and Trump's own views and opinions (before and after the Election including his campaign views, speeches) that some disregard the globally recognized and adapted energy priorities that entails to be contemplated and reiterated in this connotation seems essential. The echoed study here can be deemed as a short examination and Zoom in/out Turkey in this regard, will be indivisible part of the analysis.