The Intellectual Roots of Grounded Theory (original) (raw)

Experiencing Grounded Theory: A Review

Experiencing Grounded Theory takes the reader on an enjoyable, easy-to-read journey through Simmons's 55 years of learning, doing, mentoring, teaching, and applying grounded theory. It is an engaging book written for beginner to experienced grounded theorists. It is laid out in a well-organized fashion, beginning with Simmons's introduction to grounded theory and progressing through his years of teaching the methodology. This article provides a quick overview of each chapter. While there are many books written on grounded theory, few explain the method as clearly as this one. It is a recommended read for both novice and practicing grounded theorists.

Challenges When Using Grounded Theory

International Journal of Qualitative Methods

The grounded theory (GT) method is widely applied, yet frequently misunderstood. We outline the main variants of GT and dispel the most common myths associated with GT. We argue that the different variants of GT incorporate a core set of shared procedures that can be put to work by any researcher or team from their chosen ontological and epistemological perspective. This “shared core” of the GT method is articulated as the principles of (1) taking the word “grounded” seriously, (2) capturing and explaining context-related social processes, (3) pursuing theory through engagement with data, and (4) pursuing theory through theoretical sampling. In this article, we have put forward, in a nutshell, a distillation of core principles underpinning existing GT approaches that can aid further engagement with the different variants of GT. We are motivated by the wish to make GT more comprehensible and accessible, especially for researchers who are new to the method.

Classic Grounded Theory: A Qualitative Research on Human Behavior

Grounded theory is an inductive methodological approach in social sciences and other related subjects. It generates theory about social processes, which are grounded in reality. Classic grounded theory is a unique inductive research approach with language, rules of rigor, procedures, and a final achievement, which is different from other research methods. The purpose of classic grounded theory is to theorize and facilitate an understanding of an effective knowledge, which is happening on the lives of people of the society. It represents grounded theory in a pure form, which emerges from the original work of Barney Galland Glaser (1930-2022) and Anselm Leonard Strauss (1916-1996) that is developed in 1967. It is the development of a theory from data with open ideas that comes from the data. This study tries to discuss a qualitative research design following a classic grounded theory approach through ontological, epistemological, and methodological assumptions of grounded theory. This study explores classic grounded theory approach including strengths and challenges of development in the social science.

The challenges of grounded theory

Nurse researcher, 2014

EPISTEMOLOGICAL, AESTHETIC, ethical and procedural concerns overlap and appear to clamour for attention to be paid to them in the various contexts in which research takes place. This 'family' approach raises a fairly generic view of qualitative research in which the similarities are considered to be more important than the differences. Appropriateness of method is therefore an acceptable focus; or perhaps 'flight from method' (Holloway 2005 p91) determines the conceptual tools used to make such 'stylistic' (Brewer 2000) choices. One such tool is described as 'progressive focusing', which would develop the content and substance of the data elaboration in Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT). A further contention of Grounded Theory (GT), as discussed by Rintala et al (2014), is the constant comparison of data while collection and analysis continues, before data are combined for analysis by the acceptable methods.

DEALING WITH GROUNDED THEORY Discussing, Learning, and Practice


This publication focusses on the practices of Grounded Theory Method (GTM). The authors embrace a diverse range of stanc es in which they try to balance creativity and procedure in their application of GTM. On the one side we see an emphasis on creativity, flexibility and openness with a focus on the agency of the researcher, while on the other side there is an emphasis on the use of procedures to reach an objective description of social reality not tainted by bias. As both elements are part of the practices of GTM, the chapters in this publication cover this wider spectrum of positions within the field of GT

All About: Grounded Theory


In mid-twentieth century data enquiry, qualitative methods were viewed by many scholars as impressionistic and biased, characteristics which did not support any reliability for data enquiry at this time. Within this setting, Grounded Theory surfaced as a method. The new method required theory-grounded-in-data through rigorous data coding, which gave the qualitative a place next to the quantitative throne by forcing the two methods to work together. Yet, the combination of these opposing fields of thought produced a flexible method of research, of constant action instead of stagnant data gathering and observation. Under this light, from its beginning, Grounded Theory became popular across academic fields, encompassing research in life sciences equally as in social sciences. And although many alternative formats to go about Grounded Theory have been proposed, the current leading Grounded Theorist is Kathy Charmaz. In this text, the Grounded Theory method of ​then,​ and the changes which have brought it to the ​now w​ill be summarized​. ​

Grounded Theory Essay

This essay examines three methodological questions that are generally applicable to all qualitative methods. How should the usual scientific canons be reinterpreted for qualitative research? How should researchers report the procedures and canons used in their research? What evaluative criteria should be used in judging the research products? The basic argument we propose is that the criteria should be adapted to fit the procedures of the method. We demonstrate how we have done this with grounded theory and suggest criteria for evaluating studies done in this mode. We suggest that other qualitative researchers might be similarly specific about their procedures and evaluative criteria. Grounded theory is an interpretative research methodology frequently used by social science researchers seeking to discover the underlying social processes shaping interaction. The methodology is useful to create knowledge about the behavioural patterns of a group The aim of essay was to discuss some practical issues that the prospective grounded theory researcher planning a small-scale project may consider Discussion focuses on the basic premises, choosing a version of grounded theory, the research problem, the purpose of study, the research question and the place of the literature in a study GROUNDED THEORY 3