Die "Fasnachts-Jöri" von Wien (1736) (original) (raw)

Der wohltätige Derwisch (Vienna, 1791)

Sample pages from Recent Researches in the music of the Classical Era 81. A-R Editions: Middleton, WI, 2010 [a fairy-tale singspiel by Emanuel Schikaneder, music by B. Schack, F. X. Gerl, J. B. Henneberg]. Orchestral and piano-vocal score. CD: Boston Baroque, Martin Pearlman, Telarc, CD-80573.

Adel in Haft – Die "böse Fasnacht" von 1376

Stadt.Geschichte.Basel, 2019

Im Winter 1376 gerät ein Ritterturnier auf dem Münsterplatz von Basel kräftig aus dem Ruder. Es endet mit der Flucht des Herzogs von Österreich über den Rhein nach Kleinbasel und mehr als fünfzig Adligen in städtischer Haft. Der Vorfall geht als "Böse Fasnacht" in die Geschichte ein.

Die Oberste Justizstelle in Wien (1749–1848)

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs, 2016

The origin of a judicial authority serving as a central court of the hereditary provinces of the Habsburg monarchy was result of the reform of 1749, by which the union of the Austrian and Bohemian provinces was transformed into a centralized state: By separating administrative from judicial affairs, a promotion of jurisdiction should be effectuated. The territorial scope of the new judicial authority was limited to the Union of non-Hungarian (Cisleithanian) provinces of the Austrian monarchy; its factual jurisdiction comprised all civil and criminal matters (except for military personnel) as well as specific agendas in the field of voluntary jurisdiction. In addition to these competences relating to the jurisdiction of general courts, the Supreme Justice Office was also responsible for matters under the jurisdiction of public law courts, as well as for several agendas in regard to the administration of justice. During the Vormärz' period the Supreme Justice Office developed into a court in criminal tax law as well as an intergovernmental arbitration body of the German Confederation. In addition to all these tasks it played a significant role in the field of legislation by issuing opinions on draft laws. Immediately after the outbreak of the 1848 revolution, the Supreme Justice Office served as a provisional Supreme Court for the Cisleithanian provinces of the Austrian monarchy.

Die spätkeltisch-römische Siedlung am Rochusmarkt in Wien

In: G. Schörner, K. Meinecke (Hrsg.), Akten des 16. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Wien vom 25. bis 27. Februar 2016 (Wien 2018) 11-27., 2018

Vom Gebiet des heutigen Wien ist zur Spätlatènezeit und frühen römischen Kaiserzeit vor der Gründung des Auxiliarkastells um 90 n. Chr. und des Legionslagers 98 n. Chr. bisher nur verhältnismäßig wenig bekannt 1. Die Ausgrabungen der Stadtarchäologie Wien am Rochusmarkt/Rasumofskygasse 29-31 (Mai 2014-März 2015) gaben nun erstmals einen großflächigen Einblick in die im heutigen 3. Bezirk liegende spätlatènezeitliche Flachlandsiedlung 2. Die zutage gekommenen Funde übertrafen alle Erwartungen und zeugen von einer bisher unbekannten frühen Phase römischer Präsenz im 1. Jh. v. Chr. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags soll ein Vorbericht zu dieser erst vor kurzem zu Ende gegangenen Grabung gegeben werden, deren vollständige Auswertung nicht nur Wesentliches zur Siedlungsgeschichte des Wiener Raumes beitragen wird, sondern die auch überregionale Bedeutung hinsichtlich der Spätlatènezeit in Mitteleuropa hat.

Osnabrück – Jesuiten (1624 bis 1773/74)

Niedersächsisches Klosterbuch. Verzeichnis der Klöster, Stifte, Kommenden und Begi-nenhäuser in Niedersachsen und Bremen von den Anfängen bis 1810, hrsg. von JOSEF DOLLE unter Mitarbeit von DENNIS KNOCHENHAUER , 2012

Die Jesuiten kamen im Zuge der sog. "Gegenreformation" 1625 in die Westfälische Bischofsstadt Osnabrück, gründeten noch 1628/32 eine Universität (Academia Carolina Osnabrugensis), flohen 1633 vor dem Einmarsch der Schweden aus der Stadt und kamen nach dem Westfälischen Frieden im Jahre 1651 in die Stadt Osnabrück zurück. Im Niedersächsischen Klosterbuch ist ihre Geschichte knapp und prägnant zusammegefasst.

Von römischen Glocken und awarischen Schellen – frühgeschichtliche Idiophone aus Wien

Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV, 2022

of roman Bells and avar ringbells – prehistoric idiophones from Vienna The article presents Roman bells and Avar bell finds from Vienna. Excavations within the area of ancient Vienna (Vindobona) unearthed 25 bells. They were found in the military camp, the canabae legionis, both in the first district of Vienna, the civil town in the third Viennese district and near ancient roads. They are cast in diverse copper-alloys (Cu-Sn-Pb; Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb; Cu-Pb) and forged from iron sheet. A larger amount originates from metallurgic workshops and probably were produced there. The sizes vary from 7 mm up to 91 mm. The copper-alloy bells are classified into four types and the iron bells only in one type. Whereas none of the larger bells can be associated with a more precise function, the tiny bells served as jewellery and apotropaic pendants on necklaces and bracelets. Bells were signal instruments to regulate the daily life of a settlement, served as apotropaic wind chimes in various buildings, courtyards and gardens, decorated grazing animals and were part of the harness of draught, pack and riding ani- mals. They also played a role in religious life. From the Avar period 21 pellet bells, three tutuli shaped bells and two bells are known in Vienna. Mostly they were found in children’s and a few adults burials. Some horses had pellet bells as parts of the bridle and saddle. One dog wore a pellet bells on its collar. Pellet bells were cast in copper alloys (Cu-Sn-Pb; Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb) and forged in metal sheets (Fe, Bz). Their surfaces are smooth ore decorated. Small pebbles or bronze balls are enclosed in the rattles. They are classified into five basic shapes. Pellet bells probably served as apotropaic amulets and jewellery. They were not very common in the Avar communities, because they appear only in a few graves from the middle of the 7th c. onwards. Well-preserved bells and pellet bells were recorded and ana- lysed acoustically and psychoacoustically. Their frequencies range from 1.2 – 20 kHz. Both types are bright and sharp in sound but hardly rough.