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Les origines du discours identitaire Aroumain-Roumain (1770-1878) : la construction d'une identité nationale

Ph.D. thesis (University of Bucharest - History; University of Bordeaux - Political Science), 2016

Notre recherche doctorale se propose comme objectif d’éclaircir comment s’est développé et structuré le discours identitaire aroumain-roumain (à savoir, celui qui conçoit les aroumains en tant que membres du peuple roumain), dés ses origines à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, jusqu’à l’indépendance roumaine, en 1878.Le discours identitare qui nous préoccupe a ses origines dans les écrits de Teodor Anastasie Cavalioti (1770) et de Daniel le Moscopolitain (1794). Les propos communiqués par Constantin Hagi Gehani à Johann Thunmann donnent au discours identitaire aroumain-roumain la première formulation explicite nous ayant parvenu (1773). Ces propos sont repris et développés dans les ouvrages de Constantin Ucuta (1797), Gheorghe Constantin Roja (1808, 1809) et Mihail Boiagi (1813). Les récits de voyage des voyageurs étrangers ayant traversé les Balkans entre 1800 et 1860 nous révèlent que le discours identitaire aroumain-roumain représente une reconfiguration de l’ethnicité aroumaine, oeuvrée de sorte à mettre cette ethnicité en convergence multisymbolique avec la nationalité roumaine des Daco-Roumains Nord-danubiens. Les revolutionnaires Nord-danubiens de 1848 prennent le discours en question à leur propre compte. Ils conçoivent un plan d’action politique à entreprendre aux Balkans au nom des idées soutenues par ce discours identitaire. Le plan est mis en œuvre par les agents du mouvement aroumain-roumain qui prend son essor en Roumanie après 1859 ; le mouvement emporte son premier succès important en 1878, avec le décret de Savfet Pacha – un document qui institue l’assimilation de l’ethnicité aroumaine – ayant déjà été modelée par le discours aroumain-roumain – à la nationalité roumaine. Our doctoral research sets out to clarify how the aromanian-romanian identitary discourse (namely, the one which conceives the Aromanians as members of the Romanian people) has been developed and structured since its origins at the end of the XVIIIth century, until Romanian independence, in 1878.The identitary discourse which concerns us has its origins in the writings of Teodor Anastasie Cavalioti (1770) and Daniel the Moscopolitan (1794). The points conveyed by Constantin Hagi Gehani to Johann Thunmann give to the Aromanian-Romanian identitary discourse its first explicit formulation having reached us (1773). These ideas are taken up and developed in the works of Constantin Ucuta (1797), Gheorghe Constantin Roja (1808, 1809) and Mihail Boiagi (1813). The travel writings of foreign travelers having traversed the Balkans between 1800 and 1860 reveal that the Aromanian-Romanian identitary discourse constitutes a reconfiguration of the Aromanian ethnicity, crafted so as to place this ethnicity in multisymbol congruence with the Romanian nationality of North-Danubian Daco-Romanians. The North-Danubian revolutionaries of 1848 take up the aforementioned discourse. They conceive a plan of political action to be2executed in the Balkans in the name of the ideas upheld by this identitary discourse. The plan is set in motion by the agents of the Aromanian-Romanian movement which takes root in Romania after 1859; the movement registers its first major success in 1878, with the decree of Savfet Pascha – a document which officialises the assimilation of the Aromanian ethnicity – having already been shaped by the Aromanian-Romanian discourse – by the Romanian nationality.

Cuvinte noi de pe la noi : contributii lexicale

Cuvinte noi de pe la noi : contributii lexicale / Adrian Chircu. - Iaşi : Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza". - [4. p.] ; 24 cm. Extras din Analele Stiintifice, sectiunea III. E. Linguistica tomurile XLIX-L, 2003-2004, Studia Linguistica et philologica, p. 125-12

Освидетельствование в суде de lege ferenda

Бюллетень Уральского отделения Международной ассоциации содействия правосудию, 2010

Реалии уголовно-процессуальной науки демонстрируют признаки одной из ее проблем, связанной с нечетким различием исследований уголовно-процессуального закона de lege lata, которые могут быть актуальны, например, для создания юрисдикционных технологий участников уголовного процесса, и исследований de lege ferenda - наиболее традиционных для большинства работ, поскольку их результатом является предложение об улучшении уголовно-процессуального закона. Последние, отражая закон системно и имею целью его совершенствование, должны ориентироваться на ядро системы, определяющее ее тип и связи с периферийными элементами системы (институтами, нормами), а так же элементами между собой.

Locuirea Urbana


Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de echipare complexa al acestor asezari. Locuirea presupune de asemenea si legatura intre locuinte, dotari tehnico-edilitare si social-culturale iIntr-un scop

Diaspora Românească - Realitate Proeminentă Şi Provocare Misionară

Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015

One of the most dynamic works of Romanian Orthodox Church in the last 25 years is spiritual care for Romanians working abroad. Sensitive to the pastoral needs of the Romanian Orthodox believers temporarily or permanently established in the countries majority unorthodox, Romanian Patriarchate organized new Orthodox dioceses and parishes in different countries, to ensure to the Romanian believers religious assistance and an appropriate pastoral care, an ethos of life similar of the country, with traditions, habits, religious services and community organization.

Un experiment transcultural

Diacronia, 2016

Proiectul de a crea o arhivă grafică și de caricaturi (alcătuită din portrete ale marilor scriitori români din diferite perioade literare), dus la capăt cu sprijinul artiștilor talentați din toată lumea, a dobîndit o nouă dimensiune literar-istorică, datorită uriașului interes stîrnit. După o selecție geografică și calitativă, au fost publicate două ediții tipărite: una în română, cealaltă în engleză, fiecare dintre ele cuprinzînd 3600 de imagini aparținînd artiștilor de pe toate continentele (112 țări). Această carte fără precedent, numită O istorie a literaturii române desenată de marii graficieni ai lumii (Editura Muzeului Literaturii Române, 2009) prezintă aspecte transculturale demne de toată atenția istoricilor literari, a biografilor, a artiștilor cuvîntului și ai imaginii (scriitori, graficieni, caricaturiști), dar, datorită neobișnuitei forme de dialog deschis, și a specialiștilor în studii culturale (antropologie, semiotică, mentalitate).

Limbajul Și Atitudinea Creștinilor Față De "Ceilalți" În Secolul II D.H

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

The Language and the Attitude of the Christians Towards "Others" in the Second Century A.D. A large part of the Christian history is stained with blood and violence regarding other religious options. But, the humble and non-violentic beginning of the Christianity didn't announce this turn of attitude. In this article we study the second century Christian writings for analyzing the attitude they exposed towards "others". In that period "others" meant pagan religions and philosophy, Judaism and judaizing Christian cults and heretic movements. We will see that the terms used by Christians regarding "others", the attitude adopted, the action taken and the motivation developed were a natural response to the contact with ideologic competitors. For this stage of Christian history, there is no hint of what will became later a discourse of intolerance and violence.

Libertatea Omului Ca Temei Al Judecă- Ții Divine În Teologia Lui Hipolit

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

Human Freedom as Basis of Divine Judgment în Hippolytus' Theology. Hippolytus is the first Christian author from whom we have left biblical commentaries. The best known are the Commentary on Daniel and the Commentary on the Song of Songs. His theology shows the fundamental role that human freedom plays in the divine worldview. God' s self-discovery finds its full significance in man' s positive response. The man' s answer can be given by virtue of his ability to choose. In this article we will analyze Hippolytus' conception about human being and how divine judgment is possible on the basis of this human freedom. The usefulness of this article is that it introduces us to the thinking and theology of Christians in the early third century, showing their understanding of the biblical message about human being.