In Turkey, from the establishment of the Republic to the early 1950s, there have been several changes in the accounting field in parallel to the changes of the economic and political structure. In our study, these changes were examined by including the development process of private sector accounting practices. The accounting practices, which were influenced by the German Commercial Law, was focused on the firm’s account keeping practices and profit calculation and concentrated on the organization of the balance sheet and income statement, at the beginning of the Republic years. In the early years of the Republic, applications were assessed within the scope of revenue and expenditure, while in the later years, depending on the changes in the production system, its scope has broadened and sub-systems of accounting, such as cost and management accounting, have emerged. For the period covered by this study, the most important improvement of the cost accounting practices were certainly the studies on the cost calculations at Sümerbank. The techniques, which were used in the cost distribution, were the same as today’s while distributing costs in this institution. The objective to be reached in this study is to introduce the changes in accounting practices starting from the years of the establishment of the Republic to 1950. In this context, the subject of this study is to evaluate the financial, cost and management accounting practices of that period.

The development of accounting as a scientific discipline in Turkey

International Journal of Critical Accounting, 2014

The aim of this study is to investigate the development of accounting as a scientific discipline in Turkey. In the Ottoman State (Turkey has historically deep-rooted ties), the accounting system developed within the context of the importance attributed to personal law, emanet and zakat. Accounting in the private sector did not develop, double-entry bookkeeping method was only introduced in 1879, and governmental accounting was based on stairs method. The development of accounting as a scientific discipline in Turkey in the light of the developments in the economic system, political, legal, educational, taxing and occupational activity domains, can be divided into three periods: the periods of 1923-1950, 1950-1985, and 1985 and later. It can be summarised that the development of accounting in Turkey, as education, practice or scientific discipline, has been heavily influenced by the western countries (successively French, Germany, and the UK-USA) as a result of the economic and political ties over the past two centuries. After 1980 when Turkish economy was opened to the international markets and when accounting adapted itself to this, the structure and development of accounting started to be shaped not by local developments but by international developments.

Accounting in Turkey

European Accounting Review, 1995

Turkey is a developing country in the Middle East, and is attracting an increasing number of foreign investments and joint ventures. However, the Turkish accounting system is not one of the topics that is studied in detail, the language barrier perhaps being the main reason. As the amount of foreign investment and the number of joint ventures increase and the Turkish stock market develops, a new responsibility will fall on accountants to disclose and discuss the current accounting system in Turkey. This paper attempts to fill this gap by describing the current accounting system and state of the profession in Turkey.

The change on the foundations of the Turkish accounting system and the future perspective

Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2009

Accounting is a social construct and shaped by the society in which it operates. Needs of society are the most important influencing factors in the development of accounting in a country. Though in today's open system societies, the change in the accounting is inevitable, it should not be forgotten that accounting is not only a practice but also a discipline which has got theoretical and historical backgrounds. In this regard, this paper notes the changes in Turkish accounting system from the theoretical and historical perspectives.

The Development of Accounting in Turkey and Analysis of the Accounting Culture In Terms of International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)


Culture may be defined as ?the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another?. Each human group shares its own social norms, consisting of common characteristics, such as a value system which is adopted by the majority of constituents. Moreover accounting is determined by culture and the lack of consensus in accounting practices between countries, because the purpose of accounting is not technical but rather cultural. The culture of a country determines the choice of its accounting techniques and the perception of its various accounting phenomena. For this reason, the accounting culture is to limit the style of financial reporting by determining the principles and rules to be followed in financial reporting and by determining the principles, rules, and valuation measures that the financial reporting based on. Globalization, increase in the international movement of capital, the development of capital markets, changing conditions o...

The Evolution of Turkey’s Accounting and Auditing System on the Way Towards the European Union

Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics

Turkey has a relatively short history of accounting in the modern sense. However, it has been rapidly developing since the 1980s in reference to accounting education, laws and institutions. Following the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, a state oriented policy was initially implemented, followed by the experimentation of a mixed economic model after the mid-1940s and the imposition of a more liberal economic policy after the 1980s. The latter alterations have naturally increased the amount of international capital movements into Turkey and thus the portion of foreign capital has increased. As a result of these developments, reliable, accurate and comparable financial information has gained importance. Today, Turkey needs to prepare the required institutional and legislature system in order to better maintain the growing international financial relationships. Besides needing to integrate within the world, Turkey being in the process of gaining EU membership has brought ...

Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi The Evaluation of Studies Conducted Regarding Management Accounting Between Years 2010 – 2016 in Turkey

Management accounting has been gaining more importance as a result of the developments experienced in recent years with regards to both academicians and implementers. In accordance with this, the objective of this study comprises the evaluation of the general profile of studies conducted in management accounting field in Turkey. Within this scope, 118 articles related to management accounting published in MUFAD, MÖDAV, Mali Çözüm, Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış and Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları, where most of the articles have taken place in field of accounting in Turkey, by years 2010-2016. In accordance with the evaluation results, most of the studies comprise " cost management " , " cost accounting " and " performance measurement and evaluation " subjects. Moreover, when the aforementioned studies are taken into consideration, it is determined that they have focused on companies to a large extent, preferred secondary data sources and usually used case study method. Türkiye'de 2010-2016 Yıllarına İlişkin Yönetim Muhasebesi Alanında Yapılan Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi ÖZET Son yıllarda yaşanan gelişmeler sonucunda gerek akademisyenler gerekse uygulayıcılar açısından yönetim muhasebesine verilen önem giderek artmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'deki yönetim muhasebesi alanında yapılan çalışmaların genel profilinin değerlendirilmesini içermektedir. Bu kapsamda 2010-2016 yılları itibariyle Türkiye'de muhasebe alanında en fazla makalenin yer aldığı MUFAD, MÖDAV, Mali Çözüm, Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış ve Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları dergilerinde yayınlanan yönetim muhasebesiyle ilgili 118 makale incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonuçlarına göre araştırmaların büyük çoğunluğu " maliyet yönetimi " , " maliyet muhasebesi " ve " performans ölçümü ve değerlendirme " konularını içermektedir. Ayrıca söz konusu çalışmalara bakıldığında büyük oranda firmalara odaklanıldığı, ikincil veri kaynağı tercih edildiği ve genellikle örnek olay çalışması yönteminin kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir.

Culture and accounting practices in Turkey

This paper examines the effects of cultural values on accounting practices in Turkey by applying Gray's theory (Gray, 1988) of socio-cultural factors on accounting values and practices. We compared the model of accounting with accounting-profession authority, the quality and uniformity of financial disclosures, and accounting measurements in present Turkey. This country is a unique case among developing countries because of its specific geopolitical and cultural features. Our results confirm Gray's theory that high uncertainty avoidance and low individualism are positively associated with high conservative accounting measurements. In addition, the study confirms that the highest power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and the lower individualism are positively associated with accounting uniformity. However, large power distance, high uncertainty avoidance, and collectivisms negatively affect professionalism and financial disclosures.

The Evaluation of Studies Conducted Regarding Management Accounting Between Years 2010 - 2016 in Turkey ---/--- Türkiye’de 2010 - 2016 Yıllarına İlişkin Yönetim Muhasebesi Alanında Yapılan Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi


ABSTRACT Management accounting has been gaining more importance as a result of the developments experienced in recent years with regards to both academicians and implementers. In accordance with this, the objective of this study comprises the evaluation of the general profile of studies conducted in management accounting field in Turkey. Within this scope, 118 article s related to management accounting published in MUFAD, MÖDAV, Mali Çözüm, Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış and Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları, where most of the articles have taken place in field of accounting in Turkey, by years 2010-2016. In accordance with the evaluation results, most of the studies comprise “cost management”, “cost accounting” and “performance measurement and evaluation” subjects. Moreover, when the aforementioned studies are taken into consideration, it is determined that they have focused on companies to a large extent, preferred secondary data sources and usually used case study method.