Translating Turkish Foreign Policy from English into Turkish

Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 2010

When translating politics the translator considers the intention of the author, his style and discourse, and the information given, but s/he also considers that the sensitivity to politics and how the political discourse is built differ from culture to culture. The following paper is an attempt to identify some of the problems that may be encountered when translating politics in Turkey in the light of these considerations and through examples from a translation to suggest strategies to overcome these difficulties, considering the outcomes of alternative strategies that could be employed. It is a chronicle of the translator’s attempt to exemplify how to remain faithful to many at the same time: the author, the meaning, the intention, the norms of the publishers, the TL readers and the two diverse political cultures.

"The New Turkish Foreign Policy: Towards an Understanding" Bilgi Dergisi, Volume: 13, Number: 2, 2011

The new Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP) has been a headline-grabber and the pressing issues surrounding it continue to ignite debate and controversy. The list of pressing issues is long enough to include: the loosening ties with the US after the fallout in Iraq-War in 2003, Turkey’s waning membership prospect in the EU, the frustration following the UN report on the infamous Israeli Flotilla Attack in 2010, the lack of support from the West for the Ar- ab revolutions and the recent French attempt to criminalize the ‘Armenian- genocide denial’. Despite its controversial influence, such engagements have received comparatively little scholarly attention.

A Dictionary of Turkish Foreign Policy in the AK Party Era: A Conceptual Map

This study aims to describe the foreign policy discourses and practices which have seen wide use in the era of the Justice and Development Party (the AK Party). Given the fact that concepts do not emerge independently of their historical context, this study argues that the AK Party government’s foreign policy can be analysed through the dominant concepts that have been used. The study also argues that what is “new” in the AK Party’s foreign policy can be understood by looking at the new concepts and conceptual changes that have occurred in that era. One of the foundational objectives of the study is to outline Turkish foreign policy in the AK Party era by bringing together pertinent concepts and assembling a dictionary of these concepts. Most of the concepts in this study have been defined in the way that they have been used by foreign policy makers, independent of their academic meanings. Lastly, this study has not ordered the concepts in any way to give special meaning or to show importance.

Changes in Turkish Foreign Policy: A Shift or a Passing Interest

Since 2003, following the election of the Justice and Development Party (JDP), Turkish Foreign Policy placed a clear emphasis on the Middle East, establishing and improving relations with the region. This, by some, was interpreted as a major shift away from the traditional Western oriented stance, while others argued that this was just an effort to develop a multi-dimensional foreign policy. The paper argues that the rising interest in the Middle East is not something we observe for the first time. There are two factors that determine Turkey's interest in the region: government's ideological position and the international context. Due to the developments in these two areas Turkey experienced periods of rising interest before. This being said, there are certain characteristics that distinguished JDP policies from previous experiences like an effort to act independently and a special emphasis on the Palestinian issue. The paper also argues that despite what we have been observing so far, Turkish foreign policy will continue to act alongside of the West in the region. Özet 2003 yılında Adalet ve Kalkıma Partisi'nin seçilmesinin ardından Türk Dış Politikası yeni ilişkiler kurarak ve mevcut ilişkileri geliştirerek Ortadoğu'ya açık bir vurgu yaptı. Bu bazılarınca geleneksel Batı'ya yakın konumun değişimi anlamına gelirken, diğerleri bunun çok boyutlu bir dış politika geliştirilmesi çabası olduğunu savundu. Bu çalışma Ortadoğu'ya karşı artan ilginin ilk kez karşılaştığımız bir durum olmadığını savunuyor. Türkiye'nin bölgeye ilgisini açıklayan iki faktör var: hükümetin ideolojik konumu ve uluslararası şartlar. Bu iki alandaki gelişmelere bağlı olarak Türkiye'nin daha önce de bölgeyle ilgilendiği dönemler oldu. Buna rağmen AKP politikalarını daha önceki deneyimlerden ayıran bağımsız hareket etme çabası ve Filistin konusuna verilen önem gibi özellikler var. Çalışma aynı zamanda bugüne kadar ne gözlemlemiş olursak olalım Türk dış politikasının bölgede Batı'nın yanında hareket etmeye devam edeceğini öne sürüyor.

Politics at Home, Politics in the World: The Return of the Political in Turkish Foreign Policy

Mediterranean Quarterly, 2010

To talk about a "return of the political" obviously implies the displacement of the political from its original space. The assumption here is that the politicalthe nature of all human action-has been lacking in Turkish foreign policy for a considerable time. The concept political is defined operationally as the liberation of conditions from metaphysical constancies that obstruct necessary change and development. The constancies may be of a theoretical, sociopolitical, or psychological nature. Conservative and dogmatic considerations of limits in political life are typical obstacles to change. They play a role in the closing of areas to political action that might change one's given situation, which has been established through habitus that could be called the status quo. Turkish political life has been burdened with such habits, which hinder any politician's ability to change a situation. The high walls of the establishment are protected against any free, human initiative by dogmatic presumptions and ideologies. Any attempt to solve particular problems is likely to be condemned as a betrayal of national sensitivities. The discourse of betrayal of the sacred-national limitations determines the very existence of international problems. In this essay it is argued that the political has been absent from Turkish foreign policy, because the main issues facing the country have been considered almost as constitutive elements of Turkish national existence, so that they are kept untouchable. Some conservative-nationalist ideologies associate and strengthen this protective wall and make any attempt to change the situation more difficult. The issues become chronically established, which

Special Issue on Turkish Foreign Policy

New Perspectives on Turkey, 2009

CONTENTS - NEW PERSPECTIVES ON TURKEY, VOLUME 40 Editors’ Intro.: Special issue on Turkish Foreign Policy by Mustafa Aydın & Kemal Kirişci Globalization, modernity and democracy: In search of a viable domestic polity for a sustainable Turkish foreign policy - E. Fuat Keyman The transformation of Turkish foreign policy: The rise of the trading state - Kemal Kirişçi Public choice and foreign affairs: Democracy and international relations in Turkey - Ersin Kalaycıoğlu Facing its Waterloo in diplomacy: Turkey's military in the foreign policy-making process - Gencer Özcan Securing Turkey through western-oriented foreign policy - Pınar Bilgin Reconstructing Turkish-American relations: Divergences versus convergences - Mustafa Aydın The role of temporality and interaction in the Turkey-EU relationship - Atila Eralp Worldviews and Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East - Meliha Benli Altunışık Turkey and Eurasia: Frontiers of a new geographic imagination - Bülent Aras and Hakan Fidan Multiplying vectors: A framework for maximizing Turkey's freedom in formulating and implementing foreign policy - İlter Turan Turkish foreign policy: Limits of engagement - Ahmet O. Evin

Turkish Foreign Policy Rhetoric and Action Since 2009

Turkish Foreign Policy Rhetoric and Action Since 2009 , 2019

Turkish Foreign Policy has been a point of contentious debate among scholars, pundits and analysts for the past decade. Turkey’s dramatic—and often contradictory-- foreign policy rhetoric has been a cause for concern for its neighbours and the West. This dissertation will examine Turkey’s foreign policy direction from 2009 onwards and will explore continuity and change from previous eras. Turkey has often been labelled as following an Islamist and Neo-Ottoman foreign policy; as such, this paper will critique and analyse these themes. There is a vehement overemphasis on the rhetoric of the JDP, and many have taken it at a face value to reduce Turkish Foreign Policy to ideological motivation. Perceptions play an important role in Turkish Foreign Policy, and it is an insurmountable feat to divorce the Turkish establishment from the themes mentioned above, nevertheless it is important to understand rhetoric as a tool of domestic politics, and international clout.