Pseudo-Ionic capitals in Churches and Synagogues of Northern Palestine of the Late Antique Period: Sub-Roman or Sub-Byzantine Style? (in Russian) (original) (raw)
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Docuterm: Palestine, Late Antique, temples, Christian churches, transformations, antagonism, religious and archaeological adoptions, genesis of Christian basilica. Annotation. The problem of transformation of pagan temples into Christian churches is one of the most actual problems in contemporary European historiography. In my work it is shown on a base of Palestinian architecture. The historical references about such transformations (Jerusalem, Gaza) have been united with archeological evidences (North-West church in Hippos-Sussita, church of Saint Cosma and Damian in Dor, churches in Sepphoris, Beth Shean, Omrit and hypothetically in Nazareth, Tabgha and Evron). These processes were not compulsory accompanied by conflicts. More frequently Christian churches were built at the foundations of already exhausted temples. That’s why the conception of antagonism between religions, based only on the historical references, seems to be exaggerated (5-6 cases). Only in Northern Palestine there were approximately 40 temples, 120 churches, 70 synagogues. And all of them peacefully coexisted during a long period while paganism gradually faded out. Temples were one of the most important sources for architectural forming of Christian basilica what is shown by examples of direct adoptions of fundaments and architectural details during the rebuilding.
Keywords. Roman Empire – Palestine – basilicas – the floor mosaics – connection with the architecture – technique – foundation – materials – different species of marbles. Annotation. The floor mosaics flooded all the Early Christian world of the III-VI cc., keeping the old antique traditions both technical and figurative. The special role in the work of tessellarii (floor mosaicists) played the understanding of the architecture and its space, into which the mosaics were to be integrated. The technical execution had a great meaning. Its’ peculiarities were particularly depicted by the Roman authors Vitruvius and Pliny the Younger. All the staged were equally important from the foundations, choosing the materials and polishing the surface. Exactly this accurate attention for the instructions preserved the carpets of mosaics till the our days.
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Эпирская традиция в поздневизантийской архитектуре Северной Македонии // Актуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства: сб. науч. статей. Вып. 11 / Под ред. А. В. Захаровой, С. В. Мальцевой, Е. Ю. Станюкович-Денисовой. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2021. С. 468–479., 2011
The article examines the specificity of the assimilation of the architectural tradition of Epirus in the regional centers of North Macedonia – Ohrid and Prilep, as well as in the territories under the Serbian rule, north of the Ohrid-Prilep-Stip borderline. Stylistic and comparative Analysis of the churches of Ohrid and Prilep in the context of the architectural processes of the 13th-early 14th centuries shows that the presence of the Epirote school here is not limited to the reproduction of individual elements, but is guided by the main trends of the Palaeologan period. The lack of pronounced local specificity gives reason to consider the Late Byzantine architecture of North Macedonia in the second half of the 13th – first half of the 14th century as a consistent continuation of the tradition of Epirus outside the Despotate at the stage of the formation of Palaeologan style.
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