Estremoz 7 ou a Anta de Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (Estremoz, Évora) (original) (raw)


The Anta Grande do Zambujeiro dolmen is located in the municipality of Évora (Portugal) and was identified by Henrique Leonor Pina in March 1964 and was still, at that time, completely covered by the tumulus. Its belated discovery could have dictated one blissful archaeological research but unfortunately this was not the fate of that which is, on this type of architecture, the largest funerary known monument of the Iberian Peninsula. In thirty years of subsequent research there were several excavation campaigns, coordinated by different researchers. The 1st phase took place between 1965 and 1 Investigador do CHAIA. Mestrando do 2º Ciclo de Arqueologia e Ambiente/ Universidade de Évora 2 Investigadora do CHAIA. Docente/ Escola de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Évora 1969, the 2nd phase took place in the 80s of the twentieth century, under the responsibility of Carlos Tavares da Silva and the 3rd and final phase took place between the years of 1991 and 1994, now under the responsibility of Rui Parreira. The numerous materials collected in these interventions are still virtually unknown, since the results of these studies were, to this date, only partially published. The artefacts deposited in the Museum of Évora are currently under study by one of the signatories of this work (LR) and by Professor Victor Gonçalves (the latter in charge of the study of slate plaques). We present here only the result of the preliminary study of the arrowheads, made on the context of a Grant of Introduction to Research performed by the other signatory (I.S.).


The dolmen Monte Velho 1 (Monforte, Portugal) is integrated in megalithic tour guide created by the municipality Monforte, and is the first in a séries of four monuments (one menhir and three dolmens) to be excavated under the project " Archaeological Map of Monforte ", the scientific responsibility of the signatory . The work done in the last two years (2011 and 2012) were aimed at excavation of the monument and evaluating the extent of damage caused by violations and acts of vandalism perpetrated in unknown date. The monument had a completely damaged chamber having its archaeological level completely removed. This could also be noticed in part of the corridor (near the camera) where prehistoric materials appeared mixed with other more recent chronology. Compared to the architecture, we can see that it was a monument with a singularity since the runner, unlike the applicant in other monuments in the region presents a misaligned with the axis of the runner chamber.

Inscrição árabe de Santa Vitória do Ameixial (Estremoz, Évora)

O Arqueólogo Português, Série V, 6/7, 2016‑2017, p. 251-263

This study deals with a Roman brick reused to write on it an Arabic inscription. It was found in 1970 in the Lusitanian-Roman Villa of Santa Vitória do Ameixial (Estremoz), deprived of archaeological context, among the building materials collected during the 1915-1916 excavations and is now kept in Lisbon, in the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia. It contains 10 rows of Arabic script of the type called Kufic, without dots, vowels or any auxiliary signs. The script was inscribed with a fine-tipped metal artefact, and putting the piece so that the larger side stays upright. The appearance of the letters suggests the inscription should be dated between the last decade of the 11th century and the first quarter of the 12th century, between 1090 and 1125, at the time of the Almoravids. The visual impression is that of a rural and popular type of inscription, made by a person who had good knowledge of writing, but who was not a professional engraver and was not connected to the cultural and official elite. The article offers the edition and translation of the Arabic text, which is composed of: a) the basmala, an invocation to God present at the beginning of all Islamic inscriptions; b) an exclamation related to three characters of the old testament known also by Islam: Adam, Moses and Solomon; c) two verses of the Quran. The first one refers to the geniuses who worked for Solomon and didn’t realize his death; if they knew that, they would have saved a year’s work. The second warns that God projects are fulfilled even though they are unknown to us. The content is only religious; we are not in front of a foundation inscription, nor an epitaph; we don’t have proper names or a date; the religious formulae are not the usual found in the known inscriptions of Al-Andalus. In a whole, it looks like a warning that death is inevitable and we need to be aware of that. We believe that the inscription has spontaneous and popular character and does not respond to the existence of a Muslim village or settlement in that place; it is only the result of the action of someone passing by this archaeological site in mediaeval times that used one of its materials to register his thoughts.

A Estela da Idade do Bronze do Monte do Ulmo (Santa Vitória, Beja)

Conimbriga, 53, 2014

A new stela from a group called type I stela or Alentejo slabs, was identified in April 2015. This stela appeared in 2013 in the course of agricultural works in a farmland near Monte do Ulmo (Santa Vitória, Beja). A necropolis of cists dating from the Iberian South-West Bronze Age was identified at the same location in the 1940`s. The stela from Monte do Ulmo shows a single representation, an anchor-shaped object, which has been engraved on high relief in a greywacke stone, probably from local provenance. Archaeological prospection carried out in the finding area revealed evidence that may presuppose the existence of a necropolis, in which this stela could have been originally. This piece is the most recent finding of its kind, dating from the Iberian South-West Bronze Age and, along with a number of necropolis and other stelae with the same chronology, previously known in the region, it confirms the importance of Santa Vitória area during that period.

As notáveis placas votivas da Anta de Cabacinhitos (Évora).

Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 2005

The remarkable votive plaques of the dolmen of Cabacinhitos (Évora). From the passage grave named Anta de Cabacinhitos, near Évora, in Central Alentejo, Portugal, have been recovered 15 votive plaques, now studied by the «PLACA NOSTRA» team. The shapes are mostly of known types, with the exception of one, «ostrich egg» shaped. We must underline the presence of three cut shapes, which is very rare indeed in a single monument. The ensemble is truly exceptional, mostly by the presence of three plaques of cut contour, explicitly anthropomorphic, and by the presence of one plaque that has been engraved in both faces with the same motif, in which we can find the necklace of the Goddess. It also has that to point out another extraordinary plaque, with Sun Eyes and a big nose, common symbols of the Goddess, and a hybrid composition of the Body (in the face). In the verso, two vertical braids, a motif known in a very little number of the «portuguese» plaques. One sandstone plaque belongs to an interesting complex present in the corridor Lisbon–Montemor–Portalegre, there associated with the schist plaques, and has also an anthropomorphic contour. Continuing the essays initiated with the STAM-3 passage grave monograph and the publication of the engraved schist plaques from Aljezur, paging readings are also done, looking forward to recover the sequence of gestures and the intentions of the plaques engravers. Nevertheless not having organic substance to date, first half of 3rd millennium BC is considered to be a very probable chronological scope for the votive plaques of Cabacinhitos.

Duas novas datações para contextos funerários do Sul de Portugal: a Anta da Serrinha (Monforte) Resumo

Scientia Antiquitatis, 2020

A recente intervenção realizada na Anta da Serrinha (Monforte, Portugal) permitiu identificar uma complexa realidade funerária e arquitetóni-ca, com várias fases de utilização e remodelações do seu espaço sepulcral. A existência de restos osteológicos conservados permitiu ainda realizar duas datações de C 14 que vêm contribuir para o conhecimento das práticas funerárias desta região. Palavras-chave Megalitismo | Espólios | Datações Absolutas | Monforte | Portugal Résumé: La récent intervention à Anta da Serrinha (Monforte, Portugal) a permis d'identifier une réalité funéraire et architecturale complexe, avec plusieurs phases d'utilisation et de remodelage de son espace sépulcral. L'existence de vestiges ostéologiques conservés a également permis de réaliser deux datations C14, qui contribuent à la connaissance des pratiques funéraires dans cette région. Mots clés: Megalithisme | Culture matérielle | Datations radiocarbone | Monforte | Portugal