Aspects of Didactic Communication in Primary School (original) (raw)

Disputes of Teachers and Students about the Transmission and Reception of the Message in Teaching Communication

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

This study aimed to analyze teachers' and students' opinions on didactic communication, for optimizing this process. The investigation question was: are there any disputes between teachers and students about the message transmission/reception in didactic communication? The answer is yes, there is a dispute about the communication process in formal school: teachers see the factors influencing communication as related to students' preparation and students, to the teacher's personality; the dominant language is verbal for teachers and nonverbal for students, etc. Didactic communication can be optimized if the disputes of the stakeholders in education will be brought to a common denominator.

Intervention Strategies in Didactic Communication

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

Didactic communication has an important role in today's educational system because it is the basis for forming a relationship that ensures a mutual dialogue between the teacher and the student. This dialogue will then allow the student's personality to form. However, the didactic communication can be obstructed by many factors that form barriers in communication both from the transmitter's as well as the receiver's perspectives. These barriers can be overcome with educational intervention.The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that didactic communication has in the educational process, namely to transmit different kinds of messages as a form of knowledge, feelings, emotions, abilities.

The Role of Communication in Building the Pedagogical Relationship

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

The pedagogical relationship -the relationship between teacher/ formator, on the one hand, and student, on the other hand -is built through communication, that is through the transfer of information/ knowledge and cultural content. The relationship between teacher and student is one of social distance generated especially by the cultural differences existing between the protagonists. The efficiency of communication, on which the success of the pedagogical relationship relies, is conditioned by the reconstruction of a common culture to both protagonists. Therefore, we aim to highlight communication strategies that help both the teacher and the student build a common cultural background during their oral communication. In this respect, we shall present and analyse the language strategies used by the teacher/ formator as a sender in order to weigh their contribution to the creation of a common cultural background. The language strategies as generators of the common cultural background are essential but they have to be supported by other complementary activities that have the same purpose.

The Process of Communication in the Classroom

International Journal of Communication Research, 2013

Starting from the definition of communication, its components, objectives and taxonomy, we will try to point out some of the most important characteristics of this process of delivering information and feelings that should be taken into account in a classroom environment. We will also discuss some of the problems that might appear in transmitting the message to students and their possible solutions. Thus, in our endeavour we will focus on the teachers and how they can use those communication principles in day-today activities, as well as in the related tasks that concern class management.

Ways to Streamline Didactic Communication

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

The paper "Ways to streamline didactic communication" focuses on the particular applicative dimension, aiming direct approach of the communicational obstacle issue which, through the impact produced on didactic communication, causes difficulties on its efficient achievement. The paper has also analyzed the degree of development of communication skills in the educational binomial, while identifying as well the tools to stimulate them.


The traditional school system included adopting as much information without critical thinking while modern school tends to democratic education that is focused on the development of individual abilities of each student and to develop his critical thinking. In traditional teaching communication the teacher dominates. Such is the autocratic communication which was reflected in a bossy role of teachers while in modern teaching the emphasis is on the student's role and the democratic communication. In pursuing the goal of non-experimental empirical research that we set in our study, we found that there is a statistically significant connection between interpersonal communication in teaching and students' success, and that those students whose teachers mostly used the democratic model of communication in teaching achieved statistically significantly better school achievements than those students whose teachers use mainly the autocratic model of communication. The survey was conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Herzegovina-Neretva Canton) and a sample of 423 respondents (322 students and 101 teachers of primary schools). Through the results, contents and messages of this paper we have tried to make you aware of the importance of this segment of communication in the learning process and as such to make it the subject of everyday questioning and continuous work that should lead to its improvement, and thus to improving the quality of the entire educational process.

Communication as an Essential Element of Pedagogical Process

Tomo redaktorė V. Urbonavičiūtė (Lietuva/Lithuania) Tomo techninis redaktorius K. Saukantas (Lietuva/Lithuania) Viršelio dailininkas A. Kliševičius (Lietuva/Lithuania) Mokslinis žurnalas leidžiamas Klaipėdos universiteto nuo 1997 m. Scientific magazine published since 1997 by Klaipėda University Per metus išleidžiami 4 numeriai. Straipsniai spausdinami lietuvių, anglų ir vokiečių kalbomis 4 annual volume in Lithuanian, English and German languages Žurnalas įtrauktas į tarptautinę referuojamų mokslo žurnalų bazę IndexCopernicus Master List Magazine is referied in International Base IndexCopernicus Master List Redakcijos adresas/Address Herkaus Manto g. 84, 92294 Klaipėda, Lietuva, tel. (370 46) 39 88 95, fax (370 46) 39 89 99 Puslapis Internete/Internet address: PRATARMĖ Klaipėdos universiteto (įkurto 1991 metais) leidžiamas žurnalas TILTAI/BRIDGES/ BRÜCKEN yra skirtas socialiniams mokslams. Jame spausdinamuose straipsniuose nagrinėjamos aktualios ekonomikos, vadybos, demografijos, socialinės geografijos, geopolitikos, politikos, kultūros, švietimo, religijos, krašto tvarkymo ir kitos socialinės problemos. Ypač laukiama straipsnių apie paribių ir tarpvalstybinių regionų ekonomikos bei kultūros plėtrą. Mokslas nepripažįsta sienų, todėl mokslinis bendradarbiavimas -vienas svarbiausių pasaulio bendruomenės pažangos elementų. Dėl to dalyvauti leidžiant žurnalą, publikuoti straipsnius kviečiami mokslininkai iš įvairių šalių. TILTAI yra mokslo žurnalas, kuriame publikuojami moksliniai straipsniai Lietuvos mokslo tarybos nutarimu yra pripažįstami ginant daktaro ir habilituoto daktaro disertacijas, gaunant pedagoginius mokslo vardus. Prof. Stasys Vaitekūnas Vyriausiasis redaktorius PREFACE Scientific journal TILTAI/BRIDGES/BRÜCKEN published by Klaipėda University (established in 1991) is devoted to the issues of social sciences. The publications attempts at analysing and solving actual problems of economy, management, demography, social geography, geopolitics, political sciences, history, education, religious, regional planning and land use, other social problems. Science hasn't borders. Therefore scientific cooperation is one of the most important elements in the progress of world's community. Scientists from different countries of the world are kindly invited to write for and contribute to the journal. TILTAI/BRIDGES is the scientifical periodical magazine, which publications, by the decision of Lithuanian Science Council, are recognized as convenient for doctoral dissertations and pedagogical scientific names.

Communication in a learning environment


In the article authors discuss communication in a learning environment. Intercourse isone of the most important assumptions of individual’s becoming a human. During theintercourse, people exchange information, create a favorable emotional environmentand affect each other. Intercourse is an establishment and maintenance of connectionbetween people, a communication. Communication is the basis of intercourse, collaborationand social activity. For the expression of social activity (for initiative, responsibility,sociability), important are cognitive interests and activity of individuals.Communication in a social learning environment can be defined as a technique ofsocial relations and contact, a social reciprocity of conditions and specific result andas an interaction of various social institutions in order to satisfy intercourse needs andto fulfill learning objectives.The article also analyzes the theory of communication barriers-conflicts and discussestheir solutions. KEYWORDS: commun...

Metareferential Aspects of Didactic Communication


Glottodrama is a research-program regarding the didactic dimension of teaching foreign languages through linguistic and theatrical methods. This project encompasses interdisciplinary characteristics, being an indicative example of applying Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union in Romanian institutions. Being coordinated by the Linguistic Research Laboratory of Culturiana Publishing Company, the method aims at experimenting didactic strategies involving both language and drama-teacher. It covers diverse social and cultural contexts. The students learn the foreign language through acting diverse parts from different classical or original theatrical texts. Their performances are filmed and recorded. Watching the didactic materials, they can improve their verbal and non-verbal communication. Many aspects of disciplines analyzing non-verbal communication are implied allowing to the students to perceive life and culture of different civilizations in which they enter linguistical...

Theory and practice of communication in the educational process


Овој труд го третира прашањето на теоретско-практичниот аспект на комуникацијата. Имено воспитанието, образованието и комуникацијата како општествени категории се поврзани низ повеќе параметри како процесно, интенционален, мисловен, учечко-поучувачки. Во трудот посебно внимание е посветено на теоријата и практиката на комуникацијата во институционалниот процес на воспитание и образование. Теориско-емпириските истражувања покажуваат дека теоријата на комуникацијата е доминантна во однос на практиката. Од друга страна се јавува дилема на суштинска корелација и интеграција со практиката на комуникацијата како теорија во процесот на воспитание и образование.