Lectotypification of Siphocampylus (Campanulaceae) from Argentina (original) (raw)
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In this paper we provide the lectotypification of Campanula secundiflora, the Tertiary relict and paleostenoendemic species described by Josif Pančić and Roberto de Visiani in the first work they published jointly: Plantae serbicae rariores aut novae – Decas I (1862). All studied material is deposited in BEOU and PAD herbarium collections. The species Campanula secundiflora Vis. & Pančić was discovered by Josif Pančić (1814-1888), a Serbian botanist who collected and described many plant species new for science, alone or with the help of other European botanists, and especially with Dalmatian botanist Roberto de Visiani (1800-1878). More details about the collaboration of Pančić and Visiani can be found in Clementi et al. (2014). Pančić collected material of C. secundiflora for the first time in July 1856 while the plant was still not in full flower. He determined it as Campanula diffusa Vahl., with a note that it is probably a new species. Five years later, in August 1861, Pančić c...
Floral venation patterns in Siphocampylus (Campanulaceae)
American Journal of Botany, 2005
Siphocampylus is a neotropical genus that comprises 221 species distributed from Costa Rica to Argentina and in the Greater Antilles. Twenty-eight species have been reported from Brazil, mainly occupying mountainous terrain. The floral venation patterns and the origin of the hypanthium in eight Brazilian species, including three varieties, are described. Eleven ovarian vascular bundles depart from the siphonostele or receptacular stele: five of these bundles result from sepalar and staminal adnation and are alternate to five petalar bundles; the remaining bundle is central carpellary. The staminal bundles diverge from the sepalar bundles at the sinus, while the carpellary bundles form a cross, resulting in four ventral bundles; two of these feed the ovules; the other two feed the style. Apparently, the dorsal carpellary bundles diverge at the same site and then ramify profusely. The venation pattern observed is unprecedented in Siphocampylus and is quite different from other reports on genera of Campanulaceae. Further, these findings suggest that the origin of the hypanthium is appendicular, increasing knowledge of venation in this group, thus providing data for phylogenetic considerations.
Reappraisal of names and lectotype designations in the South American genus Anchietea (Violaceae)
Paula-Souza, J.; Pirani, J.R.; Hoffmann, M.H.; Roser, M. Reappraisal of names and lectotype designations in the South American genus Anchietea (Violaceae). Schlechtendalia, v. 25, p. 63-67, 2013
Anchietea salutaris was described together with the genus Anchietea in 1824 by Saint Hilaire, in the same year as Martius’s publication of Noisettia pyrifolia and both taxa were soon considered conspecific. Following Eichler’s treatment of Violaceae for “Flora Brasiliensis” in 1871, Anchietea salutaris became the commonly used name for this tall woody liane of Violaceae from South America. However, a careful analysis showed that Noisettia pyrifolia was published a few months earlier and thus has priority over A. salutaris. Maintenance of the latter name would require nomenclatural conservation, but we consider A. salutaris not as a strong candidate for conservation. Disagreement prevailed on the authorship of A. pyrifolia, as reflected by contradictory entries in plant name databases (e.g., IPNI, Tropicos). Based on our extended survey of Saint-Hilaire’s works and our recent taxonomic revision of Anchietea, it seems clear that this author did not create this binomial, but instead, the new combination was made by G. Don in “A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants”, a work cited, though not personally seen by Eichler in his “Flora Brasiliensis” account. A detailed historical background of these binomials, a proper reference for A. pyrifolia and a complete list of synonyms are provided. Original voucher specimens, either types or “typoid material”, were located in different herbaria, and our lectotype designations rest on this extended survey.
Phylogeny of Campanulaceae S. Str. Inferred from Its Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 2003
Ninety-three taxa comprising thirty-two genera (plus four outgroups from Lobeliaceae) were used to estimate a phylogeny of the Campanulaceae based on ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. From 2629 most parsimonious trees, a strict consensus tree with bootstrap values was constructed, in addition to a phylogram showing branch lengths. The topologies of these two trees are discussed in relation to the pollen and capsule morphology within the family, in addition to chromosome number and geographical distribution. The results show that there is a major dichotomy between the colpate/colporate pollen alliance (platycodonoid taxa) and the porate pollen alliance (wahlenbergioid and campanuloid taxa). Both these major alliances are monophyletic. Within the porate alliance there are two major clades, the wahlenbergioids and the campanuloids. The campanuloid clade is further subdivided into two major clades representing the Rapunculus and the Campanula s. str. groups of taxa, plus three smaller clades that are considered as ''transitional'' taxa. It is argued that the family originated in a fragmenting West Gondwanaland and that tectonic processes are responsible for the major dichotomy in the family. The colpate/colporate platycodonoids subsequently remained relatively relictual in Asia, whereas the porate taxa spread over much of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The campanuloid lineage spread over the Northern Hemisphere from a major evolutionary center in the Mediterranean region and is represented in North America only by the Rapunculus group. The wahlenbergioid lineage is widely dispersed across the southern continents and oceanic islands but has a major secondary center of diversification in southern Africa. The use of ITS provides insights for future investigations and a phylogenetic framework that can be tested with other data sets. Its limitations for phylogeny reconstruction are briefly discussed. More extensive taxon sampling and additional data sets are required to refine these results and for a new classification of the Campanulaceae to be proposed.
Typifications and synonymy in Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) from Chile and Argentina
Polystichum Roth is one of the largest and most taxonomically challenging fern genera. South American species have a rich and complex nomenclatural history; many of the early names are inadequately typified. Based on extensive examination of original type material, we designate eleven lectotypes (including Aspidium mohrioides, A. montevidense f. imbricata, A. montevidense f. squamulosa, A. plicatum, A. pycnolepis, Dicksonia andina, Polystichum elegans, P. mohrioides f. latifolia, P. multifidum var. autranii, P. platyphyllum var. kurtziana, and Polypodium polystichoides), and one neotype (P. brongniartianum) for Polystichum taxa. Furthermore, three new synonyms are proposed. Resumen Polystichum Roth es uno de los géneros de helechos más grandes y de mayor complejidad taxonómica. Las especies sudamericanas tienen una rica y compleja historia nomenclatural, con muchos de los nombres inadecuadamente tipificados. En base a un minucioso examen del material tipo original, designamos lectotipos para once taxones de Polystichum (que incluyen Aspidium mohrioides, A. montevidense f. imbricata, A. montevidense f. squamulosa, A. plicatum, A. pycnolepis, Dicksonia andina, Polystichum elegans, P. mohrioides f. latifolia, P. multifidum var. autranii, P. platyphyllum var. kurtziana y Polypodium polystichoides) y un neotipo (P. brongniartianum). Además, se proponen 3 nuevos sinónimos.
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 2011
Cano-Maqueda, J. & Talavera, S. 2011. Una revisión taxonómica del complejo Campanula lusitanica (Campanulaceae) en la región occidental mediterránea. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 68(1): 15-47 (en inglés). En este trabajo se revisa la sistemática de las especies anuales del complejo Campanula lusitanica en el occidente del Mediterráneo usando secuencias ITS, cariología y análisis de los caracteres morfológicos de todas las especies del complejo. La información proporcionada por estas tres fuentes de caracteres es congruente, y las distintas especies se reorganizan en dos grupos principales con categoría de sección, que se corresponden con los dos subclados bien definidos: Campanula sect. Rapunculus Boiss. y Campanula sect. Decumbentes, descrita como nueva en este trabajo. En el Mediterráneo occidental, la sect. Rapunculus está formada por las siguientes especies anuales: C. lusitanica L. y C. matritensis A. DC., con 2n = 18 cromosomas, y C. cabezudoi Cano-Maqueda & Talavera, C. specularioides Coss., C. transtagana R. Fern. y C. broussonetiana Schult., con 2n = 20 cromosomas. En la Península Ibérica la sect. Decumbentes está representada por C. decumbens A. DC., con 2n = 32 cromosomas, y C. dieckii Lange, con 2n = 28 cromosomas, ambas endémicas de la Península Ibérica; de C. decumbens se describe una subespecie nueva: C. decumbens subsp. baetica Cano-Maqueda & Talavera, taxon del valle del Guadalquivir muy bien diferenciado morfológicamente de la subsp. decumbens. En la parte sistemática se proporciona una clave para la identificación de estas especies anuales del oeste del Mediterráneo, así como una descripción y tipificación, fotografías de las flores y frutos, mapas de distribución, y aspectos de la ecología para cada uno de los táxones.
"A catalogue of the Cactaceae type material of Carlos Luis Spegazzini (1858-1926) deposited in the Herbarium of Museo de La Plata (LP), Argentina, is presented. Spegazzini´s collection of vascular plant types includes ca. 700 specimens. This analysis revealed 93 type specimens and photographs of the specimens of the family Cactaceae, 70 of which are deposited in LP. This article includes a list of original names arranged alphabetically, the current names with authors, the original citation or protologue, the exsiccatae followed by the type category, the photographs of the specimens taken by Spegazzini, and all significant observations. In addition, some photographs of living specimens taken by Spegazzini and a list of specimens not found in LP were also included. "