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Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019), 2019
This study aims to: (1) Determine whether Think Pair Share (TPS) learning tools developed in grade VII of SMP Negeri 11 Medan are valid, practical, and effective. (2) Knowing whether students' mathematical representation ability through the use of learning tools can be improved. This type of research is a research development using the 4D model. The subject in this study was a Learning Kit that was developed consisting of student books, lesson plans, Student Activity Sheets, mathematical representation tests. The research subject is class VII. Data was collected in the form of instruments, namely validity sheets, questionnaire sheets, and tests. The results of the study obtained a valid, practical and effective learning device. (1) validation indicate that the device developed is suitable for use. Practicality can be seen from the response of the expert team or validator who stated that the learning tools can be used with minor revisions. The effectiveness seen from the classical completeness has met the minimum completeness criteria; (2) The trial shows that the mathematical representation ability increases as indicated by the n-Gain value.
Manipulatives are concrete or virtual objects that enable pupils to visualize abstract mathematical concepts in concrete terms for easy comprehension. They play an important role in the success of effective mathematics education. Preliminary studies in the selected schools revealed that manipulatives are lacking in these schools and that makes teaching and learning of some mathematics topics very challenging. This research sought to find out how mathematics is taught in the selected schools to find out if the teaching and learning of mathematics are done with or without manipulatives and their impact on mathematics education. These two selected schools consisted of one publicly and one privately owned schools. The study is qualitative in nature specifically the descriptive and quasi-experimental methods of qualitative research. The research instruments employed for the study were interview and observation. The population for the study was 940, with a target population of 470 and an accessible population of 206. The accessible population for the private school was 132 (3 teachers and129 pupils) whereas the accessible population for the public school was 74 (3 teachers, 70 pupils and 1 head teacher). The convenient sampling was used to pick schools that were that were not too far from the researcher (private and primary schools) whiles the purposive sampling was used to select one public and one public school. Results from observation in both schools showed that, manipulatives were available for only addition and subtraction. Data from interviews showed that some topics in mathematics are challenging to teach without manipulatives. Manipulatives were designed and developed for five of the challenging to teach and learn topics in mathematics.
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2020
This research is motivated by learning tools that do not meet the effectiveness criteria in SD Angkasa 2 Lanud Soewondo Medan. This study aims to describe: 1) the effectiveness of learning tools based on realistic mathematical approaches in improving students' mathematical problem solving abilities; 2) increasing students' mathematical problem solving abilities by using realistic mathematics-based learning tools; 3) the process of student answers in solving problems mathematical problem solving abilities. This study uses a 4-D development model. The subjects in this study were all class V SD Angkasa 2 Lanud Soewondo Medan, with a total of 41 students. The objects in this study are learning tools in the form of lesson plans, textbooks, student activity sheets, and tests of mathematical problem solving abilities. The results showed that: 1) learning devices based on realistic mathematical approaches effectively improve mathematical problem-solving abilities, effectiveness in t...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
This study aims to analyze students’ understanding of mathematical concepts in the material of addition and subtraction of integers by using manipulative media in the form of colored paperboard designed into rectangular shapes. This research was conducted in class IV SDN 02 Koto Tangah. The subjects in this study are class IVB students with the total number of 25 students. The instrument used in this research was a subjective test that had fulfilled mathematical concept indicators and test indicators. Data analysis was carried out by using the N-Gain formula developed by Meltzer (2002 and then was interpreted based on the classification of the N-Gain index from Hake (1999). The results of this study reveal that mathematics learning by using manipulative media in the form of rectangular shape designed paperboard can improve students’ understanding of mathematical concepts in the material of addition and subtraction of integers.
The Realistic of Mathematic Educational Approach to Enhancing Ability Mathematical Connections
International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
The aim of this study was to look at improving students' ability mathematical connection. Improve ability mathematical connection by developing Realistic Mathematics (RME) learning tools. This research is research and development, the results of this product are RPP, student activity sheets, teacher book guidelines, and student books. Development of learning tools based on a realistic approach developed using the 4-D development model from Thiagarajan. This research was conducted in grade VIII Junior High School 2 Candi Sidoarjo. The results of this study indicate: learning devices that are developed are valid, both in content validity and construction validity, there is an increase in ability mathematical connection of students using learning developed devices, and learning devices developed meet the criteria effectively, seen from: a) students' mathematical connection abilities are met , b) the ideal time of student activity is fulfilled, c) the teacher's performance i...
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
This study aims to describe: 1) the validity, practicality and effectiveness of teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulatives and problem-based learning oriented; 2) improvement of critical thinking and problem solving skills of SMP MARS Pematang Siantar Class VIII students by using teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulative and problem based learning oriented. This research is a development research. The development model used in this study is the Thiagarajan model. The results showed that: 1) the teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulative and problem-based learning oriented were declared valid, practical and effective; 2) there is an increase in critical thinking and problem solving skills for students of SMP MARS Pematang Siantar Class VIII by using teaching materials developed by implementing virtual manipulative and problem-oriented base learning. In the first trial there was an increase in the value of critical thinking skills of 0.35 and the value of problem solving abilities of 0.44 with moderate criteria. Likewise, in the second trial there was an increase in the value of critical thinking skills of 0.42 and the value of problem-solving abilities of 0.53 with moderate criteria.
Arts and Design Studies, 2016
Manipulatives are concrete or virtual objects that enable pupils to visualize abstract mathematical concepts in concrete terms for easy comprehension. They play an important role in the success of effective mathematics education. Preliminary studies in the selected schools revealed that manipulatives were lacking in these schools and that made teaching and learning of some mathematics topics very challenging. This research sought to find out how mathematics is taught in the selected schools to establish the brunt on how the teaching and learning of mathematics is done with or without manipulatives. The two selected schools are public schools or government owned schools. The study is qualitative in nature employing the descriptive and quasi-experimental methods of research. The research instruments employed for the study were interview and observation. The accessible population for the study was 339. This was made up of 6 teachers, 199 teachers and 1 head teacher. The non-probability...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The aim of this study to find out the learning design of virtual manipulative using Problem Based Learning (PBL) on seventh grade student in algebra concept. This study was conducted at Junior High School Santo Aloysius Turi from October to February 2019. The research subjects were students of class VIIB (pilot experiment) and VIIA (teaching experiment) in 2018/2019. The type of research used in this study is design research, where researchers design Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) to teach algebraic operating using virtual manipulative with PBL models. The research stages are preliminary design, experimental design which includes a pilot experiment and teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. Data collection methods used are documentation, field notes, written tests, and unstructured interviews. Technical data analysis is used according to Miles and Huberman methods, including data reduction, data display, and verification or conclusion. The results showed that the ...
International Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 2023
This research was conducted based on the low ability of students' mathematical representation in the eighth-grade students of SMP N 9 Purwokerto. One of the contributing factors was that the use of the learning approach had not facilitated students in developing mathematical representation abilities. The solution that was considered capable of improving the ability of mathematical representation was to apply the learning process with a realistic mathematical approach. The realistic mathematics approach provided opportunities for students to do modeling, depicting, and symbolizing related to concrete problems. This research was quantitative with a quasi-experimental type with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population in this study were all students of grade eight of SMP N 9 Purwokerto. The sample in this study was the students of VIII A with a total of 36 students and VIII B with a total of 36 students. The data analysis used was the z-test and the N-Gain test. The results of the z-test showed a significant effect, the mathematical representation abilities of the experimental class students were higher. Then, the results of the N-Gain test showed that the experimental class was in the medium category and the control class was in the low category. Thus, the representation ability of the experimental class students was higher than that of the control class. The results of this study indicate that the realistic mathematical approach is effective in increasing students' mathematical representation abilities.
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2021
This study aims to analyze the validity and effectiveness of teaching materials developed based on a realistic mathematical approach in improving students 'mathematical reasoning and representation abilities, to analyze the increase in students' reasoning skills and mathematical representation abilities taught using teaching materials based on realistic mathematical approaches. The data were obtained through the validation sheet of teaching materials, observation sheets, student response questionnaires, mathematical reasoning ability test instruments and mathematical representation ability tests. This study uses a 4-D development model Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel by developing teaching materials with a realistic mathematical approach. Based on the results of the validation, the total average value of the RPP validity was 4.81, the student books were 4.83 and the LKPD was 4.85, the students' mathematical reasoning ability tests and the mathematical representation abili...