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Proceedings of International Conference on Multidiciplinary Research, 2022
This study raises the issue about the employment of indirect speech acts of Indonesian language education students at FKIP Serambi Mekkah University. The purpose of this study was to determine the indirect speech acts of Indonesian language education students FKIP Serambi Mekkah University. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study are indirect speech acts of Indonesian language education students, FKIP, Serambi Mekkah University. The subjects in this study were all Indonesian language students. Data collection was carried out by using listening techniques which included tapping techniques, free speaking listening techniques, conversational free listening techniques, recording techniques, and notetaking techniques. The data analysis technique was carried out by means of data reduction, data presentation, interpreting the meaning of the data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the utterances spoken by Indonesian language education students at FKIP Serambi Mekkah University contained indirect speech acts. In general, the indirect speech acts used by Indonesian students are news sentences which have the intention of commanding the speech partner to do something, then requesting sentences and news sentences that function to ask the speech partner to give something. Speakers use indirect speech acts when interacting so that the speech conveyed seems more polite and not pushy.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
The purpose of this research was to identify the types of speech acts performed by EFL teachers in classroom interaction at SMAN 2 Mataram in Academic Year 2021/2022 on the basis of Searle’s theory of speech acts and to identify the most dominant kind of speech act. This research was the descriptive-qualitative approach. More specifically this research was classified as a case study. The object of this study was the utterances uttered by the EFL teacher of SMAN 2 Mataram during the teaching and learning process. The data were in the form of words, phrases, and utterances employed by the teacher. The researcher played the role of the primary instrument in which she was involved in all of the processes of this research starting from the research design until the data report. The data were obtained through conducting observations accompanied by an audio-video recording. The data were, then, transcribed into the written form, selected to fit the objectives of the study, recorded into th...
Speech Act of Efl Teachers in Islamic Senior Secondaryschool in Indonesia
This research aimed at finding out the kinds, and functions of speech act used by the teachers at MAN (State Islamic Senior Schools in South Sulawesi) in teaching English as a Foreign Language and the teachers using kinds and function of speech acts. This research by applying qualitative research design. The research subjects were the English teachers’ in MAN Binamu Jeneponto. Two EFL teachers at MAN Binamu Jeneponto were chosen thourgh purposive sampling teaching, then the instrumentof the research was classroom observation. The data collected was analyzed by using the data analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994), namely data reduction, data display dan the data description of conclusion/verificarion. The results of the study were: (1). The kinds of speech act such as locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. On Locutionary act, the researcher found that two from three elements of locutionary act, where uttered by the teachers’ and the researcher found that...
This study aims to describe "The Form of Teacher's Direct Speech Act with Grade XI Students in Learning of Indonesian Language in SMA 1 PGRI Padang". The focus of the research is teacher speech acts direct speech acts (declarative) news sentences and direct interrogative sentences with students in the process of learning Indonesian in class XI SMA PGRI 1 Padang. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. The technique of collecting data is collecting data by discussing teacher-student speeches and learning while the teaching and learning process takes place. Observations were carried out as long as the teacher carried out the teaching and learning process in the classroom, for 21 days and the number of students who studied as many as 40 people. For teachers who release only 1 person but the class receives as many as 2 classes. The data analysis technique used in analyzing data is: (1) transcribing the teacher's speech into writing. (2) Analyzing speech based on the teaching and learning process. The results of the study showed that the speech act directly passed 112 data. 83 data in the form of conventional functioning news sentences to say something and 29 data in the form of question sentences that are conventional functions to request. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the speech acts often used by Indonesian Language teachers in class XI SMA PGRI 1 Padang in the teaching and learning process are acts of direct speech acts in the form of conventional sentence sentences to allow material where students are more easily looking for subject matter given the teacher.
An Analysis of Speech Acts in the Student’s Textbook at the Senior Vocational High School
The current research objectives were to analyse the eleventh grade students’ textbook in the Senior Vocational High School publishes by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education based on the 2013 Curriculum. The research problems were focused on the speech acts’ social functions, linguistic features, and language elements. The research was designed in a qualitative approach. Data were collected through document analysis method. Data were analysed descriptively by classifying the speech acts’ social functions, linguistic features, and language elements. The research was delimited on the verbal acts or speech acts, focusing on their social functions, linguistic structures, and language features as outlined in the 2013 Curriculum (Kemdikbud 2016). The three verbal learning focus assisted students in improving their communicative competence in English. The research findings are, firstly, there were four speech act types found, namely directive, assertive, expressive, and commissive ...
International Journal of Research in English Education, 2018
An utterance may constitute act. Hence, performing acts through speech are commonly committed by people currently; it is no exception for the EFL students. Some linguists assert that learning communicative competence is of great importance in communication including the act of speaking in the social context. This study was carried out to investigate the students' acquaintances with speech act. A survey was conducted in this study so as to know their acquaintances with speech act. This study focused on the divisions of speech act including locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act, and direct and indirect speech act. The data resource was the sixth semester students of class B at University of Islam Malang majoring in English Education Program. A questionnaire was distributed to know if they have an acquaintance with the speech act. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics after being collected. The findings revealed that the students still committed errors towards the speech act competence. They, a considerable part, did not know parts of speech act which is salient to recognize. For this reason, the researcher expects that the students will be capable of recognizing more on speech act by learning either from this paper or from other resources regarding speech act learning.
Speech Act Analysis of English Teacher Talk at SMP Negeri 1 Rangkasbitung
Journal of English Language and Culture, 2020
Teachers’ talk is a factor that may entail to the smoothness of English teaching and learning experience. Besides, language used by teacher in the classroom is crucial, because it will influence students’ learning process and development. This study investigated the speech acts in the teacher talk at SMP Negeri 1 Rangkasbitung. This study involved the Seventh Grade English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Rangkasbitung as the data source. Furthermore, this study used Searle’s theory of speech acts classification as the instrument for analyzing the data. Based on the analysis, there were only four types of speech acts found in the teacher talk, 68 % directive speech act, assertive speech acts with 14 %, and the last two of speech act, commissive and expressive speech act, were only 10 % and 8 % in the teacher talk during the teaching-learning process. This study revealed that the majority of teacher talks found in the form of directive speech act, in the other words the classroom interaction ...
This study aims to describe the Balinese language speech of Balinese language teachers in class management activities at SMAN 2 Kuta and describe the violations of the principle of Grice's cooperation. In addition, this study aims to determine the role of Balinese speech in supporting classroom management activities. The theories used in this study are speech act theories proposed by Yule regarding speech functions. This research is a qualitative research. This research uses descriptive analysis method that describes the string of words or sentences. The technique used in this research is note taking and recording techniques. The data in this study in the form of teacher's speech in classroom management activities at SMAN 2 Kuta. The results of this study can be described as follows. First, in class management activities, the declarative speech function spoken by the teacher is as much as 12.20%, namely speech classifying, prohibiting, and forgiving. Representative utterance...
Directive Speech Act in Learning Indonesia at Vacational School 1 Kefamenanu
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
Directive speech act in learning is a language act that pays attention to the conversation context. Its conversation context deals with who, to whom, what, and how the speech is conveyed. Therefore, it becomes an attention for teachers and students in the learning process. This research was conducted to describe the directive speech act between the teacher and the students and students in learning Indonesian at Vocational School 1 Kefamenanu. This study aimed to determine directive speech acts in the Indonesian learning process at Vocational school 1 Kefamenanu. The method used descriptive qualitative research. The object of this research was the utterance between teachers and students and among students. This study's subjects were teachers and students involved in the Indonesian learning process at Vocational school 1 Kefamenanu. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by observation, recording, and note-taking. This research's data analysis technique was to describe the recording results, data reduction, data interpretation, and conclude. The results of the study at Vocational school 1 Kefamenanu showed that the use of directive speech acts carried out by teachers and students was more dominant than the teacher. It happened because the teacher is a good illustration in speaking and being polite in language.
Analyzing Speech Act Found in the EFL Class
Academic Journal Perspective : Education, Language, and Literature
In teaching learning, lecturers teach the students with a good sentence. But there is one of students may not understand what she said although in grammatically is correct, so it will happen miscommunication between lecturer and student. This research concerns in the classroom interaction in Class I,J as the main data of this research because there are many speech acts especially categories of speech act employed by lecturer and students in the interaction related to the context and situation. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research since it employs the analysis of descriptive and qualitative methods. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The participants of this classroom interaction are Mrs. Lutfhi as the lecturer and students from class I,J whereas the 6 men and 27 women. The topic is talking about social problem. In this case the writer analyzes the speech act found in the classroom interaction. The listener of this interaction ought to understa...