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William Blake’İn Tecrübe Şarkilarindan Kutsal Perşembe'Ni̇n Meti̇n Anali̇zi̇
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2019
In this paper I will try to describe how the meaning in the poem is constructed by means of seven standards of textuality (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981). This study looks for seven standards of textuality in "Holy Thursday" from Songs of Experience by William Blake (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981). The article focuses on linguistic analysis of the selected poem. An actual use of language is called a text (Widdowson,2007:7). Communicative purpose is an important factor for a text; by means of actual use of language there is a connection between reader and the text. (Widdowson,2007:11). A text includes the above mentioned standard, if these seven standards of textuality cannot be realized in a text, it means that the text is not communicative; texts which are not communicative are called nontexts. (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981). Seven standards of textuality are important factors for perceiving and understanding the written text because they reveal meaning in a text. (Celce-Murcia and Olshtain,2000). Accordingly, written text is an important element of conveying message. By means of written texts, writers and poets can express their ideas, opinions and share knowledge and values (Crowhurst,1990). In order to achieve a well written text, writers or poets construct organic unity and reader can understand writer's or poet's ideas and intended messages easily (Celce-Murcia and Olshtain,2000). From this perspective, this study focuses on linguistic analysis. The poem is an important part of work of art. Poem is one of the written text types. It conveys meaning like other text types. Poetry carries ambigious sentences (Trask,2007). It means that it is difficult to understand the poems because they can have many meanings and interpretations, that's why this study focuses on seven standards of textuality in "Holy Thursday" from Songs of Experience by William Blake, in order to construct meaning. Halliday and Hasan's theory (1976) will be referred in this analysis for interpretation of the poem also the research paper focuses on De Beaugrand and Dressler's hypothesis (1981) "Seven Standards of Textuality" (cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality, intertextuality). De Beaugrand and Dressler (1981) suggest that if any of them is not realized in the text, the text will not be communicative text. Based on this assumption, functions of language used in the poem will be examined according to Roman Jakobson's model (Jakobson,1960). According to Jokobson, the functions of language are divided into six categories, and they are different functions of language. Referential function, emotive function, conative function, phatic function, metalingual function, poetic function are important for a word, a text or an image (Jakobson,1968). Because the characteristics of language is identified acoording to the functions of language (Jakobson,1968). Method Forms of words, phrases and sentences in the poem will be examined in this sense descriptive qualitative method will be used in this study. The researcher uses William Blake as the subject of the study. This study will focus on these research questions;
Abstract The emergence of three schools in English Romantic brought change of the new ideas. The research is aimed to present prominent ideas of three schools – Lake school, Cockney school and Satanic school – in revealing the natural beauty and human dignity represented from the ideas. These all signify the English Romantic works of the time. The writer carried out language based approach and used descriptive qualitative method in his analysis of the selected works of the three schools. This research was written based on primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from the poem of the three schools; Tintern Abbey, La Belle Dame sans Merci, and Ozymandias. The secondary data were taken from various books, articles, website on internet, and PDF. Then, the data were analyzed by structural approach through intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The result shows that romantic human dignity and beauty of nature of Romantic period greatly influence the Romantic works at that time. The three schools of English Romantics were known as the pioneer of such significant ideas. They introduced the terms of human dignity and beauty of nature from their literary works mostly in poems. The poems then emerged in Romantic period as the product of these new terms or newly innovative poetic system in poetry. Key words: Three schools, poems, human dignity, natural beauty
Analysis of Two Poems by Shafiee Kadkani with a Cognitive Poetic Approach
Literary Interdisciplinary Research, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies(IHCS) Semiannual Journal, , 2022
Cognitive poetic theory is based on linguistic techniques such as analogical reasoning and the type of language units. According to Marguerite Freeman's theory (2000), each text has three levels of attribute, relational and system mapping. In the first level, the similarity between objects is analyzed. In the second level, the relationships between objects are investigated and in the third level, the pattern that exists in the conceptual and structural relationships of the work is explored as a whole. In this study, with the aim of understanding Shafi'i Kadkani's cognitive style, his two poems were examined in the framework of this theory. Research questions are: 1-Is there a significant relationship between structure and content in Shafi'i Kadkani poetry? 2-Is it possible to approach the unspoken meanings in the text and the author's thought patterns with analogical mapping? The results of this study showed that in the first poem, the image that is created in the mind of the audience from the reflection of two different conceptual spaces in the text; It is also reflected in the structural and linguistic dimension of poetry, Because in lines 5 to 9-as the heart of the poetry The use of language and pronouns are different from other parts of the text. The same pattern is repeated in the second poem and the boring rotation of life in poetry is represented in the structure of the work. Analogical mappings showed; there is an obstacle to reach the ideal world in both poems who is the narrator herself. Based on these results; Significant consistency of the structure and content of the poems and also The effectiveness of the solutions of poetic-cognitive theory to approach the unspoken meanings of text and the author's thought patterns was proved.
Perceiving the meaning of literary texts requisites studying and understanding the language of these texts. Stylistic approach to literary texts does not only involve linguistic textual analysis but also encourages readers to interact with textual structure to infer meaning . This paper focuses on the relevance of stylistics approach for the analysis of poems in Teaching English as a Foreign Language contexts. To this end, Siegfried Sassoon`s The Rear-Guard and Wilfred Owen`s Anthem for Doomed Youth are taken into consideration. After having explained in what ways stylistic analysis helps the reader to come to terms with the process of coding the meaning embedded in the text by focusing on the linguistic features, the two poems are compared and contrasted via a stylistic approach. The paper does not solely focus on analysing the texts, but also argues in favour of exploiting language-based approaches in literature study in English as a Foreign Language contexts, since stylistics is interested in what writers do with and through language.
This research applied the descriptive qualitative research. The data source of this research was taken from the poems line in the first chapter of Complete Poems of Robert Frost entitled A Boy’s Will. The data were in the forms of lines that were collected based on the relevant theories. To achieve data trustworthiness, some peers and the thesis consultants were asked to check, verify, and discuss the data that were collected by the researcher. The results of the research showed that there were four types of transference of meaning which appeared in the chapter; they were metaphor, metonymy, simile, and personification. Meanwhile, there were only two language functions found through the use of the figure of transference of meaning in the chapter. They were poetic and phatic. Keywords: Robert Frost A Boy’s Will; transference of meaning; language functions
An Analysis of Figurative Language in Poems by Laksmi Pamuntjak
MATAI: International Journal of Language Education
Figurative language is used to beautify literary work, especially poems. It can make the poems more exciting and unique. But some readers cannot identify the figurative language used in poetry. The poem's readers will read, analyze, and interpret poetry without considering the use of figurative language. The research objectives were to explain the kinds of figurative language used in selected poems by Laksmi Pamuntjak and the use of figurative language in Laksmi Pamuntjak's poems. This is qualitative research with content analysis. This approach offered to analyze data by choosing some poems by Laksmi Pamuntjak, reading the poems, identifying the figurative language used in the poems, then analyzing the figurative language used in the poems. In analyzing figurative language in Laksmi Pamuntjak's poems, the researcher grouped them based on the figurative language used in each poem. In analyzing data, the researcher analyzed every figurative language found in the poems and...
Wordsworth'Un “Bi̇r Bulut Gi̇bi̇ Tek Başina Gezi̇ndi̇m
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi sobider, 2022
This present study tries to explore meaning of symbols in Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud" (Daffodils). In order to reveal the symbolic meaning of the poem, Charles Sanders Peirce's the process of triadic in other words Peirce's triadic model is used in the study. Qualitative descriptive method is used in the study to explore the data. In this regard, semiotic approach is used in this paper in order to analyze nature oriented symbols in the poem. Based on Peirce's triadic model, this study concludes that the poet uses nature oriended symbols in order to convey the natural life experiences and positive side of natural life versus industrialism. In addition, natural beauty, miracles of universe are conveyed by means of symbolic meanings and connotations. As implied earilier, the current study is based on qualitative interpretive based on Peirce's triadic semiotic approach. This paper deals with symbols and their explicit and implicit meaning. Denotatively, the poem's main subject is not about the daffodils. Connotatively, the poem focuses on natural views, nature oriented experiences. Mostly, the sign of the daffodils construct positive connotations related to natural views and natural life. The poem is based on a traveler while travelling in the countryside. The concept of countryside in terms of context and setting plays a significant role in the poem. Because it establishes positive tone in other words positive connotations and symbols in the poem. Many literary devices are used in the poem such as simile, metonymy, personification. This present study focuses on symbols and their explicit and implicit meaning in the poem. As mentioned before, Peirce's semiotic model is used in order to analyze the symbols in the poem. In
Putting Transitivity to the Test: A Stylistic Analysis of Edward Lowbury's Poem "The
The basic aim of this paper is to stylistically analyze Edward Lowbury's poem "The Huntsman" from the point of view of Halliday's transitivity (1985, 1994, 2004, 2014) model. As transitivity is a grammatical feature and is considered the basic approach of stylistics (analysis); the ideational, textual and the interpersonal facets are the major functions of the language. There are six processes of the system of transitivity. This analysis will be beneficial for understanding the mental, verbal and material processes of transitivity model used by the poet in his poem. As the theme of the poem is that we should think before speaking, so this research is helpful to analyze the style and structure of Edward Lowbury's poetry and different concepts to convey and fortify this concept. Themes and views are conveyed by the poet through different stylistic techniques and devices.