de Flandes. De Nederlandse aanwezigheid in Valladolid en omstreken tijdens de zestiende eeuw (original) (raw)

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Th.A.H. de Nijs, E. Beukers, Geschiedenis van Holland, II, 1572 tot 1795 Cover Page

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[Hollands glorie in de 17de eeuw: de stadsplattegronden van Blaeu = Dutch splendour in the 17th century: Blaeu’s town plans / M[arco] v[an] E[gmond] Cover Page](

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Belgium: Flanders Cover Page

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Vergane glorie? Een Hollands adelskroniekje in de Bourgondisch-Habsburgse periode Cover Page

Republiek en vorst. De stadhouders en het staatsvormingsproces in de Noordelijke Nederlanden, 16e-18e eeuw


Republic and Prince. The Stadholders and the State-Making Process in the Northern Netherlands, 16th-18th centuries. The paper subjects Norbert Elias’ ideas on early modern state-making to the test of the Dutch Republic. More specifically the question is put forward, why it is that the Orange Stadholders did not manage to reach the same station as the French Absolutist kings. And this in spite of the fact that the Stadholders’ position in many ways resembled that of the French monarchs, most notably through their command of the Dutch armies, that were among the largest of early modern Europe, thus providing the Stadholders with a firm hand in the monopoly of violence that plays such a crucial part in Elias’ theory of the state. The weakness in the Stadholders’ position is depicted as being mainly of a financial nature. The Dutch armies were financed to a large extent through private and voluntary subscriptions to loans of the province of Holland, and this gave Holland’s urban elites ...

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Republiek en vorst. De stadhouders en het staatsvormingsproces in de Noordelijke Nederlanden, 16e-18e eeuw Cover Page

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T. Nieuwenhuis, Keeshonden en Prinsmannen. Durgerdam, Ransdorp en Holisloot: drie Waterlandse dorpen in de patriottentijd en de Bataafs-Franse tijd (1780-1813) Cover Page

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Een 15de-eeuwse sector van het verdwenen vissersdorp te Raversijde (stad Oostende, prov. West-Vlaanderen): interimverslag 1994 = La village déserté de Walraversijde: une zone habitée au 15e siècle (ville d'Ostende, prov. de Flandre Occidentale): rapport intermédiaire 1994 Cover Page

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Nederland-België: de Belgisch-Nederlandse betrekkingen vanaf 1940 Cover Page

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J. Rosendaal, Bataven! Nederlandse vluchtelingen in Frankrijk 1787-1795 Cover Page

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Middeleeuwse bewoning langs de Benedenstraat te Wezemaal (Vlaams-Brabant). Eindverslag van een toevalsvondst Cover Page