Прилог археолошкој карти Грбља: неки резултати сондажног рекогносцирања 2000. године/Ein Beitrag zur archäologischen Karte von Grbalj: einige Resultate der Prospektion und Probegrabungen in 2000.pdf (original) (raw)

New Results of the Archaeological Excavations on the Site Gradište near Iđoš: Season 2014

The archaeological site of Gradište near Iđoš, in the municipality of Kikinda, Serbia, is well known in the archaeological literature of the region. Excavated on several occasions since 1913, the site is best known for the existence of a late Neolithic settlement where material culture belonging to both Vinča and Tisza communities was found in the same archaeological contexts. Furthermore, the site is known for a 250 metre diameter fortified settlement from the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age period. А new research cycle was initiated in 2014 in order to explain cultural processes during prehistory in this part of the Pannonian basin. The first season of the new research campaign was focused on geophysical prospection of an area of approximately 2 hectares, geological coring and excavation of four stratigraphic trenches across the site. This work has confirmed the existence of up to 2.5 metres of archaeological remains on the tell site with several daub structures detected and the existence of numerous archaeological features within the Late Bronze - Iron Age settlement.

Preliminary report on the excavations in Seocka pećina, Montenegro (September 2013)

This paper presents the results of excavations conducted in Sept. 2013 in Seocka pećina, in the near vicinity of the Skadar Lake. A Mesolithic level, dated by radiocarbon to the late 9th – early 8th millennium cal. BC was discovered, in addition to several finds belonging to the Bronze Age. Although spatially limited, these results are important as they provide a first glimpse of the Mesolithic settlement pattern and associated activities in this under-investigated part of Montenegro.

T. Koprivica, Journal Entries and Photographic Documentation of J. A. R. Munro Related to the Archaeological Exploration of Doclea (Montenegro) in 1893, Zograf 37 (2013), Beograd 2014, 1-15.

Zograf 37 (2013), 2014

This article presents the as yet unpublished diary entries and photographic documentation of J. A. R. Munro related to the archaeological exploration of Doclea in 1893, the year when remains of Christian cult buildings, basilica A, basilica B, and a cruciform church, were discovered in the eastern part of the city. Munro’s diary entries and photographs render our understanding of Christian topography of Late Antique Doclea more complete.

M. Zornija, G. Pajović: On the Early Christian capitals from the village od Lastva Grbaljska in the Bay of Kotor (Montenegro)


The paper focuses on three capitals, which are situated at three different locations in Montenegro. Comparing each one against two others, the authors have come to realize that all three pieces may be interconnected with respect to an interesting museological situation and some unique archaeological circumstances. The appearance of some morphologically striking relief motifs suggests that these artefacts should be viewed as parts of one architectural whole - an assumed, though still unexplored Early Christian church, possibly of triconch plan, in the Grbalj field, between the Bay of Kotor and Budva.

Remains of the Neglected Past. Ottoman Forts on Planinica Hill, Montenegro


Editorial Committee SylwEStER CzopEK, januSz KRuK (pRzEwodniCząCy-ChaiRman), jan maChniK, SaRunaS miliSauSKaS, johannES müllER, jaRoSlav pEŠKa, alEKSandER SytniK, pRzEmySław uRbańCzyK all articles published in this volume of Sprawozdania archeologiczne obtained approval of the following specialists: januSz CzEbRESzuK (institute of prehistory, adam mickiewicz university in poznań, poland) olEKSandR diaChEnKo (institute of archaeology, ukrainian national academy of Sciences, Kyiv, ukraine) EduaRd dRobERjaR (palacký university of olomouc, Czech Republic) hEnRyK głąb (institute of zoology, jagiellonian university in Krakow, poland) FloRin gogaltan (institutul de arheologie și istoria artei, Cluj-napoca, Romania) miKola KRyvaltSEviCh (institute of history, national academy of Sciences, minsk, belarus) jERzy libERa (institute of archaeology, maria Curie-Skłodowska university in lublin, poland) maRia lityńSKa-zająC (institute of archaeology and Ethnology, polish academy of Sciences, Kraków, poland) anna Rauba-buKowSKa (archeometria, Kraków, poland) andRzEj RozwałKa (institute of archaeology, Rzeszów university, poland) anna zaKośCiElna (institute of archaeology, maria Curie-Skłodowska university in lublin, poland) EngliSh pRooFREading: Caroline Cosgrove Redakcja techniczna i skład technical Editor and layout joanna KulCzyńSKa (ośrodek archeologii gór i wyżyn w Krakowie, instytut archeologii i Etnologii pan) na okładce: fragment zapinki brązowej, fot. przemysław dulęba adres Redakcji Editor's address ośRodEK aRChEologii góR i wyżyn, inStytut aRChEologii i Etnologii pan 31-016 KRaKów, ul. SławKowSKa 17 druk i oprawa: "totEm.Com.pl SpółKa z o.o." Sp.K. ul. jacewska 89, 88-100 inowrocław nakład: 400 egz.

The Re-Excavations in Križna jama in 1999 and 2001 (Slovenia)


Dvoje enotedenskih izkopavanj v Križni jami je bilo namenjenih zbiranju novih podatkov o stratigrafiji sedimentov bogatih s fosili in izbiri materiala za radiometrično določevanje absolutne starosti. V letu 1999 smo zastavljeni cilj dosegli tudi v Medvedjem rovu, čeprav v njem skoraj ni več ohranjenih prvotnih sedimentov. Kasneje, leta 2001, smo izkopavali v Kittlovi dvorani in našli plasti bogate s fosili, še posebej z lobanjami. Ta material, ki sestoji v glavnem iz lobanj in zob je osnova novih paleontoloških raziskav, predstavljenih v tej publikaciji.