Türk Tarih Kurumu Adına Erzurum Bölgesinde Yürütülen Araştırmaların Son Dönem Verileri Işığında Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi (original) (raw)
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DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2017
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Zonguldak ve Çevresinin Tarihöncesi Dönemlerine Genel Bir Bakış
Zonguldak: Antik Çağ'dan Cumhuriyete Bir Kentin Tarihi, 2022
Bu makalede, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde, son yıllarda arkeolojik araştırmalarda ortaya çıkarılan Tarihöncesi kültürlere ait kalıntıların kısaca tanıtılması ve bunların komşu bölgelerle olan ilişkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Diğer bir deyişle, yazarlar Anadolu’nun diğer bölgelerinde söz konusu dönemlerde ortaya çıkan ticari, kültürel ve siyasal oluşumların Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’ndeki yansımalarının neler olduğu sorusuna yanıt bulmaya çalışmışlar-dır.
Yunus ÖZGER• ÖZET Bu çalı mada, Erzurum ehrinin Tanzimat öncesi nüfus yapısı ele alınmı tır. Çalı mamızın ana kayna ını 1835 tarihli nüfus yoklama defteri olu turmakla beraber, Batılı seyyahların eserlerindeki Erzurum'un nüfusu ile ilgili verilere de ba vurulmu tur. Mevcut defterdeki bilgiler do rultusunda 1828-1829 Osmanlı-Rus sava ı sonrası, Ruslar tarafından Ermeniler göçürüldükten sonra ki tarihlerde Erzurum'un demografik yapısı ortaya çıkarılmı tır. Buna göre, 1835'de Erzurum'un 55 mahallesi ve 151 köyü bulunmaktadır. ehir merkezinde toplam 10.767 erkek ya amakta olup, bunun % 82 sini ( 8.781 ki i) Müslümanlar, % 18'ini de (1.986 ki i) gayrimüslimler olu turmaktadır.
Klasik İslam Coğrafyacılarına Göre Erzurum
This paper includes the information what some classic Muslim geographers and a few non-Muslim teli us about Erzurum. hı the light of this information, we get the following results: 1. The information given by classical Islami c geographers and n:avelers about Erzurum are• aımost the same and on the other hand the information given by foreign diplamats and travelers are also coherent with Muslim geographers'. 2. Muslim geographers say no name is used for Erzurum except for 'K1Hikala' and 'Erzen-i Rum/E~enu 'r-Rum'. 3. The remarks that Kalikala is situated in the region of Annenia or Byzantine show that the city is located just near the borders of these country or it's regarded to be bound to. Annenia or Byzantine geographically and administratively 4. As a. border and passageway Kalikala is a jehad region (Sugur) for Muslims according to many writers. And there are warriors as well as merchants in the citadel in Kalikala, The ways of Erzurum show many great adv~ntages for mercantile and travel. 5. Although Erzurum is a excellent and suitable for life standard, it is one of the coldest city in the world-6. C~ets of good qualities are weaved in this region. It seems to be hard to think that the originality of word 'Kalikala' derives from the word 'kali' which means 'carpet'. lt' s more logicalthat the name of 'Kalikala' derives from 'Kamoi-Kal(gh)ak' in Annenian or 'Qalonigala' in•Greek, which that usage is the arabized form. Moreover, because of sending this carpet to all the Islamic states, the carpet maybe named 'kali'. hı this context, the na. mes seenin books in _ form of 'Kali' as connected to a name are the names of persons of Erzurum. 7. That the people teli about some myths and superstitions is comınon. hı this region also present some myths and superstitions ab out Firat and Ress rivers.
This study focuses on three reports from Henry Hunter Calvert, who worked at the British Consulate in Erzurum between 1837 and 1855. It also contains information on Erzurum’s administrative, economic, social, and geographical situation. The first report is quite detailed and dated April 30, 1847. This report is not printed but is kept in the British Archives. The second report was published in the Malta Penny Magazine in January 1841. The third report was published on October 17, 1867, on page 115 of the Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society and was about the climate of Erzurum. Based on these three reports, this study presents Erzurum’s administrative, economic, social and geographical situation in the mid-19th century. The recovery process of Erzurum, which was severely damaged by the Ottoman-Russian War of 1828-1829, epidemics and natural disasters, is revealed with the acceleration of commercial activities when the reports were prepared. This study, which provides clues about the administrative, economic and social situation of Erzurum in the 1840s, provides historical data for those interested in the geography of the region.