Study of effectiveness of Multimedia-Based Interactive Learning at Nila Harapan Deli Serdang Vocational High School (original) (raw)
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Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
With the availability of Multimedia Technology for the teaching-learning process, it becomes easier and convenient to enhance the learning of professional courses. Technical concepts conveyed with the help of Multimedia teaching methodology (such as Google classroom, Learning Management System (LMS), virtual lab, audio, video, animations, PowerPoint presentations, YouTube, and digital lab) for the course Energy Conversion-1 assists students to understand very complex and challenging concepts easily. The existing work does not incorporate Multimedia Technology for Energy Conversion-1 course to Third Year Mechanical Engineering students in semester VI. To identify which teaching methodology is better, this work proposes the analysis of the results for different academic years adopted different teaching methodologies, namely, traditional and Multimedia based. The approach uses a hand-crafted statistical t-value measure to prove that Multimedia based teaching method is much better than ...
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Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi dan Vokasional, 2020
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Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
This study aims to: (1) produce a learning model that is feasible to use, easy to learn and can be used for learning (2) to determine the effectiveness of interactive mediabased learning models. This type of research is a development research that uses the Borg and Gall product development model and integrated with the Dick and Carey learning design model. This research was conducted on class X students of MAN Labuhanbatu Utara. The method used in this model is the Quasi Experimental method. The research sample was 72 students consisting of 36 students as an experimental class who were taught using the "AMUSE" learning is based on interactive media and 36 students as a control class are taught using the Inquiry learning model. The results of the hypothesis test research prove that there is a significant difference between students' English learning outcomes who are taught using the learning model. "AMUSE" is based on interactive media with the results of learning English taught using the Inquiry learning model. This is indicated by the acquisition of data that is the significance value obtained is 0.0 06. Significance value (sig)<0.05 then H0 isrejected and Ha isaccepted .So it can be concluded that the "AMUSE" learning model based on Interactive Media is better than the Inquiry learning model .
Energy concept taught using ICT
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2011
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International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2022
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Development of Interactive Learning Media Kersosmi Bunisa Social Science Class IV Elementary School
(JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran) Kajian dan Riset dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran)
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini yaitu menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif Kersosmi Bunisa (Keragaman Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya, Etnis, dan Agama) aplikasi android yang valid menurut ahli materi, ahli media, dan guru, serta praktis menurut peserta didik. Model penelitian dan pengembangannya menggunakan R&D oleh Borg dan Gall dengan tahapan potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi produk, revisi produk, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk, dan produksi massal. Hasil dari ahli materi sebesar 91,7 persen, ahli media sebesar 87,5 persen, dan guru sebesar 92,8 persen. Semuanya dengan kriteria sangat valid dan dapat digunakan tanpa revisi. Hasil angket respons peserta didik tentang kepraktisan pada uji coba produk skala kecil sebesar 100 persen dan uji coba pemakaian skala besar sebesar 94,2 persen dengan kriteria sangat praktis dan dapat digunakan tanpa revisi.Media pembelajaran interaktif Kersosmi Bunisa direkome...
The advance of the computer technology has revolutionized the processes of writing, reading, interactivity, simulation and visualization. Therefore the engineering education takes part of the benefit of this technology to update the method of delivering of the subject to the student. Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein ONN (KUiTTHO) has taken part in the plan of the Malaysian Government to use the information and computer technology in enhancing the quality of engineering education. This paper shows the usage of electronic learning in teaching of the fluid power include the facility, the content of multimedia courseware of fluid power and projects related to the fluid power Introduction The rapid development in computer technology has given an alternative way to convey learning material efficiently though what is so called e-learning [1],[2] and [3]. The simplest form of elearning is electronic lecture notes. It can be placed either in a local computer or in a server which can be...