Specific Features and Language Components of English Used by EFL Learners in Sundanese Cultural Context: A Case in a Paper Presentation Class (original) (raw)
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This article describes the Indonesian influence in developing speaking skill in learning English especially as EFL learners' impediments. Learners speaking skill in learning English is also faced with number of problems such as their L1, social, environment and cognitive challenges related to Foreign Language Acquisition. Many scholars in the fields of language learning and teaching show evidence for L1-FL comparison by the learners when they confronted with difficulties grammatical forms including different grammatical rules, they are unaware to utter those sentences and it is natural for the learners. Since this comparison is implicit, it may result in the wrong formation rules due to an incomplete FL knowledge. In this study, an investigation was done to identify the impact of L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) on EFL learners of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, a small district in East Java-Indonesia, in order to get underlying basis of capturing Indonesian influence in developing speaking skill in learning English for the sake of comparing their L1-FL impediments. The study involved qualitative methods of data collection. The data collected from the subjects utterances and responses were analyzed and findings were derived. The findings show that there are number of problems which are found to have impact on EFL learners speaking. Evidence provided by the utterances samples suggests that L1 (Indonesian) played a role in the process of intermediate EFL learners speaking. The impediments include tenses, verb, subject & agreement; word order, wrong chosen word; redundancy-reduction; phonological difficulties. Understanding linguistic differences between learners' L1 and English may help learners reduce the impact of L1. It can be assumed that a focus on speaking process as a pedagogical instrument is only for EFL learners if attention and supporting environment are given to linguistic development, if the learners are able to get sufficient and effective feedback with regards to their errors in speaking.
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IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching), 2017
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English Speaking Problems of EFL Learners of Mulawarman University
Learning English ideally consists of four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of them are interrelated from one another. Someone who masters four skills of English will be able to communicate in oral or written easily. In fact, speaking English is not easy. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. In this study, the researcher was interested in describing the problems in speaking faced by fourth semester students of English Department at Mulawarman University. Descriptive qualitative research was used as design of this study. The sample of this research consists of 24 students in the fourth semester. The data were obtained through the speaking test and questionnaire. Based on the speaking test and questionnaire, the students faced some problems related to pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. The questionnaire also showed additional findings where students faced other problems, namely not having self-confidence, shyness to speak, being afraid of making mistakes, feeling nervous, and having nothing to say. Next, there are some factors resulting problems of speaking to the students, firstly less of reading habit, uneven participation and English practice both inside and outside the classroom, and confusion on applying grammar rules.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 2020
Among the four English skills, oral communication becomes crucial for undergraduate students to be more competitive in the workplaces. In a foreign language teaching, designing appropriate classroom activities is a prerequisite for the success of a language learning. Therefore, this study sheds some light on 92 EFL learners' perceptions and insights of classroom activities for teaching speaking. Drawing on the data obtained from questionnaire and focus group discussion (FGD), the findings illustrated that the students held moderately positive perceptions toward the speaking activities in their classroom. In addition, the results of FGD revealed some insights from the students with regard to the ideal classroom activities for teaching speaking. The findings of this study provide insights for EFL teachers in designing appropriate classroom activities to achieve the success of teaching speaking. Abstrak Di antara empat keterampilan bahasa Inggris, komunikasi lisan menjadi sangat penting bagi mahasiswa sarjana untuk mampu bersaing di dunia kerja. Dalam pengajaran bahasa asing, merancang kegiatan kelas yang sesuai adalah prasyarat mutlak untuk keberhasilan pembelajarn bahasa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menjelaskan persepsi dan masukan dari 92 mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tentang kegiatan kelas untuk pengajaran berbicara. Kesimpulan dari data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner, dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD) menggambarkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang cukup positif terhadap kegiatan berbicara di kelas mereka. Selain itu, hasil FGD mengungkapkan beberapa masukan dari mahasiswa sehubungan dengan kegiatan kelas yang ideal untuk pengajaran berbicara. Temuan dalam penelitian ini memberikan wawasan untuk dosen Bahasa Inggris dalam merancang kegiatan kelas yang tepat untuk mencapai keberhasilan pengajaran berbicara. Kata kunci: pengajaran berbicara, kegiatan kelas, persepsi mahasiswa
Language Learning Strategies Preferences of Sundanese EFL Learners
English Journal, 2016
It is acknowledged that a strategy chosen by an individual to be employed in the process of learning a foreign language can determine the success of his foreign language mastery. Niles (1995), on the other hand, states that one's cultural background is influential towards the selection on what language learning strategies (LLS) are culturally appropriate for him. It means that every individual coming from different ethnics would possess differently preferred LLS. Although it is necessary to know the LLS preferences of certain ethnic groups in Indonesia, up to the present time, the study identifying this is still rare. Therefore, for the sake of providing information to the members of the group which are in the process of learning English as a foreign language and bridging them to reach success in such learning, this study is important to be conducted. Specifically, the objective of this study was directed principally on the language learning strategy choices of Sundanese EFL learners. The study intended to identify what LLS that were applied by Sundanese EFL learners while they were in the process of learning English as a foreign language. This study utilized the descriptive research model with a random sampling assignment involving thirty participants among the eight semester Sundanese students taking English education major at the English Language Teaching department of Ibn Khaldun University Bogor. The instrument used to collect the data was the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning questionnaire (SILL)-Version for Speakers of Other Languages Learning English-which is adapted from Oxford (1990). The result showed that Sundanese EFL learners highly used meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies, meaning they always made use all of their mental processes and organized and evaluated their learning. Meanwhile, they did not really often employ compensation strategies and social strategies in the process of learning English language.