Tkacheva, N. A., & Belonozhko, L. N. (2017). Influence of spiritual and moral values of young people on the formation of the civic culture of the Russian society.(In Russ.) (original) (raw)

Family and Education in the Structure of Life Values of Young People of the Republic of Crimea

Logos et Praxis, 2020

The relevance of the study of the value orientations of the young generation of Crimea is of considerable interest due to the low level of knowledge on the part of Russian scientists and due to the need to analyze trends in the basic values of young Crimeans, including in connection with the entry of Crimea into the Russian socio-cultural space. The basic values of the Crimean youth and the value space of young Russians have similar configurations, which are based on family and communication. The authors' interest is focused on the problem of family values and the values of youth education. Family values make up the framework of basic values of young people. A certain type of relationship and upbringing is built in the family, traditions and life experience are passed on. The study of family values of young people is an urgent task in the context of ongoing socio-economic changes in Russian society, the transformation of family values of modern youth. The article deals with fami...

Bystrov, V. Yu; Kamnev, V. M.The destiny of the Russian philosophy and modernity. Transformations of values and transformation of models. Part I VESTNIK SANKT-PETERBURGSKOGO UNIVERSITETA-FILOSOFIYA I KONFLIKTOLOGIYA Том: 34 Выпуск: 3 Стр.: 333-347 Опубликовано: 2018

New historical and philosophical approach to a solution to the problem of continuity in the development of the Russian philosophy is presented in the article. The phenomenon of the Russian philosophy is exposed as a dispozitiv-as a peculiar combination of the diverse elements connected with each other only in the external way. The Russian pre-revolutionary philosophy, the Soviet philosophy, and Post-Soviet philosophy represent only qualitatively peculiar forms of the same phenomenon or stages of its development. The historian of philosophy who considers the Russian philosophy as a dispozitiv needs to disclose, first, internal heterogeneity of the Russian philosophy, i.e. to present it as a dispozitiv, and secondly, to define basic elements, components this dispozitiv and to track in what measure they remain at these three stages. We allocate three such elements, proceeding from the fact that concerning the first element there is the standard recognition that it is an element which is called "the Russian idea". The second element is characterized by the specific relation to metaphysics. The third element of that dispozitiv represents an understanding of the situation of choice between knowledge and belief, science and religion. Further, these elements of the dispozitiv of the Russian philosophy will be given more detailed characteristic. The historian of philosophy in his work quite often cannot get rid of the hypnotic impact of the natural process of transformation of values that characterizes the studied phenomenon and remains at the level of the description. This approach allows historian of philosophy to overcome superficial and unilateral approaches and to see internal constancy of the phenomenon of the Russian philosophy that remains invariable.

Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values in the Context of Modern Legal Policy (in Russian)

Pravovedenie, 2024

This article is dedicated to the study of the legal nature of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values, to determine the role and influence of this strategic planning document on the legal system of the Russian Federation. The authors conclude that the mentioned Fundamentals of State Policy is a political and legal act, which, due to the specific nature of the values it establishes, has a special legal significance in the legislative system of Russia. Firstly, from a formal point of view, the Fundamentals of State Policy differs from many other strategic documents in that it was approved by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, who, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is empowered to determine the directions of the country’s foreign and domestic policy. Second, from a substantive point of view, this strategic act appeals to values that are prior in importance and nature even to the constitutional act itself. Accordingly, they were not established by the strategic document, but were merely expressed by it. Due to the legal form, these values have been given additional tools for protection and implementation. Because of the fundamental nature of traditional values, their integral incorporation into social practices requires the broad involvement of civil society and its institutions, especially universities and research centers.

Универсализм ценностей студенческой молодежи и развитие российского общества /The student youth’s universal values and the Russian society development


In recent decades, the concept of sustainable development has become the key theoretical focus for most countries. Traditions and values play an important role in ensuring sustainable development, including the attitudes of the younger generation, especially of the student youth who plan their professional future in Russia or abroad. The student youth preferences largely determine the country's development strategy and the assessment of its human capital. In 2018, the authors conducted the second wave of the empirical study “Spiritual-moral culture of the Russian university” (first wave —in 2012) which focused on the values of students of such leading universities as the Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint Petersburg State University, and of such regional universities as the Tyumen State University, Samara State Technical University and Sevastopol State University. The research was conducted by a mass survey of 2505 students, including an online questionnaire. The concept of traditionalist modernization was used as an explanatory model. The article presents the results of the factor analysis of students’ value orientations according to the Schwartz scale and of students’ leisure practices, and also such indicators as authority, responsibility and tolerance of students. The authors come to the conclusion about the youth’s universal values that are quite flexible in relation to both modernization and preservation of the Russian specifics, which is somewhat different from the 2012 study with a more evident commitment to traditionalism. The authors interpret this fact as a generational feature of people born in the prosperous 2000s, which proves the gradual transition of the Russian society to the universal values, a combination of different value foundations and a departure from paternalistic attitudes. The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of some priorities of metropolitan and regional universities’ students, identifies the specifics of both types of universities, which allows to stress the different degrees of values’ universalism.

The role of traditional values in the process of forming professional beliefs of students in specialized psychological-pedagogical classes (in Russian) / Роль традиционных ценностей в процессе формирования профессиональных представлений учащихся профильных психолого-педагогических классов


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of professional perceptions of traditional values in future teachers – students of profile psychology-pedagogical classes. The results of the analysis of the survey of students of profile psycholo- gy-pedagogical classes in schools of Smolensk are given. The analysis of the ob- tained data allowed to reveal the existing relationship between the professional perceptions of schoolchildren and the influence of traditional values on them. In the course of the research, it was found out that the most significant traditional values for school students are «family values», «patriotism», «justice», «life». The authors revealed differences in values and professional perceptions between young men and women. The importance of the teaching profession is also empha- sized by students. Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются проблема профессиональных представлений о традиционных ценностях у будущих педагогов – учащихся профильных психолого-педагогических классов. Приводятся результаты анализа опроса школьников профильных психолого-педагогических классов школ г. Смоленска. Проведенный анализ полученных данных позволил вы- явить существующую взаимосвязь профессиональных представлений школьников и влиянии на них традиционных ценностей. В ходе исследова- ния было выяснено, что наиболее значимыми традиционными ценностями для школьников являются «семейные ценности», «патриотизм», «справед- ливость», «жизнь». Авторами были выявлены различия в ценностях и про- фессиональных представлениях между юношами и девушками. Учащимися также подчеркивается важность профессии учителя