7143-17336-1-SM.pdf (original) (raw)


This study was aimed to determine antimicrobial potential of stem bark extract of Rhizophora mucronata against bacterial pathogens i.e. Aeromonas hydrophila, Streptococcus agalactiae and fungus Saprolegnia sp. and to determine the extract toxicity to Artemia Salina Leach. Extraction was done by a single maceration using methanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane. Phytochemical test was conducted to all extracts. Toxicity test was conducted using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test. Antimicrobial activity test was done using the agar diffusion method. Phytochemical test of stem bark extract of Rhizophora mucronata showed that the extract contained of alkaloid, tannin, steroid/terpenoid and saponin. All of the extact of Rhizophora mucronata were toxic to A. salina. The result showed that ethyl acetate extract was the most toxic. Antimicrobial test results showed that ethyl acetate extract of stem bark of R. mucronata was broad antimicrobial spectrum because it was able to inhibit the growth of all microbes.


DAYU KURNIAWAN. Control of Saprolegnia sp. in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with Different Water Salinity. Under academic supervision By SURYANTO DWI and RIRI EZRANETI.


ABSTRAK Rumput laut merupakan bahan baku dari berbagai jenis produk olahan yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Rumput laut banyak dijual dalam keadaan kering. Proses pengeringan rumput laut dilakukan secara alami dengan menggunakan sinar matahari yang membutuhkan waktu pengeringan selama 3 sampai dengan 4 hari, ini yang menjadi masalah bagi petani rumput laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat suatu rancangan alat yang dapat mengeringkan rumput laut, yang dapat digunakan oleh petani rumput laut dapat mengeringkan rumput laut. Rancang bangun alat pengering rumput laut menggunakan elemen pemanas sebagai pengganti sinar matahari untuk proses mengeringkan rumput laut. Sensor DHT11 digunakan untuk mengukur suhu dan kelembaban, yang kemudian ditampilkan pada LCD. Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno digunakan sebagai kendali alat pengeringan rumput laut. Hasil pengujian keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa alat pengering rumput laut ini mampu mengeringkan rumput laut selama ± 7 jam. Sensor DHT11 mampu merespon perubahan nilai suhu dan kelembaban dari proses pengeringan. pada tampilan LCD dapat diperhatikan monitoring suhu dan kelembaban, jika suhu udara meningkat, maka kelembaban udara akan menurun. Hasil pengujian memberikan data bahwa rumput laut kering dengan tingkat kelembaban > 60%. ABSTRACT Seaweed is the raw material of various kinds of processed products of high economic value. Seaweed is sold in a dry state. Seaweed drying process is done naturally using sunlight requires drying time for 3 to 4 days, this is a problem for seaweed farmers. This study aims to make a design tool that can dry seaweed, which can be used by seaweed farmers can dry grass laut. Design of wake seaweed dryers use heating element instead of sunlight for the process of drying the seaweed. DHT11 sensors used to measure temperature and humidity, which is then displayed on the LCD. Arduino Uno microcontroller is used as a control tool seaweed drying. Overall test results show that the dryer is capable of automatic seaweed drying seaweed for ± 7 hours. DHT11 sensor capable of responding to changes in the value of the temperature and humidity of the drying process. the LCD display can be considered monitoring the temperature and humidity, if the air temperature increases, the air humidity will decrease. The test results provide data that dried seaweed with a humidity level of> 60%.


This study was aimed to know antimicrobial potential of extract of sambiloto's Leaf (Andrographis paniculata) to bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila, Edwardsiella tarda and Saprolegnia sp. and to know the extract toxicity to brine shrimp (Artemia salina). Sambiloto's leaf was extracted using methanol, ethyl acetate and n-Hexane. Antimicrobial activity test was done using diffusion discs method. To know the compunds contained in the extract phytochemical test was conducted. The chemical compound test showed that extract of sambiloto's leaf contained terpenoid/steroid and saponin. The extracts inhibit the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila and Edwardsiella tarda but Saprolegnia sp. Ethyl acetate extract showed to have maximum inhibition to Aeromonas hydrophila of 9,11 – 10,78 mm and Edwardsiella tarda of 6,10 – 9,50 mm respectivity. All extract showed to have LC 50 <1000 µg/ml. Toxicity of n-hexane extract was highest to Artemia salina with LC 50 of 118,6 ppm.


Distribution Temperature, Salinity and Dissolved Oxygen in Kema Waters, North Sulawesi. Distribution of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in the water is very influential on the various aspects of the other parameters, such as chemical reactions and biological processes. Research on the conditions of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in the Kema waters, North Sulawesi in April and May 2010. The results showed that temperature ranges from 28.2 to 32.5°C with an average of (30.1 ± 1.11°C), salinity between 28.0 to 33.0 o /oo with an average of (31.7 ± 1.36 o /oo) and dissolved oxygen between 3.46 to 6.25 ppm with an average of (4.73 ± 0.76 ppm). Distribution of values of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen levels vary. Variations in temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in these waters was affercted by external factors including weather, wind and currents. Conditions of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in this waters were still relatively normal and preferable for marine life.


The background of this research by making the learning process during the construction of objects is very far from what is expected, where the teacher is not able to present the learning that can promote the involvement of students actively and creatively in the learning process. This causes lower student creativity. The purpose of this study was to describe the increase in kretivitas students create object construction with constructivism approach grade 4 elementary school. Conducted research is classroom action research that consists of 4 stages step, namely; planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data was collected using observation sheet, and field notes and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that the constructivism approach proved effective in increasing the creativity of students in grade 4 elementary school. It can be seen from the increase in students' creativity in making the construction of objects generated at each meeting in each cycle. Increase students' creativity in making objects construction impact on increasing the value of the process and the work he made. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh proses pembelajaran membuat benda konstruksi selama ini sangat jauh dari apa yang diharapkan, dimana guru tidak mampu menyajikan pembelajaran yang bisa mendorong keterlibatan siswa secara aktif dan kreatif dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal ini menyebabkan kreativitas siswa rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan Peningkatan Kreatifitas Siswa Membuat Benda Konstruksi dengan Pendekatan Konstrutivisme Kelas IV SD. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) yang terdiri dari 4 langkah tahap, yaitu; perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi, dan catatan lapangan dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan kreativitas siswa di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Hal ini terlihat dari peningkatan kreativitas siswa dalam membuat benda konstruksi yang dihasilkan pada setiap pertemuan dalam masing-masing siklus. Peningkatan kreativitas siswa dalam membuat benda konstruksi berimbas pada peningkatan nilai proses dan hasil karya yang dibuatnya. Kata kunci: kreativitas, benda konstruksi, konstruktivisme


It is undeniable that some Indonesian Muslims comprehend Islam in radicalism perspective. They use several ways to spread this radicalism through the organization of cadres, speech in mosques that managed under their control, magazines publishing, booklet and books, and through various websites on internet. Although many people develop tendentious speculation that terrorism originates from fundamentalism and religious radicalism, but not a few who believe that the motives of radicalism and terrorism are not sourced from a single aspect. The main issues will be raised in this study is how the handling strategy that need to be prepared in order to break the chain of radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia. This article discusses about the propaganda that is carried out by Muhammad (pbuh), Walisongo and theologian ('Ulama). The term of dakwah is often used by Muslims who spread theirbeliefs to others There are some Muslims who engage in dakwah actively, while others are closed, they do not do it unless asked. A few Muslims have ability to dialogue or debate about their faith. Talking that their faith is right. Actually, many non-Muslims found that Muslims would not impose their faith to others, although that person is interested. Sometimes, Muslim engage dakwah among Muslims themselves, either provide advice or guidance to a better life, in accordance with the guidance of Islam. It is not easy to determine the appropriate method of dakwah, especially in the context of temporal spacio. This difficulty is caused by the complexity of the issues faced by modern society. This clearly requires a preacher to adapt the method used, especially in modern era. Such as, the first is dakwah bil kitabah, the method of dakwah by writing, either through books, newspapers or magazines. The second is dakwah bil lisan. Dakwah verbally (linguistic) such as, seminar, symposium, discussion, sermon, opened discussion, chatting etc. The third is dakwah bi al-hal. Dakwah with the act, which is expressed in action to the development of the surrounding environment.


Pembuatan material cutting tools dari alumina aditif titania telah dilakukan. Aditif TiO2 dan TiC pada alumina berfungsi meningkatkan kekuatan mekanik. Komposisi material cutting tools keramik dibentuk dengan cara press dan dibakar pada 2 variasi suhu pembakaran yaitu 1600C dan 1700C. Pembakaran dilakukan dengan metode substitusi karbon yang bersumber dari sagar silikon karbida yang bertujuan mengubah TiO2 menjadi TiC. Berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi yang dilakukan, bahan dengan komposisi 97% Al2O3, 3% TiO2 yang dibakar pada suhu 1700C mempunyai sifat yang lebih baik untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan cutting tools dengan kekerasan (vickers hardness) 25,21GPa. Kata Kunci: Alumina, TiO2, TiC, Cutting tools, Substitusi karbon

3699-6981-1-SM LAMUN.pdf

Research on the structure of seagrass communities in the waters of the island Mantehage was conducted in September 2010. The purpose of this study is to collect data and information on the structure of seagrass communities. Observations includes the identification seagrass species, measuring the number of individual/stand, cover percentage of each type/species on the transect. 6 types of seagrass found, i.e. Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Cymodocea rotundata and Syringodium isoetifolium. Seagrass species composition and distribution varies at each location and is dominated by the presence of Thalassia hemprichii (48.14%) with coverage percentage ranges between 15.91% to 35.11%. Diversity index values ranged from 0.79 to 1.69 ; evenness index between 0.57 to 0.94 and the index of dominance between 0.20 to 0.56. In conclusion, the condition of seagrass meadows in Mantehage island is relatively good and can support marine life adequately.


Ringksan Ekslusif Rumah Pintar Bunga Intan merupakan mitra dalam Ipteks bagi Masyarakat, dimana di dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi, maka dilakukan metode pendekatan dengan sistem penyuluhan dan pelatihan yang diawali dengan tahap sosialisasi dan koordinasi terlebih dahulu. Adapun luaran yang telah diperoleh dengan sistem pendekatan yang telah dilakukan di Rumah pintar Bunga Intan 1) Mitra memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru dari kegiatan penyuluhan, sehingga mereka bisa memahami bagaimana memberikan nilai tambah terhadap produk ubi jalar ungu; 2) Mitra sudah terampil dalam pengolahan Es Krim Ubi Jalar Ungu; 3) mitra sudah memiliki produk es krim dengan nama label sendiri; 4) Mitra sudah memiliki kelompok binaan bisa menjalankan kegiatan usaha rumah tangga; 5) adanya antusias dari masyarakat yang sebelumnya belum bergabung pada kelompok mitra; 6) adanya jiwa usaha yang muncul dari kelompok, dengan terbentuknya kelompok rumah tangga baru yang akan mengurus pengolahan Es Krim Ubi Jalar Ungu dan pengolahan lainnya yang bisa memberikan penambahan pendapatan rumah tangga; 7) terjadi transfer teknologi, dengan penerapan pengetahuan yang ada, baik berupa informasi baru maupun dalam bentuk peralatan dalam pengolahan es krim ubi jalar ungu. Kata Kunci : Ubi Jalar Ungu, Es Krim, Kelompok, Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Executive Summary Rumah Pintar Bunga Intan is a partner in the Science and Technology for the Community (Ipteks bagi Masyarakat) which in addressed to solve the problems encountered. It was then applied through the approach of counseling and training system that is started with the socialization and coordination in advance. The outputs that have been obtained through this approach which has been done at Rumah Pintar Bunga Intan were as follows: 1) the partner acquires new knowledge and skills of counseling activities so that they can understand how to add value to the product of purple sweet potato; 2) the partner has already been skillful in the processing of purple sweet potato ice cream (Es Krim Ubi Jalar Ungu); 3) the partner has already had an ice cream product of their own label; 4) partner has already had a target group that can run a household business activities; 5) there is enthusiasm of the people who previously did not join the group of the partner; 6) there is the mental effort that emerges from the group, with the formation of new households that will take care of processing purple sweet potato ice cream and other processing that can provide additional household income; 7) there is transfering technology through the application of the existing knowledge, either new information or in the form of purple sweet potato ice cream processing equipment.