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Development of Islamic Religious Education Learning in Forming Moderate Muslims
Tafkir, 2023
This study examines the implementation of moderate Islamic values in PAI learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic at Islamic universities. The method used in this research is the qualitative method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation with descriptive-analytic analysis techniques. Research informants are PAI Lecturers, Students. The study was conducted in the even semester of 2020/2021 in January-June 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the study are that: (1) during the covid-19 pandemic the process of implementing moderate Islamic values (wasathiyah) about al-adl (justice), al-tawazun (balance), and al-tasamuh (tolerance) has been good and stable. takes place in PAI learning by using online, 2) Implementation of PAI learning by using online learning media WhatsApp, youtube increases the cognitive, affective aspects of students about Islamic moderation values. (3) the success of inculcating moderate Islamic values is reflected in the evaluation of student learning and behavior in the good category in the
Internalizing Islamic Moderation Through Education in Pesantrens
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2709-1910), 2023
Moderation is the basic character of Islamic religious teachings that make them adaptable to the context of the times. However, the rise of acts of terrorism and violence in Indonesia is concrete evidence of how low the understanding and appreciation of Islamic moderation values is. For this reason, the presence of educational institutions which are capable to transform and internalize moderate values to young generations' personalities is required. In this case, Islamic boarding-schools (commonly known as pesantren in Indonesia) are considered to have more credits compared to ordinary Islamic schools (madrasa) or non-boarding schools alike. This study is library research analyzing the role of pesantren in instilling moderate characters to their students through education in the mission of realizing moderate religiosity in Indonesian community. The findings show that dissemination and internalization of Islamic teaching values during the education process which are coupled with good examples practiced by figures of eductors in pesantrens become the most effective way in spreading the moderate values and practices of Islamic teachings.
Internalization of Islamic Moderation Values to Counter
The development, change and diversity that has plagued contemporary Indonesian Islam rapidly coincided with acts of radicalism and terrorism. Radicalism and terrorism are conflicts and tensions between human beings in various ethnicities, religions, and others. These acts of radicalism and terrorism have created a sense of fear and concern among the public. To ward off radicalism and terrorism is not easy, because nowadays almost all human needs, both in the real world and in cyberspace, have become a profitable forum for radicalism and terrorism groups to spread their teachings. This is where Islamic moderation is very important to counteract radicalism and terrorism that is growing in society. This study aims to explain the internalization of Islamic moderation values to counteract radicalism and terrorism. The research method uses qualitative research with a library research approach. The data analysis technique used in this research is a content analysis method. Based on various data, whether from books, journals, or relevant literature, it was found that the internalization of Islamic moderation values is very important to create a safe, peaceful, and prosperous Islam so that radicalism and terrorism can be prevented or not occur.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Progressive Civil Society (ICONPROCS 2019), 2019
Research on character education has been a subject of intellectual studies. The character becomes an important thing to note in line with the times and threat of terrorism. Previous research found many facts on the ground with various character values. The question that needs to be investigated is how does the boarding school implement a moderate Islam that is judged to be the answer to various problems? Is moderate Islam a characteristic value and can be adopted by other educational institutions he method used in this study is library research. The result of this discussion is that terrorism can be prevented through one of the education sectors: boarding schools. According to the social learning theory, Islamic boarding schools are able to make the foundation of a child strong and not easily influenced by radicalism. Islamic boarding schools with moderate characters: tolerance, balanced, inclusive, no pushy, peaceful, polite
Implementation of Moderate Islamic Curriculum in the Establishment of Student Character
The religious life of people in Indonesia, especially in religious life, has received the spotlight from various parties, both from within and outside the country. This is inseparable from the emergence of social conflicts with religious backgrounds in society. Starting from cases of religious blasphemy, destruction of houses of worship, hate speech on social media and mutual discredit between one people and another and people who are of the same faith.This research methodology is qualitative with a case study of Moderate Islamic Curriculum Implementation at SD Syafana Islamic School aims to describe: (1) Moderate Islamic curriculum implementation; (2) Implementation of the hidden Curriculum; and (3) The effectiveness of the moderate Islamic curriculum.From the results of interviews, questionnaires and analysis of the research documents, the results are as follows. (1) The moderate Islamic curriculum at SD Syafana School is implemented according to plan because it is supported by te...
Internalization of Islamic Moderation Values in Pai Learning at Sma Ma'Arif Nu 1 Banyumas
Al-Qalam, 2021
Schools are one of the right places to spread the sensitivity of students on a different variety. SMA Ma'arif NU 1 Banyuma, as an educational institution, is able to internalize the Islamic moderation values of students through various activities in the school. This research aims to uncover and analyze the internalization of Islamic moderation values in the study of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at SMA Ma'arif NU 1 Banyumas. The type of research is field research. Data mining was obtained through interviews with informants. The observation was conducted to see PAI learning activities and education in and out of the classroom, as well as PAI learning documentation. Data triangulation was used for the validation of the obtained data. Data analysis techniques were through three steps; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the values of Islamic moderation internalized in PAI learning are the values of al-'adālah, tawāzun, tas...
jurnal online studi Al-Qur'an
Actions of radicalism and terrorism have hurt Muslims and placed them at fault. The teachings of jihad in Islam are often the target of accusations of being the leading cause of violence in the name of religion. Many Islamic teachings direct a Muslim to be moderate. This article explains the verses and hadiths related to Moderate Islam's character and describes the implementation process in PAI learning in public universities. This research is qualitative research by reviewing the verses of the Quran and hadith and observations on the implementation process through Islamic learning in several universities on the island of Java. The results show that the characteristics of moderate Muslims in the Quranic hadith lead to Muslims who can balance their attitudes and views. At the same time, the implementation process is realized through the PAI curriculum, which contains Islamic moderation values, supported by moderate lecturers, which directs students to understand Islamic teachings...
Islam Moderate and Counter-radicalism for Students through the Personality Development Curriculum
This study discusses the development of moderate Islamic values and counter-radicalism through the personality development curriculum (MPK) for UIN Malang students. Efforts to develop moderate Islam are carried out in regular lectures and student activities in ma'had. The development of moderate Islam in lectures can be seen in the design, implementation and evaluation of learning. Instilling the values of Islamic moderates in ma'had is done by training, habituation, and exemplary in everyday life. The MPK curriculum plays a very important role in the formation of moderate Islamic identity for students, training them to respect diversity, fostering historical and cultural awareness full of life values, expanding and strengthening the concept of integration between religion, nation, and state. Islamic moderate values can be seen in the achievement of MPK competency standards, namely: the development of personality and attitudes as Indonesian citizens and global citizens, the development of personality and attitudes as Muslim and Muslim students. Achieving these competencies is manifested in the figure of students who have the ulul albab personality, namely: having a spiritual depth, the majesty of morality, the breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity. Thus, the development of moderate Islamic values has implications for students' ability to counter radicalism.
Al-Bidayah : jurnal pendidikan dasar Islam
The study investigates the implementation of the values of Islām wasaṭiyyah in the textbook of Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam for the 6th Grade of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Indonesia. By library research using content analysis, the authors conclude that the values of Islām wasaṭiyyah are very relevant to the character education that is currently being rolled out and promoted by the Indonesian government. There are nine values of Islām wasaṭiyyah demonstrated through the storytelling in the textbook: tawassuṭ (taking the middle path), tasāmuḥ (tolerance), musāwah (egalitarian/non-discrimination), shūrā (deliberations), i’tidāl (straight and firm), iṣlāḥ (reform), aulawiyyah (prioritizing priorities), taṭāwur wa ibtikār (dynamic and innovative), and taḥaḍḍur (civilized). The authors suggest that the textbook’s Core Competencies and Basic Competencies need to be expanded to cover all the values included in the story. In addition, proportionally, all the values need to be put because there is no...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Research on the internalization of Islamic values in fostering religious moderation against a background of anxiety in the next generation of the nation who is starting to lose Islam as the Indonesian nation due to the invasion of foreign cultures. Vocational high school is a very important level of education in instilling Islam in students. The aim of the research is to foster religious moderation through the internalization of Islamic values. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling: school principals, teachers and students. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were the head, teachers, and students. Data analysis techniques used data collection, reduction, display, and verification. This research shows that the internalization of Islamic values can create religious moderation. This is evidenced by data verification with a data assessment rubric, tha...