Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu' Kulit languages (original) (raw)
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Oral Literature of the Migration of the Mualang Tribe in Sungai Gandal Village, Kalimantan Barat
Studies on the oral literature of the migration of the Ibanik community have been extensively conducted by scholars, including studies on the oral literature of the migration of the Mualang community, one of the Ibanik subgroups in Kalimantan Barat. In various studies, it is narrated that the Mualang community once lived in Tampun Juah. In this place, they parted ways with the Buah Kana people or the Pangau Libau people. Another story tells that they lived together with the Buah Kana people in Labai Lawai. This study is conducted through interviews to obtain new information about the oral literature of the Mualang community related to migration and patterns of shifting settlements. This study found several pieces of information similar to previous studies, but there are also differences. According to the oral literature of the Mualang community in Sungai Gandal Village, they used to live in Tampun Juah but migrated due to cases of marriage between first cousins (manal). They then moved to Labai Lawai, where they still lived together with the Pangau Libau people. Actually, in Labai Lawai, they parted ways with the Pangau Libau people, not in Tampun Juah. The Mualang community in Sungai Gandal Village experienced relocation from one area to another, usually due to cases considered taboo. This study has provided new contributions to oral literature related to the migration of the Ibanik community, particularly the Mualang community.
Komposisi Linguistik dalam Kisah Malleleang Raunna La Oro Kelling pada Epos La Galigo
Jurnal Idiomatik: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis corak komposisi Data dan cerita dalam setiap penyampaian cerita Malleleang Raunna La Oro Kelling di tengah khalayak Masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Wajo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Studi Pustaka, Wawancara, dan Pengamatan. Dalam pengelolaan data, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan ini menggambarkan langsung masalah penelitian tentang komposisi dalam konteks Spesifik Penyampaian La Galigo. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat dua bentuk komposisi bahasa dalam naskah La Galigo Episode Malleleang Raunna La Worokelling, yakni bentuk majemuk yang unsur pertamanya menjadi pusat atau diterangkan oleh unsur penjelas atau menerangkan dan bentuk majemuk yang unsur-unsurnya tidak saling menerangkan, tetapi hanya berupa rangkaian yang sejajar atau kopulatif. Makna komposisi...
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(Women in Short Story of Bahagia Bersyarat by Okky Madasari and Bau Laut by Ratih Kumala)
The rise of women writers in Indonesian literary treasures shows encouraging progress. Okky Madasari and Ratih Kumala as a writer figured how a woman as wife accepts her destiny and nature in living her household life. The household that nodded by both female characters were expressed by Okky Madasari through her short story entitled "Bahagia Bersyarat" and Ratih Kumala through her short story entitled "Bau Laut". Both female characters were depicted very sincere, patient and accept what the will of her husband. The movement and behavior to rebel from the life that befell her was not done by the two female characters. Whether the two figures portrayed by these two female authors are embodiments of the lives of the two authors or only imaginary images, sociological analysis is necessary. For that, through this paper will be disclosed whether there is a sociological linkage between the work he wrote with the life of the author.
Bahasa Tua dan Penutur Tua; Sebuah Cerita Dari Maluku Barat Daya
Patra Widya: Seri Penerbitan Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya., 2021
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AbstractEtnopedagogy in Collection of Short Stories Rak-rak Gui Kalumpu Kisah Randah BasaBanua. Ethnopedagogi is ethnically educational, ethnopedagogical education makes localwisdom a source of such empowerment that can be empowered. Local wisdom here can beconcepts of life, facts that develop for generations, beliefs etc. While ethnopedagogi ismeant in this research is about the use of terms or concepts that exist in life that grows inthe community of Banjar Ulu associated with the value of Relevant, Environmental,Aesthetic, Economic and Health contained in a collection of short stories Rak-Rak GuiKalumpu Kisah Randah Basa Banua. The data writing technique used in this study is toread the story again and collect quotations that contain ethnopedagogy, then conductinterviews directly with Kandangan people about the understanding of the existingquotations. The results of this study found (1) etnopedagogi related to elements of trust,(2) etnopedagogi related to environmental elements, ...
On the popular theater Mendu, the repertoire of which is a version of the Hikayat Dewa Mendu, notably a performance in Pulau Tujuh (Propinsi Kepulauan Riau) in 1981.
Bahasa Melayu Dan Minangkabau Dalam Khazanah Naskah Minangkabau
Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 2018
Minangkabau language is an oral language that began to form a written variety after the incoming of Islam, using the Jawi (Perso-Arabic) scripts. This scripts is widely known in Minangkabau in the eighteenth century. As a result, many Minangkabau oral literary works are written down. Since it was written in Jawi, the distinction between the Minangkabau and the Malay manuscripts is very vague. Often manuscripts classified as Minangkabau manuscripts can be read either in Minangkabau or in Malay. The tendency of Minangkabau people to write in Malay is very active because Minangkabau people thought Minangkabau language is not much different from the Malay language. So, if the Minangkabau people use the Minangkabau words in Malay language, they thought that they have used the Malay words without having tried to find a words which more corresponding in Malay. Uniquely, for Minangkabau readers, even written in Jawi (Malay language), but will be read in Minangkabau language. For examples, ‘...