Managing and controlling a growing pressure on cyber-security due to evolvement of Internet of Things devices (original) (raw)

The Internet of Things: The Next Major Concern for Cyber Security Professionals

This qualitative study will utilize a case study methodology to explore the current scope and reach of the Internet of Things and examine whether the cyber security industry is prepared to deal with the challenges that having millions of devices communicating over the Internet will bring. The study will also examine the vulnerabilities which will arise with regard to the Internet of Things being used for illegal or terroristic activities and how industry security professionals will need to react to these contingencies. This study will also examine the security of the Internet of Things and what more needs to be done to secure the data which these billions of devices transmit via the Internet.

The Challenges with Internet of Things Security for Business

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022

Many companies consider IoT as a central element for increasing competitiveness. Despite the growing number of cyberattacks on IoT devices and the importance of IoT security, no study has yet primarily focused on the impact of IoT security measures on the security challenges. This paper presents a review of the current state of security of IoT in companies that produce IoT products and have begun a transformation towards the digitalization of their products and the associated production processes. The analysis of challenges in IoT security was conducted based on the review of resources and reports on IoT security, while mapping the relevant solutions/measures for strengthening security to the existing challenges. This mapping assists stakeholders in understanding the IoT security initiatives regarding their business needs and issues. Based on the analysis, we conclude that almost all companies have an understanding of basic security measures as encryption, but do not understand threat surface and not aware of advanced methods of protecting data and devices. The analysis shows that most companies do not have internal experts in IoT security and prefer to outsource security operations to security providers.

The concept of the internet of things from the view of information security

Modeling and Information Systems in Economics, 2019

Бабенко Т.В., д-р тех. наук, професор кафедри кібербезпеки та захисту інформації, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка Лютий О.І., к.т.н., доцент кафедри комп'ютерної математики та інформаційної безпеки, Петренко А.І., студентка 3-го курсу, спеціальності «Кібербезпека» інженер ННЛ «Полігон кібербезпеки», Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

A Study into the Security Issues and Countermeasures for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

Technoarete Transactions on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing Research

Industrial internet of things are essential factors for an organisation to maintain relevant work strategy. In this study, several types of security issues and countermeasures for IIOT are discussed critically. Various kinds of sensors, applications and devices are used by a company to identify security issues for IIOT. Visibility of work is overseen by a firm to gather several types of information related to work. Every company always tries to enhance troubleshooting and maintenance capabilities. Regulatory compliance is controlled by an organisation to understand issues of IIOT. Operational efficiency improves by these security issues for IIOT process. Quality assurance and artificial intelligence are controlled with help of these security issues. Digital transformation helps a company to mitigate those issues for IIOT. Lack of visibility, security integration and poor testing related issues are faced by a firm. Centralised connectivity helps an organisation to connect all network...

Exploring the security and privacy issues arising from the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is embodied in a wide spectrum of networked products, systems and sensors, which take advantage of the developments in computing power, electronics, miniaturization and network interconnections to offer new capabilities, which have not been possible before. It has been called “IoT revolution” in conferences, reports and news articles, which discuss the anticipated rapid development of this phenomenon. The Internet of Things is considered to be the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is expected to bring great comforts for consumers, create more market opportunities and business models, but the road of progression is paved by concerns about security and privacy arising from the Information Technology field.

Cyber Security and Internet of Things

Pakistan Journal of Engineering, Technology & Science

Internet has become a vital part of our lives. The number of Internet connected devices are increasing every day and approximate there will be 34 billion IoT devices by 2020. It is observed that security is very weak in these devices and can be easily compromised by hackers as some manufactures failed to implement basic security. Current devices use standards that are easy to implement and works for most forms of communications and storage. There is no such standard solution that will work on every device within the Internet of Things, because of the varied constraints between different devices; resulting in classifications within the Internet of Things. This study addresses security challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT); first will discuss the IoT evolution, architecture and its applications in industries. Further, classify and examine privacy threats, including survey, and pointing out the challenges that need to be overcome to ensure that the Internet of Things becomes a rea...

Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things in Industrial Management


Nowadays, people live amidst the smart home domain, business opportunities in the industrial smart city and health care, though, along with concerns about security. Security is central for IoT systems to protect sensitive data and infrastructure, whilst security issues become increasingly expensive, in particular in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) domains. Nonetheless, there are some key challenges for dealing with those security issues in IoT domains: Applications operate in distributed environments such as Blockchain, varied smart objects are used, and sensors are limited in what comes to machine resources. In this way, traditional security does not fit in IoT systems. In this vein, the issue of cyber security has become paramount to the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in mitigating cyber security risk for organizations and end users. New cyber security technologies / applications present improvements for IoT security management. Nevertheless...

Security and Privacy Concerns of the "Internet of Things" (IoT) in IT and its Help in the Various Sectors across the World

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), 2020

The so called internet of things (IoT) is a form of technology advancement that has a capacity for driving change in our daily lives in a variety of sectors. The fantastic opportunity will help in the collection of data that is relatively exponential and in a manner that is continuous to present changes that are significant on the lives. Devices growth and the speed in which they are developed to attain the IoT era of technology offers the challenges of security and the battling of freedom as people establish policies and governance that rebuilds the developments without interfering with the innovations. Among the issues, includes the concerns on the security and privacy brought by the technology. The vulnerabilities of security that are experienced by the IoT devices are as a result of the contributing factors like the low capabilities of the devices in terms of energy and the capabilities of computing, the wireless channels are seemingly unreliable, and the vulnerabilities on the physical nature of the devices. This paper will focus on the IoT evolution, the definitions attached to IoT, and some of the many applications of IoT. It will create an emphasis on the considerations of security and privacy, including the challenges that are tied to the general IoT and the IoT application context. A critical assessment of the works done for IoT is presented by the literature review on the perspective of the developmental era and the evaluation of the trend. The paper will also give the IoT security risks taxonomy, mechanisms, and attacks related to the technology.

Cyber Risk Management for the Internet of Things


The Internet-of-Things (IoT) enables enterprises to obtain profits from data but triggers data protection questions and new types of cyber risk. Cyber risk regulations for the IoT however do not exist. The IoT risk is not included in the cyber security assessment standards, hence, often not visible to cyber security experts. This is concerning, because companies integrating IoT devices and services need to perform a self-assessment of its IoT cyber security posture. The outcome of such self-assessment need to define a current and target state, prior to creating a transformation roadmap outlining tasks to achieve the stated target state. In this article, a comparative empirical analysis is performed of multiple cyber risk assessment approaches, to define a high-level potential target state for company integrating IoT devices and/or services. Defining a high-level potential target state represent is followed by a high-level transformation roadmap, describing how company can achieve th...