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Crkvene studije 21, 2024
Предмет овог рада је семантичка анализа асоцијативних реакција на одабране стимулусе из домена хришћанства у српском језику код изворних говорника. Будући да испитаници припадају истој култури, истог су узраста, образовања и порекла, у великој мери су уједначене перцепције анализираних стимулуса. Најхомогенија асоцијативна поља имају стимулуси Јуда, смирна, Ева, чесница, Свети Јован, а најхетерогенија пост, атеизам, опроштај, грех, крштење. Највише хапаксних реакција имају стимулуси пост, Бог, атеизам, опроштај, крштење, рај. По највећем броју истих стимулуса издвајају се реакције црква, манастир, човек, слава, празник, крст, док се са преко 66% изостајућих реакција издвајају стимулуси епитимија, епитрахиљ, смирна, херувими, целибат, тропар, анатема. // The subject of this paper is a semantic analysis of associative responses to selected monolexemic and bilexemic stimuli from the domain of Christianity in the Serbian language. The aim of the paper is to analyse how each given stimulus is perceived by native speakers of Serbian, students of Serbian language and literature. Considering that all of the respondents are approximately of the same age and that they have the same cultural and educational background, as well as origin, their perceptions of the selected stimuli are homogenous for most of the stimuli. Furthermore, there are some stimuli for which many omitted responses have been noted. This can be a sign of the unfamiliarity of a lexeme, that the respondents do not comprehend it, or it could even be an indicator of its less frequent usage. Stimuli with over 66% omitted responses are: epitimija, epitrahilj, smirna, heruvimi, celibat, tropar, anatema. The following stimuli have the most homogenous associative fields: Juda (18), smirna (18), Eva (17), česnica (17), Sveti Jovan (15), and the ones with the least homogenous associative fields are: post (52), ateizam (51), oproštaj (51), greh (49), krštenje (49). Reactions that are mutual for the greatest number of stimuli are: crkva (for 53 stimuli), manastir (29), čovek (22), slava (21), praznik (20), krst (18). Finally, the stimuli with the most hapaxes among the responses are post (41), Bog (38), ateizam (37), oproštaj (37), krštenje (36), raj (36), and those with the fewest hapaxes among the responses are Savindan (10), Eva (9), raspeće (8), česnica (8), Sveti Jovan (6).
Предметом настоящей статьи является понятийная категория результативности, способы и средства ее реализации в современном турецком языке. В статье выведен инвентарь формально-грамматических средств реализации семантики результативности, определены особенности структуры понятийной категории результативности применительно к семантической системе турецкого языка, осуществлено построение типологии коммуникативных ситуаций в рамках понятийной категории результативности, произведен анализ речеязыковой реализации каждой из типовых коммуникативных ситуаций. Исследование выполнено на основе метода функционального анализа. The paper deals with the conceptual category of resultativity, the ways and means of its realization in modern Turkish. The aim of this paper is to fix the list (inventory) of formal grammatical mean of the realization of resultativity semantics, to outline the structure of the conceptual category of resultativity according to the semantic system of Turkish, to construct the typology of communicative situations within the conceptual category of resultativity, to analyze the realization of each communicative situation in the language and speech. The methodological basis of the investigation is the method of functional analysis.
Предмет рада је антонимија 22 придева српског језика, приказаних у оквиру синтагме којa активира једно од три значења: примарно, секундарно конкретно и секундарно апстрактно. Циљ рада је да упоредимо резултате добијене у овом задатку са претходним истраживањем у коме су испитаници давали антониме за исте придеве приказане у контексту реченица. Пореде се одговори испитаника из два типа узорка (опште популације и језичких стручњака) у оквиру истог типа задатка, као и резултати испитаника из истог узорка на два задатка са различитим стимулусима, реченицама и синтагмама. Показује се да у двe различите групе испитаника у оквиру истог задатка нема израженијих разлика у броју наведених антонима, одабиру антонима и степену слагања у погледу доминантног антонима. У различитим типовима задатка, број датих антонима код исте групе испитаника је исти, док се доминантно наведени антоними донекле разликују у ситуацији активирања секундарног апстрактног значења придева. У закључку се дискутује о импликацијама добијених налаза. The paper deals with the antonymy of 22 polysemous Serbian adjectives from an empirical point of view, comparing the results of two studies in which the adjectives were shown to respondents either within a phrase or a sentence and activated in one of their three senses: primary, secondary concrete and secondary abstract. Research with both types of stimuli was conducted in two samples, the general population and language experts. Aims of the paper include determining whether there are differences: (1) in the number of provided antonyms, the choice of antonyms and the level of agreement regarding the dominant antonym in different types of samples (who had the same type of task), and (2) between two types of tasks in the number of given antonyms and the dominantly stated antonym. The findings indicate that in two groups of respondents with the same type of task, the number of antonyms increases from the first, through the second to the third situation (i.e. adjective activation in primary, secondary concrete and secondary abstract sense). The dominantly stated antonyms are almost the same in the cases of activating the adjective in primary and secondary concrete senses, while there are some differences between sample types in secondary abstract sense. When we compare the results of respondents from the same type of sample on two different tasks, it is shown that two samples of the general population do not differ significantly with respect to the average number of antonyms for any activated adjective sense, while there are some differences between two linguist samples in the number of antonyms when the primary sense is activated. The greatest difference in the dominantly stated antonyms in different types of tasks, both in the general population and language expert samples, occurs in the case of activating the adjective secondary abstract senses.
для специального выпуска журнала "Труды ИРЯ" по итогам конференции "Языки народов России в контакте с русским языком" (осень 2018 г.) , 2019
This paper focuses on the use of the Russian predicative nado in Evenki, in particular, in two corpora of oral stories in Evenki recorded in 1930-2014. This predicative is generally considered as a lexical borrowing, written as нāда/ нāдэ/ нада and spelled as nāda/ nādә in the literary Evenki. In the oral stories, it is usually spelled as nada/ nado. Necessity is encoded in Evenki in specialized particles, in particular, the impersonal debitive particle with the -vkĀ/-pkĀ affix (PTCP.IMPDEB). Both the participial construction and the construction with nāda/ nādә co-exist in the corpus, and whereas the use of the participial construction gets reduced, the construction with nada/ nado is often used instead of the original participial construction, being synonymous. The issue of whether nāda/ nādә or nada/ nado must be regarded as a real borrowing, or it is an instance of code-switching is thoroughly studied. For this purpose, we use the data of the subcategorization frame of nado in Russian, and the way as to how nado’s subcategorization frame adapts to the Evenki grammar. In particular, nado in Russian subcategorizes for an infinitive clause, which lacks in Evenki. We consider in detail the variation in the realization of the argument that corresponds to the Russian infinitive. We arrive at the conclusion that the non-finite feature of an infinitive clause (as of nada/ nado’s sentential complement) is borrowed, so that several morphological types of non-finite clauses are allowed. An important issue is touched, as to how the subcategorization frame of a predicate can be realized in case of code-switching vs. in case of the predicate’s borrowing, and how/ to what extent the subcategorization frame of a predicate can vary in case of its borrowing.
The paper is provoked by the rejection and falsification of the messages of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria and other post-communist countries which caused a wave of homophobia. The author tries to prove that neither in the communist period nor in the post-communist period a real emancipation of women was achieved, the theme of homosexuality was a taboo (in the communist period), over-presented in the first decade of the transition and later stigmatize by the rise of the populist nationalistic discourse. During the communist period, the so called "Unions of the fighters against fascism" turned into the male clientelistic networks granted with many privileges and marginalizing female antifascists. The critical discourse analysis of the press (1976) reveals male dominance and silencing of women playing mostly a decorative role. After the democratic changes the same male actors (nomenclature and former state security officers) benefited from the privatization, but the so called "mugs" (wrestlers) presented the new masculinity in the media: women were extremely sexualized and the new femininity was presented by the prostitutes and the girls in the entertaining industry, the professional women were rarely mentioned. The second part of the paper is a gender analysis of the lexical and grammatical system of the Bulgarian language. The analysis of the dominating metaphors reveals the means of male dominance in the everyday speech. Although the Slav languages have morphemes to denote women's professions the media discourse prefers the male forms as more prestigious. The definite article and the plural forms serve to emphasise the male forms and to provide their euphony. Въведение Подтик да напиша тази статия ми даде отхвърлянето и фалшифицирането на посланията на Истанбулската конвенция 1 в претендиращия за патриотичен публичен дискурс като заплашваща устоите на семейството, пропагандираща хомосексуалност, гей бракове и всичко това обобщено от плашещата дума джендър (англ. gender-род), разграничаваща биологичен пол (sex) от социален пол (gender). Джендърът разграничава социалната полова идентичност на жените и мъжете от биологичната и включва и сексуалните малцинства. Да се твърди, че чистачката и собственичката на компания поради общия си биологичен пол имат една и съща социалнополова идентичност е неоснователно, колкото и да се твърди, че жените в Саудитска Арабия и САЩ имат също еднакви полови идентичности. Поразително е, че в Конвенцията (около 30 страници) само веднъж и само в един абзац се употребяват думите "социален пол" (gender) и "сексуална ориентация", докато в останалата част се поставя основната цел: "Да защитава жените от всички форми на насилие, преследва и премахва насилието над жени и домашното насилие". Конвенцията посочва уязвимите групи, които могат да са обект на социална дискриминация и насилие: Без всякаква дискриминация, основана на пол, цвят на кожата, социален пол, раса, език, религия, политически или други убеждения, национален или социален произход, принадлежност към национални малцинства, имуществено състояние, рождение, сексуална ориентация, идентичност, основана на пола, възраст, здравословно състояние, увреждания, семейно положение, статут на мигрант или бежанец, или на друг статут 2 .
Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (с международным участием) (г. Уфа, 19 декабря 2019 года) Уфа 2019 Сборник материалов ГАЛИ ИБРАГИМОВ-ВИДНЫЙ БАШКИРСКИЙ ПИСАТЕЛЬ ХХ ВЕКА УДК 81'1+811.512.1+39 Редакционная коллегия Кунафин Г.С., доктор филологических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент АН РБ, заведующий кафедрой башкирской литературы, фольклора и культуры (ответственный редактор) Абдуллина Г.Р., доктор филологических наук, профессор, декан факультета башкирской филологии, востоковедения и журналистики БашГУ Гареева Г.Н., доктор филологических наук, профессор Идельбаев М.Х., доктор филологических наук, профессор Мустафина Р.Д., кандидат филологических наук, доцент Мурзагулова З.Г., кандидат филологических наук, доцент Салаватова Ф.Р., кандидат филологических наук, доцент Хужахметов А.О., кандидат филологических наук, зам. декана по научной работе факультета башкирской филологии, востоковедения и журналистики БашГУ Янбаев И.К., кандидат филологических наук, доцент Султанова З.А., лаборант кафедры башкирской литературы, фольклора и культуры ДУХОВНЫЙ МИР НАРОДОВ БАШКОРТОСТАНА И РОССИИ. ГАЛИ ИБРАГИМОВ-ВИДНЫЙ БАШКИРСКИЙ ПИСАТЕЛЬ ХХ ВЕКА: Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (с международным участием).-Уфа: В сборник включены материалы, посвященные творчеству Гали Ибрагимова, а также изучению художественной культуры, литературы, фольклора, языка, журналистики многонациональной России. Сборник материалов конференции адресован научным сотрудникам, преподавателям, молодым ученым, аспирантам, магистрантам, студентам вузов, ссузов и всем тем, кто интересуется проблемами гуманитарных дисциплин.
Годишњак Катедре за српску књижевност са јужнословенским књижевностима за школску 2016/17. годину, година XII
This paper discusses the rhetorics of Serbian medieval literature, the rhetorical heritages of Byzantium and the Antiquity, as well as specific rhetorical figures - topoi, composition, stylistic figures, ekphrasis - that can be identified in the most significant works in the classic rhetorical genres of oration and encomiums. Those are the works of Theodosius of Hilandar, Danilo of Banya, Andonius Raphail, Dimitrii Kantakuzin, and Anonymous of Smederevo. The present paper aims to show the ways in which these works are rhetorically shaped, which patterns they inherit from Byzantine and Antique rhetoric, and in what ways they are employed in the works of Serbian medieval authors.
Srpski jezik, 2022
The paper explores whether and in what way the intuitions of linguists differ from the intuitions of non-linguist native speakers on the example of antonymy. Reliance on speakers’ intuitions in linguistic research is neither new nor uncommon. However, the question of whether the intuitions of non-linguist native speakers should be treated the same as the intuitions of those with formal linguistic education is still open. Previous studies dealing with this topic compared linguist and non-linguist intuitions mainly based on their responses in various syntax tasks, yielding different results in terms of reliability of non-linguist vs. linguist intuitions. In this study, respondents from two samples (16 lexicographers and 81 non-linguist native speakers of Serbian) had the task to replace the underlined adjective in a sentence with its antonym. Twenty-two Serbian adjectives were used in different contexts in stimu-lus-sentences activating their primary, secondary concrete, and secondary abstract meaning. When the results from two samples are compared, it is observed that, in both samples, the number of stated antonyms tends to increase from the primary, through the secondary concrete, to the secondary abstract meaning. Two groups of respondents provided the same dominant antonyms when the adjectives were activated in their primary meaning, and only one different antonym when the adjective was used in secondary concrete meaning. The biggest difference between the samples was found in antonyms given by respondents when the adjective was used in its secondary abstract meaning. The results indicate that, compared to linguists, there is higher agreement in the sample of native speakers on the dominant antonym when the adjective is activated in primary meaning. There is also a tendency of higher agreement on the antonym in the group of native speakers when the adjective is used in secondary abstract and concrete meanings as well, but the difference is not statistically significant. Bearing in mind the obtained results, it can be concluded that, in the field of antonymy, researchers can equally rely both on the intuition of native speakers and that of linguists. Still, further studies on larger samples of both categories of respondents are necessary to complement the findings of the current research. Key words: semantic intuition, lexicographers, linguistically naïve speakers, adjective antonymy, primary and secondary meaning, concrete and abstract meaning, antonymy in context. Циљ рада је да се на примеру антонимије испита да ли се и на који начин интуитивна језичка знања лексикографа разликују од знања изворних говорника, који нису језички стручњаци. Испитаници из два узорка имали су задатак да наведу придев супротног значења у односу на графички истакнут придев у реченици, који је активиран у примарном конкретном, секундарном конкретном и секундарном апстрактном значењу. Резултати показују да се испитаници две групе доследно слажу око тога шта је антоним придева активираног у примарном значењу, док разлике постоје у избору антонима за секундарна значења, при чему адекватнији антоним понекад наводе језички стручњаци, али у неким случајевима и језички лаици. Добијени резултати сугеришу да се при испитивању антонимије истраживачи подједнако могу ослонити на интуицију језичких лаика, као и на интуицију језичких стручњака. Кључне речи: језичка интуиција, лексикографи, изворни говорници, придевска антонимија, примарно и секундарно значење, конкретно и апстрактно значење, антоними у контексту.