Soggetti monetali dall'età post-severiana a Gallieno. Fra tradizione e innovazione, in Mala tempora currunt. La crisi del III secolo attraverso il ripostiglio di Pombia, 2009, pp. 59-77 (original) (raw)

Cultura materiale e monete tra abitati rurali e città: trend di lungo periodo nella Puglia meridionale in età medievale, in G. Volpe (a cura di), Storia e Archeologia globale dei paesaggi rurali in Italia fra Tardoantico e Medioevo, Insulae Diomedeae 34, Edipuglia 2018.

Material culture between town and country: long-term trends in southern Apulia in the Middle Ages This paper examines trends in the development of material cultural used in the Salento. It is based on quantitative and qualitative data, available for some categories of objects between Late Antiquity and the end of the Middle Ages, shedding light on significant developments. Through the analysis of well-stratified archaeological assemblages, it examines the relationship between imports and local products, the long-term dynamics of artefact production and consumption in both rural and urban contexts, and the permeability of local patterns of manufacture and use to foreign influence. With the intention of examining forms of exchange, coin finds from the Salento are briefly examined, permitting some preliminary observations through the quantitative analysis of the data.

Emergenze monetarie a Cirene alla fine del V sec. Le monete di Cirene e della Cirenaica nel Mediterraneo. Problemi e prospettive, Atti del V Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica e Storia Monetaria, Padova 17-19 marzo 2016, Padova 2017, pp.33-41 NUMISMATICA PATAVINA (13)

A tetradrachm of Cyrene, of the second half of the fifth century B C., plated and halved, recently reappeared (2010) in an auction, leads to reflect on the issues, by this mint, of plated coins. Of these tetradrachms other two are known, including one at the Cyrene Archaeological Museum completely scraped off and remained with its base metal core. One possible explanation for this issue can be a time of economic and policy crisis known from a Diodorus passage (XIV, 34 3-5) for the year 401 B C, which has generated an emergency coinage. On that occasion, it can be assumed that even a rare gold coin was issued, whose dies where then used to issue a series of silver coins, perhaps used for the payment of mercenaries and of a fleet as happened, for example, at Eretria.

D.L. MORETTI, M.F.A. CANTATORE, La circolazione del denaro lucchese tra Appennino Tosco-Emiliano e Po: Secoli XI-XII. Un primo bilancio sulla base di fonti scritte e materiali, in M. SOZZI (a cura di), Aspetti di storia della Toscana a attraverso monete e medaglie, Bari 2021, pp. 39-59.

Aspetti di storia della Toscana attraverso monete e medaglie , 2021

ITA: In questo lavoro si cercherà di fornire una prima visione d’insieme sulla circolazione del denaro lucchese a nord dell’Appennino tosco- emiliano sulla base delle analisi di fonti scritte e materiali. Durante l’XI secolo, le varie zecche imperiali iniziarono a coniare monete con contenuto d’intrinseco assai diverso, facendo nascere le cosiddette “aree monetarie”. Analizzando documenti editi, e scavi archeologici noti, si cercherà di fare il punto sulla penetrazione del lucchese in Emilia-Romagna e sulla nascita della grande area monetaria in questa zona geografica. Questo studio, pur se da considerarsi preliminare, rispetto a ricerche più approfondite che i due autori stanno conducendo sull’argomento, si spera possa essere la base per una nuova riflessione su questa tematica, che negli ultimi anni sta riscontrando sempre più interesse tra gli studiosi. ENG: In this work we will try to provide a first overview of the circulation of Lucca coinage north of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines based on the analysis of written and material sources. During the 11th century, the various imperial mints began minting coins with very different intrinsic content, giving rise to the so-called "monetary areas". Analyzing published documents, and known archaeological excavations, we will try to take stock of the penetration of the “lucchese” in Emilia-Romagna and of the birth of the large monetary area of lucchese in this geographical area. This study, although to be considered preliminary, with respect to more in-depth research that the two authors are conducting on the topic, it is hoped it will be the basis for a new reflection on this issue, which in recent years is finding more and more interest among scholars.